new DF27 study and my hypothesis over their expansion


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southern EUROPEAN
A new paper analyzing R1b-DF27 phylogenetic structure just came out in Nature

The main conclussion is it has some 40 branches, 33 of them aren't included in the ISOOG tree, and thus are classified as paragroup DF27*.
All this little branches are 1/3 of the samples and are concentrated in the Western part of the country, coinciding with Celtic Hispania and the Medieval Christian Kingdoms of Galicia and Asturias/Leon.
They're also common in the south.

But this heterogeneity doesn't apply in Catalonia and in the Basque country, which have a dominating branch each, L176.2 and Z220 respectively.
Moreover, they both descend from the same root clade(Z195).

This contrasts with the main point of this article, which is arguing that a lot of men were able to leave descendants(40 branches as I said).
But NE Spain was pretty much occupied by only 1 of those branches(Z195). My hypothesis for why this happen is:
Z195 clan(or clans) managed to take control of that area inmediately after DF27 was born in that part of the country, and force the others to disproportionately relocate to Western areas(and to a lesser extent southern).
The few ancient samples that can have their subclades clarificed, are Z195 from the Eastern part of the country(Valencia and Catalonia).

Lastly, Z195 seems to have spread 1st to Catalonia, then to the Basque country. This concords with Catalonians being the most European of the Spaniards, and Basques more secluded from the outside world.

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