ohayo otaku:)
i was thinking to myself today, after a long discussion about the psychology behind mainstream media, its efffects on the public, human behavioral interaction, social conditioning, and the general state of the lack of a cultural identity due to mass-integration with numerous races, and a political and capitolistic standpoint economically, has america become the new roman empire? enforcing its will upon the world? subjecting it in suble ways through the quagmire of political and international policy? look at our culture. the country was founded on prodestant beliefs, whitch integrated itself into a vast majority of american homes. but in the last few decades, id say its safe to say that america has been on a steady decline in moral values, especially displayed through the media. sex is everywhere, violence is everywhere, crime is everywhere, and in some ways, glorified. even homosexuality and bi-sexuality are commonplace, as they were in anchient rome. i do not think that there is anything wrong with homosexuality or bi-sexuality, rather, the idea that they are wrong came from the roman catholic church, whoes ideals still cling to modern civilization. my question is, until we colonize space, the groundhogs will continue to battle it out over chunks of earth, squabbling to gain power. the roman empire lasted for nearly a mellenia. the united states as a functioning, modern civilization has only been around for about 300 yrs. recently, a democrat from the north east kingdom (maybe vermont or new hampshire), was bashed in a senate meeting for implying that america will not always be "the" world superpower. this made me think of rome. so, have we become the new roman empire? are we slipping into debauchery, and if so, if america were to fall eventually as everything does in history, i pose one question, who would you rather control the world?