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The earliest date I've seen for Los Millares is about 3200 BC, so that's about a one hundred year difference from the date of this particular sample (latest date of 3362BC). However, the date from the paper is calibrated, I don't know about the general Los Millares date. I'll have to check.
The authors didn't publish a y dna clade for ATP3, probably because it's so low coverage, so all we have is that one call by Genetiker.
In terms of Neolithic people we seem to have found the blue eyed genes in Central Europe so far, yes? Interesting that they have the 24A5 but only a bit of the 42A5 in terms of pigmentation. Oetzi had both. What about Remedello? Do we know?
P.S. The authors do make it clear these are pre-Beaker.
I see Genetiker link for that presumed R1b individual: he has many calls on multiple haplogroups! How is possible? I see Haplogroup Q, haplogroup E, haplogroup R... Perhaps Gemetiker hopped to hurry conclusions...
The authors give only two Y-DNA results.