Expatica : Police brought in as teachers lose control at Berlin school
It seems that serious violence problems with people of Muslim backgrounds are not unique to French, Belgian or Dutch societies. Such problems happen anywhere in Europe where high concentrations of Muslims (esp. Arabic) are to be found.
Expatica said:Violence at a Berlin school dominated by Arab and Turkish youths and the nearby slaying of police officer, shot in the head while trying to arrest muggers, has fuelled alarm that troubled parts of the German capital are lurching out of control.
Police have now been brought in to help control the situation at the Ruetli school in the immigrant-dominated Neukoelln district, with six officers checking students for weapons.
Teachers at the school published a letter this week widely interpreted as saying conditions at their school had become so bad that it should be closed down.
The letter said teachers had lost all authority and were now so afraid that they only entered classrooms with a mobile phone so they could call for help in an emergency.
Teachers complain that over 83 per cent of the 224 children attending the school are foreigners. The biggest group, 35 per cent, are Arab children mainly from Lebanon and the Palestinian territories.
A problem in German schools is that especially Arab male students often refuse to respect the authority of women teachers, education sources told Deutsche Presse-Agentur.
Integration of foreign youths in Berlin is often poor. Even second and third generation children frequently do not speak fluent German and many fail to complete school - all of which leads to a high jobless rate among immigrant youths.
It seems that serious violence problems with people of Muslim backgrounds are not unique to French, Belgian or Dutch societies. Such problems happen anywhere in Europe where high concentrations of Muslims (esp. Arabic) are to be found.