Immigration Arabic and Turkish immigrants bring terror to Berlin district


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Expatica : Police brought in as teachers lose control at Berlin school

Expatica said:
Violence at a Berlin school dominated by Arab and Turkish youths and the nearby slaying of police officer, shot in the head while trying to arrest muggers, has fuelled alarm that troubled parts of the German capital are lurching out of control.

Police have now been brought in to help control the situation at the Ruetli school in the immigrant-dominated Neukoelln district, with six officers checking students for weapons.

Teachers at the school published a letter this week widely interpreted as saying conditions at their school had become so bad that it should be closed down.

The letter said teachers had lost all authority and were now so afraid that they only entered classrooms with a mobile phone so they could call for help in an emergency.
Teachers complain that over 83 per cent of the 224 children attending the school are foreigners. The biggest group, 35 per cent, are Arab children mainly from Lebanon and the Palestinian territories.
A problem in German schools is that especially Arab male students often refuse to respect the authority of women teachers, education sources told Deutsche Presse-Agentur.
Integration of foreign youths in Berlin is often poor. Even second and third generation children frequently do not speak fluent German and many fail to complete school - all of which leads to a high jobless rate among immigrant youths.

It seems that serious violence problems with people of Muslim backgrounds are not unique to French, Belgian or Dutch societies. Such problems happen anywhere in Europe where high concentrations of Muslims (esp. Arabic) are to be found.
Maciamo said:
It seems that expatica has quite some anti-Muslim bias.

Such problems happen anywhere in Europe where high concentrations of Muslims (esp. Arabic) are to be found.
Crap. In Berlin-Neukölln it's not the Muslim concentration, but the high un-employment rate of around 40%. The German kids there are just as bad as the immigrants. The problem is also largely related to the social level. 500 m from this particular Hauptschule there is a Gymnasium with a similar rate of immigrants, yet no such problems.

Expatica said:
has fuelled alarm that troubled parts of the German capital are lurching out of control.
Yep, the usual panic attack when some crappy media found a good headline.

Police have now been brought in to help control the situation at the Ruetli school in the immigrant-dominated Neukoelln district, with six officers checking students for weapons.
& police has left again after a few hours. As usual, the whole issue has been blown out of proportion. As it turned out, there was no weapons problem, after all.

Teachers at the school published a letter this week widely interpreted as saying conditions at their school had become so bad that it should be closed down.
Interpreted? By whom? It's not in the letter, at least. What they want is that their school should be transformed away from being a Hauptschule. Some journalists really need to learn a whole new ability: reading.

The letter said teachers had lost all authority and were now so afraid that they only entered classrooms with a mobile phone so they could call for help in an emergency.
"...only entered some classrooms..." it said in the original article. Anyway, the loss of authority is largely due to the teachers themselves.

Teachers complain that over 83 per cent of the 224 children attending the school are foreigners.
Nope, they mentioned it, they complained that they didn't get money to employ social workers or teachers with the same cultural backgrounds.
Lack of teachers in general is a major problem, esp. in Hauptschulen.

A problem in German schools is that especially Arab male students often refuse to respect the authority of women teachers, education sources told Deutsche Presse-Agentur.
A problem in German schools is the lack of teachers. A particular problem in Hauptschulen all over Germany is a lack of teacher motivation & authority, regardless of the presence of "Arab male students."

Integration of foreign youths in Berlin is often poor. Even second and third generation children frequently do not speak fluent German and many fail to complete school - all of which leads to a high jobless rate among immigrant youths.
There is a high jobless rate among Hauptschul-graduates in general.

Lack of integration is particularly a problem in Berlin & some other bigger cities where they obviously lack the money (or will) to offer integration courses on Kindergarten-level. A lot of immigrants' kids fail in the 1st language proficiency test before they're supposed to enter school. Efforts are under way to improve the situation (eg. also by offering language courses to parents), but lack of money is still a major problem.

"Welchen Sinn macht es, dass in einer Schule alle Schüler/innen gesammelt werden, die weder von den Eltern noch von der Wirtschaft Perspektiven aufgezeigt bekommen, um ihr Leben sinnvoll gestalten zu können."
"What sense does it make to concentrate in one school all those pupils who aren't given any perspectives [that's what Hauptschulen are used for] to shape meaningful lives, neither by their parents nor by economy."
...from the letter in question.
Although Muslims in Germany are suffering for a variety of reasons, I do believe they ought to make an effort too. German AND Turkish hostility has make the dividing line thicker, and driven German Turks into more conservative politics, like Islamism. German Turks are my least favourite Turks as they are not real representatives of my country - they are FAR more religious, FAR more pious and FAR more extremist that real Turks. I don't go by posts like these, but they also don't surprise me.

Sometimes I think, if only we had never converted to would have saved us so much hassle.
Hi Duman,
The older I get the more I realize that religions are often the reason of conflicts and even wars, and that while so many of us believe that there is someone, something far above us all.
Duman, when exactly was Turkey concerted to the Islam?
Duman said:
German Turks [...] are FAR more religious, FAR more pious and FAR more extremist that real Turks.
Yes & no. True, that there is quite a number of religious extremists here, simply for Germany being less rigid in its approach towards them. Yet, the majority of Turks here are rather well adapted. I don't have any statistics at hand, but solely judging from the girls wearing headscarves, the amount of fundamentalists is rather low. Maybe one out of 10 girls wears a headscarf.

There seems some kind of islamic revival going on among German-Turkish youth, but this doesn't seem to be fundamentalist in its values.
Duman said:
German Turks are my least favourite Turks as they are not real representatives of my country - they are FAR more religious, FAR more pious and FAR more extremist that real Turks.

Isn't that what typically happens with people who leave their country and somehow lose touch with their original culture ? Look at the USA... much more religious than Europe. I suppose that many immigrants use religion as a benchmark before adapting to the local culture or society. But when that culture changes in their country of origin (e.g. lower religiosity in most of Europe and Turkey), the emigrants continue to perpetuate the old culture virtually unchanged. That is why the USA has remained much more conservative and religious than Europe over time (although it was rather more liberal and progressive than Europe until the early 20th century).