Attention US voters....

Great website. I visited that before. Just to let you know, everyone, I'm "wasting" my vote, and voting Green. Green is good. (even though the Democratic Donkeys will kick Dubya out of D.C. [alliteration intended] :-)
I'll move you to "Serious Talk"
Keeni84 said:
OH NO! Don't go Green! That's what messed it up the last election!

Hahaha, oh well, it's cool. :)

Mind you that Nader is running as an independent, and whether or not Nader ends up on the ballot, the Democrats will still win the election anyway, because a huge majority of people are fed up with Bush, save those in the Bible belt and other rich, Conservative regions.

I'm voting Green, though. I like their platform. Here's a good Green Party website:

Green Party of California
Bush deserves to go, but I think it will be very difficult for the Dems to get their man, a Northeast liberal establishment guy with the most liberal voting record in the Senate, into the Whitehouse. I wouldn't give Kerry more than a 1 in 4 chance at this point.
Bush's Side May Not Make A Lot Of Noise, But...

they have a tremendous ammount of money and power behind them. And I picture him pulling a rabit out of the hat in Nov. , like "Here's Bin Ladin" or something else to make him popular just before the vote. He' a crafty ol devil.

Eh, wouldn't doubt it Frank-San. :p

What the democrats need to do is get, I think it was Edwards?, as their nominee. Even (some) rebulican voters will vote for him over Bush, (hey, I asked! :cool:.) If Kerry wins, :relief: I don't really think there is much of a chance the democrats can pull it off. (Of course, this is just pure conjecture on my part! :note:.)
Zuper Tuezday...not zo zuper.

Well, to update, it looks like Kerry will win the nomination. (He's already taken California too...and Camejo will win the Green nomination, yeah!) If John Edwards becomes his running mate, that will definitely help Kerry's situation in the South, because, according to some experts, Kerry needs to get a foothold in the South (and Florida, no less!) to have a shot at beating Bush. Kerry doesn't want to be in the same spot Bob Dole was against Clinton. But then again, Kerry is no Dole.
I have the DVD of those videos. Some of those are very good. :cool:

a Northeast liberal establishment guy with the most liberal voting record in the Senate

Sounds like good news to me if we do get him in office. I want to see a Liberal in the White House. Just to point out, most of the Democrats aren't even Liberals. If Kerry is a Liberal that is great.
vote for communist party that's a good waste of a vote
> the Democrats will still win the election anyway, because a huge majority of people are fed up with Bush,
> save those in the Bible belt and other rich, Conservative regions.

This is not a safe assumption. There has been no indication anywhere yet that a "huge majority" of American voters are going to vote against Bush. So if it's important to you to get Bush out, you need to vote for Kerry. (Unless you're in a state that is clearly going to vote one way or the other.)
I hope Bush will lose... But I think he will survive this election.