Bill Maher's the party of Putin


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I'm not an American, so maybe it's not my place to say any of this, but this is wrong

I don't know, should the average person feel guilt that his country doesn't include "Black" or "Brown" people, that it's not diverse ? like its racist for your country for the majority to be of one ethnicity, or to be white, the feeling felt forced in this episode.

Racism is bad, to discriminate against other human beings just because you don't like how they look is one of the worst evils.

but that doesn't mean we have to shame white (or any other ethnicity) majority countries for not having a diverse population, that doesn't make you racist, immigration has its causes, there is no good or evil when it happens, and there is no good or evil when it doesn't, it's just it, your country is not racist just because it's not diverse.

This episode just makes more people racist, it doesn't help.
the image at 4:03 are not Syrians, they're South Asians.
I'm not the person to ask, because I think Bill Maher is the devil incarnate. That's only a slight exaggeration. :)

He thinks he's brilliant when actually he has the logical thinking skills of a pre-pubescent. I absolutely loathe him.

One of the things wrong with America today is that people get their news through the filtered lens of leftist comedians. That's almost as bad as getting it from a pretty actor.

If I were a spy and captured, my enemies could forget the waterboarding: just force me to listen to his broadcasts. I'd tell them everything they wanted to know in five minutes.

As to the specific point in question, if that's what he's saying, you're completely correct imo. He makes no sense, as usual.

Ed. I couldn't actually force myself to watch it. If the point is that there's a lot of racism in Russia, he would be absolutely correct, but to correlate that with Trump's "world" is absurd. Do we have to point out yet again that Trump now has an Orthodox Jewish daughter and grandchildren?
this guy isn't interested in the truth
he's interested in entertaining a public with a certain biass

and in doing so, he's strengthening the biass
they say some people visit the social media selectively to confirm the biasses they have
well, some other peope simply listen to this guy - and so many other guys out there on American TV

it is the same confirmation of biasses that make prejudices and turn certain people into racists
I did listen to the whole thing because I like to hear all sides of an opinion, but imo, he made no sense, just rambled on trying to connect a bunch of dots that just don't make sense. I agree with both Angela and Bicicleur