Breakdown of R1b subclades by French region

Nah, R1B-DF27 is more like an Ibero-Gaulish clade now, and very important among Celts.

In fact, recent studies about Iron Age Gauls also showed that R1B-DF27 was dominant among them.
Interestingly, R1b-D27 ins not very common in Northern Italy, the former Cisalpine Gaul.
Interestingly, R1b-D27 ins not very common in Northern Italy, the former Cisalpine Gaul.
Indeed. If I am not mistaken, the main study about it was published in April of 2022, but it was focused on the origin and mobility of Gauls in France, and that clade (DF27) was dominant in French Gaul. I don't know why French Gauls differ from Italian ones in that respect tbh 🤔

If I'm not mistaken, some Gaulish tribes migrated to Cisalpine Gaul in the 6th century. The reason for it may be that Cisalpine Gaul is only culturally galicized. It wouldn't be the first time, especially among Celts (in Ireland, for example).
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