Bronze and Iron Age mtDNA from Romania


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Ethnic group
Y-DNA haplogroup
mtDNA haplogroup
Our genetic study was focused on old human populations from the Bronze and Iron Ages from Romania in order to analysed their genetic variation and their genetic kinship al mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA)level with today´s Romanian populations and other modern European populations.
The ancient DNA(aDNA)was extracted from skeletal remains of 50 individuals from the Bronze and Iron Age by a phenol-chloroform DNA extraction method.MtDNA HVR I and HVR II regions were amplified by PCR and sequenced by the dideoxy chain terminator method.The aDNA data were analysed in comparison with corresponding mtDNA data of modern Romanian people and other 11 European populations.The ancient mtDNA haplotypes were framed into 12 haplogroups. The most frequent mtDNA haplotype identified in the old individual sample from Romania was the CRS-like, and the most frequent haplogroup was H. Significant differences in haplogroup frequencies between the old people and modern Romanians were found. Low values of internal standard genetic diversity indices suggested reduced genetic variability within old human populations from the Bronze and Iron Age from Romania, in contrast to all modern European populations and also modern Romanians, which showed higher mitochondrial haplogroup diversity values. This fact might be the result of social and cultural local organization in small tribes, partially reproductively isolated. Concerning the genetic relationships at mitochondrial level, old human populations from Romania have shown closer genetic relationship to Turks of Thracian origin,while modern Romanians were closer to modern Bulgarian, Italian, Greek and Spanish populations.

What do they mean by Turks? Old Anatolia or Turkish (central Asia at the time)?
old human populations from Romania have shown closer genetic relationship to Turks of Thracian origin
This sentense is confusion. If they say "old human population", and they mentioned they had tested Bronze and Iron Age, then why they mentioned Turks? Turks showed up in Europe fairly recently, around 1000AD.

I think the strongest mtDNA, or autosomal connection is through spread of agriculture. I believe there was a big population movement from Fertile Crescent, to Anatolia then to Balkans. One of the biggest and earliest farmers culture in Europe was Cucuteni-Trypillia.
Again, it would have nothing to do with Turks.
Thracian Turks look different both physically and culturally from the local indigenous populations in Anatolia who are not from Turkic origins and speaking very much similar accent with the Moldovan Turks.
the Balkanic Turkic, Turkish, and para Turk populations are mainly

1) Kumans Turkic from Central Europe
settled mostly in Fyrom Romania Serbia Albania

2) Bulgars they were Turkic speaking from Ucraine-south Russia (bal-gur) but they got Slavicised since their Allies Severi were mostly Slavic Speaking (Severi settled Sofia Plovdiv, Bulgars setlled Ruce, Veliko Turnovo and Dobrica)

3) Turks of Adrianoupolis-Edirne they are considered as minor-Asian population mixed with real Turkish origin people, they mostly went to Con/polis-Istanbul after 1450 or spread cause they were the Elite of Turks since they had the first Turkish schools in Edirne

4) the Gagavuz are considered to be mainly minor asian population who accepted to change language and not religion and devastate to east parts of Black sea and Greece, non Turk origin Turkish speaking population. there is also a claim of being proto-Bulgars although Historically their history fits with South parts of minor Asia

5) Pomaks -Gorani Torbesh , there is a lot of effort and pressure after Turks to input them a Turkish Identity and a lot of money are spend,
they are mostly ancient Thracian or Slavic, para-Slavic,
they accepted Islam but until today parts of them resist the Turkish origin identity
poor mountain tribes were sometimes the only law is the law of Curan and some tribal laws

6) there are some claims about inner Croats or some Serbs or Bosnians since among Avars there was an elite tribe with the sound name hrpt,
I heard and I check it,
I can certify about the avar tribe hrpt but I can not certify more than this

7) Bardarians there was a Turkic tribe non Kumanic that had some Avar relation that was settled around Skopje by Byzantine chronicles, no left mark about who they are today, or if they devastate or migrate, or assimilated by who etc
The full study has already been published in Romanian.

Here is the frequencies table:

