Bush-bashing demonstration in New York


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BBC News : NY protests as Republicans gather

BBC News : 'Anybody but Bush,' cry NY marchers


Hundreds of thousands have rallied in New York against President Bush, as members of his Republican Party gather for their national convention.
Speakers on the first day of the convention will include the former mayor of New York, Rudolph Giuliani, and Senator John McCain.
Sunday's march, which went past the Madison Square Garden convention site, was led by activists including filmmaker Michael Moore and former presidential hopeful Jesse Jackson.
The Republican convention is being held just a short distance from the site of the World Trade Center, which was destroyed in the 11 September 2001 attacks - and just a few days before the third anniversary of those attacks.

The date marked the beginning of what the Bush administration calls its war on terror, and the president has made this a centrepiece of his re-election campaign.


We may wonder if the word "bushbashing" will appear in dictionaries. People could now ask each other : "do you practice bushbashing in your free time ?"
Thanks for posting this! This is definitely the important news!! It was scary that Bush & Co. almost succeeded in banning certain groups and protests in New York at the RNC. Thankfully, they weren't successful, and now the world can see that there are many, many people in the U.S. who do not--and never have--approve of the present administration.

Maciamo said:
We may wonder if the word "bushbashing" will appear in dictionaries. People could now ask each other : "do you practice bushbashing in your free time ?"

And my answer would be, "You bet!! Every chance I get!" :p

Quote from the article:

The date marked the beginning of what the Bush administration calls its war on terror, and the president has made this a centrepiece of his re-election campaign.

Oh please!! :rolleyes: War on terror? He and his administration ARE a terror all their own, not just to America but to the entire world!! :eek2:

I just hope we can get him out of office when we vote in November -- especially since we never voted him into office in the first place!! :eek:
<----shakes head

First off, the protesters that showed up so far are much more less in numbers than expected. There are also Pro Bush protesters yelling back at the protesters in large numbers. I know, I was one of them. Of course such a partison media outlet such as the bbc should of mentioned that.......Bwwwwaaaahhhhhhhhh

Second, these protest takes a lot of money to organize. You know who foots the bill? The worlds labor party aka Communist with ties and supoort from kosanto, north korea and other anti american organizations.
The Rebublican convention in 1968 was swambed by these protesters and it did nothing but fuel the fire to Elect Richard Nixon.

Third, Go out and ask these protesters what their stance is and why are they protesting. They don't know. There was a website of guys interviewing anti war protesters and it was comedy. I'll try to find it.

Face it Folks, the Democrat party isn't the party of Roosevelt anymore. Is so far of to the left its scary.
Bush will win, I have no dout about it.

Also, when I ask people why they hate Bush and are voting Kerry they say
"Bush took us to war in Iraq" Guess what? The Clinton administration approved use of force to dethrown Saddam. Kerry said the same and voted on the war.
This one always cracks me up "Bush is taking away our liberties by enacting the Patriot Act. Guess what? One person in the U.S Senate voted AGAINST the Patriot Act. John Kerry and John Edwards voted for it.

The left is so filled with misinformation, apparent spins, flip flopping the issues and their ONLY platform is "We hate BUSH"

Why can't the hippies move to Canada ;( I wish is was legal to curb em!
I read the article in The New York Times, too.
Personally, protest never seemed as a civilized act to me. There always seems to be a tention among the people who gather to shout for peace which doesn't make much sense to me.
They don't care for peace. If that was the case they would of been marching against the genicide in Sudan, against Kim Jong. Where were these protesters while Clinton went killing christain Serbs (whom were our great allies in ww2) for al qaida backed moslems based on a fictionous documentary?
I guess you can't you can't bite the hands that feed you.

I guess I hit a nerve and the cat must have the tongues of those who disagree with me because the only way they can voice their opinion is by giving neg feedback and leaving an anon. "bullshit"

You sure showed me.

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kochisho said:
There are also Pro Bush protesters yelling back at the protesters in large numbers. I know, I was one of them. Of course such a partison media outlet such as the bbc should of mentioned that..
Surprise! They mentioned it, you should inform yourself before you judge!

Second, these protest takes a lot of money to organize. You know who foots the bill? The worlds labor party aka Communist with ties and supoort from kosanto, north korea and other anti american organizations.
Any evidence?

The left is so filled with misinformation
Sounds like you're part of the left...

kochisho said:
They don't care for peace. If that was the case they would of been marching against the genicide in Sudan, against Kim Jong.
Like you did, instead of shouting pro-Bush slogans at them?

Where were these protesters while Clinton went killing christain Serbs (whom were our great allies in ww2) for al qaida backed moslems based on a fictionous documentary?
Showing again that you're part of the left? :D
The Unofficial WW Votes for the U.S. Presidency ...

Take a look at this world wide poll... This is how other nationalities (other than American) would vote for Bush/Kerry given the chance.


Yes, it's possible to vote more times from the same computer and to lie about ones nationality. Still, I find the results very interesting!

bossel said:
Surprise! They mentioned it, you should inform yourself before you judge!

I didn''t even bother reading. Why should I waste my time reading that crap when they publish stuff like this.

bossel said:
Any evidence?



I can find more but why should I do all your homework.

bossel said:
Sounds like you're part of the left...

Not at all. you didn't prove me wrong. you asked for evidence I gave it to you. Do a little reading of anto war protest in the unites states in ww1 and ww2. these are the same types of people protesting. thank God there were men like Churchill that did what was right rather what is popular.

bossel said:
Like you did, instead of shouting pro-Bush slogans at them?
**** them. they block traffic, are filled with anarchist. these are the type of people others and I got hard on's to beat down. I didn't plan on it. i followed the crowd because i could get my car off the block due to these protesters.
But we have free speech in this Country. No one goes to jail for talking about the nazi party like your Country [/quote]

bossel said:
Showing again that you're part of the left? :D

no, you do that fine for the whole board.
A little more on this subject ...

Monday, August 30th, 2004
The Battle for New York: 500,000 March Against Bush in Historic Antiwar Protest


Monday, August 30th, 2004
Antiwar Voices Address March: Michael Moore, Jesse Jackson, Fernando Suarez, Charles Barron and More


Monday, August 30th, 2004
Activists Face 25 Years for Hanging Anti-Bush Banner At Plaza Hotel


Monday, August 30th, 2004
Crackdown: 400 Arrests as NYPD Unveil New Policing Tactics & Surveillance Methods


kochisho said:

It seems that you and these media can't even make the difference between socialist and communist, although the difference is the same as between liberal and nationalist (or even nazi). FYI, the socilalist parties (or left-wing) are in favour of a government with high social-security, like free (or almost free) health-care, schooling, etc. Most European countries are nowadays governed by socialist parties, including the UK (Tony Blair's Labour Party), but except France, Belgium and Italy, which were the main opponenents to Bush's War in Iraq. So you could say, that the so-called Socialist and Labour include many of America's staunchest allies (like the UK).

Incidentally, the Democratic party is also a center-left party close to the socialist and labour parties of Western Europe. Actually US party names as almost as confusing as Japanese ones (LDP liberal and democratic ? :okashii: ). They should be renamed Socialist (=Democats) and nationalist (=Republicans) parties. This form of polarisation is slowly becoming more like 1930's Spain (before the civil war between extreme-right and left) or China after WWII (civil war between nationalist KMT and Communists). The only difference is that the Democartic Party is the US is not extreme left, but a very moderate center-left. The Republican Party has now long turned to extreme-right.

As for Communists, the only really communist country in the world nowadays is North Korea, although nominally China, Vietnam and Cuba are still governed by a one-party communist system (but China is now one of the most fiercely capitalist nation in the world).

The article also mentioned Green activists. What do they have to do with communism ? What does protecting the environment and pacifism have to do with the struggle of classes and one-party totalitarianism (which tends to like nuclear power and heavy industries, taking little care of the environment) ?
Something that strikes me as upsetting about politics, and protestors/activists.

So many are controlled by their passions, it leads to so many couner-productive conflicts.

To echo Maciamo, this thread, or at least, some of the confrontation in it *with undertones of insults, and moral attacks* remind me of many a civil war precursors.

When going to the polls, I personally think its a good idea to seperate the self from the ideal of a group, and vote based on the concept of 'the better man'. Now, whatever determines that for the voter, is up to the voter. Nice that the voter still has the freedom to decide for themself, regardless of political fractions.
kochisho said:
I didn''t even bother reading. Why should I waste my time reading that crap when they publish stuff like this.
Don't see what that's supposed to prove.
You said they should have mentioned, when they actually mentioned it. If you don't even know what they wrote, why?

Maybe you didn't notice, but this stuff is old: the one from Feb. 2003 about some London protest, the other from 2000.
Where is any evidence in there that eg. NK supports the recent (or any) protests?
That socialist organizations are involved in such demos is no news, but where is the evidence for NK involvement? BTW, what is this konsanto you mentioned?
& "the worlds labor party"? What is that supposed to mean: "the world's labor party" or "the world labor party" or something else?

How would socialist involvement change anything?

Not at all. you didn't prove me wrong. you asked for evidence I gave it to you.
I don't think, I need to prove you wrong. You're doing your homework very well. Your evidence is pretty useless.

**** them. they block traffic, are filled with anarchist. these are the type of people others and I got hard on's to beat down. I didn't plan on it. i followed the crowd because i could get my car off the block due to these protesters.
When you write "There are also Pro Bush protesters yelling back at the protesters in large numbers. I know, I was one of them.", then it pretty much sounds like you was part of an organized crowd. Or else, why would you say the BBC should have mentioned this? I doubt, that some pissed car drivers shouting abuse at a huge demonstration are big news.

But we have free speech in this Country. No one goes to jail for talking about the nazi party like your Country
"Filled with misinformation" as you would call it, are you?
You can talk about the NSDAP as much as you want in Germany. What you might go to jail for is racist propaganda & such, but not easily, usually what you did must have been pretty heavy stuff. & we have pretty good laws protecting the innocent.

no, you do that fine for the whole board.
again: "Filled with misinformation" as you would call it, are you?
I don't speak for the "whole board", but only for myself.
kochisho said:
They don't care for peace. If that was the case they would of been marching against the genicide in Sudan, against Kim Jong.

Why would they be protesting the war in Sudan? I doubt there were many Sudanese in the crowd. On the contrary, they were AMERICANS protesting an AMERICAN war led by an AMERICAN president. The Americans have nothing to do with what is happening in Sudan (so far as I know), but a hell of a lot to do with the disaster that is unfolding in Iraq. Makes perfect sense to me that they would be protesting the crap Bush has led them into in Iraq.

kochisho said:
Where were these protesters while Clinton went killing christain Serbs (whom were our great allies in ww2)

Don't even compare the two. For one thing, people did protest the Kosovo war too. Secondly, the two are so absurdly out of proportion in scale as to make a comparison like this meaningless. In Kosovo a total of 2 US servicemen were killed, in Iraq the total (so far) is 969 killed and over 7,000 wounded. The number of Iraqis killed numbers well over 10,000, whereas in Kosovo the number of Serbs killed was in the hundreds. The financial costs of Iraq are ballooning out of control, about 200 billion dollars so far with more to come in the future. Plus the price of oil has shot up as a direct result of this idiotic war, which will have huge consequences for the global economy in coming years (all of them bad). Then there is of course the fact that the entire justification for this war has been proven to be a pack of lies, which has cost the US dearly.
So, protestors are know-nothing commies, huh? Hmmmm. :okashii:

Likely, they were people who don't like the direction the country has gone in since Bush took office and took the time to voice their disapproval in the main way Americans have done since 1776 (and possibly before).

I'm glad that the protests showed the rest of the world that many Americans have been very unhappy with America's actions over the past four years.

It means a lot to me when Kerry says that he intends to get back America's respectablity in the eyes of the world and repair our damaged relations with our international aliies. Bush has been The Great Divider. Kerry seems to have the right mentality to bring the world closer together.
I can't find all the URL's about the labor party (socialist) and workers (communist) funding the anti war movement. Its end of August and I'm busy doing my books. This proves one thing however. You guys only hear one side of the story and are sheep in a herd. I am not democrat or Republican. I voted for Ross Perots twice for President. I follow no sheppard but the Lord and make up my own mind on the issues.

I ask why no one protests the Sudan genicide, Human rights in China and N Korea around the world, not just in America. No real answer speaks tells you its special interests that create this mass protests.

If you want to hear both sides instead of being a sheep. Read the transcript of John McCains speech tonight. He said it all.

About Kosovo, the muslims been killing Serbs for years. They allied themselves with Hitler and fought against the allied forces. Kosovo was serb land stolen by the muslims. There were some war crimes being commited but helping al qaida' backed muslims fighters against the Serbs was totally wrong. I have to do my books now but I'll try to find you the story on the internet on how Tony Blair seen a B.S documentary on genicide by Serbs that caused him to call Clinton and get involved.

One question for the Americans that will be voting against Bush. Tell me, who are you voting for and why?

Gotta go, at this rate I'll be finished by 6am. I need a good accountant

Brooker said:
So, protestors are know-nothing commies, huh? Hmmmm. :okashii:

Likely, they were people who don't like the direction the country has gone in since Bush took office and took the time to voice their disapproval in the main way Americans have done since 1776 (and possibly before).

I'm glad that the protests showed the rest of the world that many Americans have been very unhappy with America's actions over the past four years.

It means a lot to me when Kerry says that he intends to get back America's respectablity in the eyes of the world and repair our damaged relations with our international aliies. Bush has been The Great Divider. Kerry seems to have the right mentality to bring the world closer together.

Bullshit. Read what McCain said tonight. We never compromised are allience with our friends like the way Germany and France did to us. Thats disgraceful. Japan did the right thing and stood with their friend. Along with Koream Poland, Dennmark, U.K, Australia, Italy and others. France and Germany think THEY are Europe. They aren't. Our military bases generate the ecomony near U.S bases in Germany. Well, we are going Hans, to Poland were we are wanted. With friends like those 2 Countries you don't need enemies.
I think Germany, France, Canada were very brave for not yielding to the power of America, but rather standing up against what they know is wrong. Most of the countries that supported America did so out of fear of what would happen if they didn't. Japan supported America during the war because Japan is afraid to go against U.S. policy because Japan wants U.S. support against N. Korea.

I support Kerry for the following reasons....

1) Kerry will make much wiser decisions than Bush in dealing with the situation in Iraq. I think Kerry would try to stabilize the country and then completely return control of Iraq to the Iraqi people. Occupying such an unstable area will haunt us forever. Bush may never completely leave Iraq because he'll never want to release that power.

2) Kerry focuses on the well-being of all Americans, rather than just the rich ones, and therefore is more responsible. He cares about health care, education, social services, creating jobs, etc and intends to boost such things. With Bush, the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. Kerry wants more of a balance.

3) Kerry is intelligent and rational and I trust him to make wiser decisions than Bush. Decisions that will benefit all of the world.

4) Kerry wants to protect the environment. Bush wants to destroy it for profit.

5) Kerry will reduce our dependance on oil so we won't have to deal with regions like the Middle East to get the resources we need. Bush will maintain our dependance on oil because he profits from it.

6) Kerry is strong and will defend America, but he won't go off half cocked in an irrational way.

7) I think Kerry has the capability to make the world more peaceful and the country more prosperous.

It's seems the only thing Bush supporters like about him is that he doesn't change his mind. But changing your mind is a good thing when you've been wrong all along.
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You guys only hear one side of the story and are sheep in a herd. I am not democrat or Republican. I voted for Ross Perots twice for President. I follow no sheppard but the Lord and make up my own mind on the issues.

Aside from calling everyone here sheep, I take it you meant you are some sort of Judeo-Christian from the last comment? If that's true, the irony is painfully funny.
kochisho wrote....
I follow no sheppard but the Lord and make up my own mind on the issues.

Or maybe you use a thousand year old book of fairy tales to make up your mind for you. :D

"The Separation of Church and State" helped to make this country free. Bush talks about his "faith" (a.ka. closed-mindedness) so often you'd think he was running for Pope.
And people talk about Kerry "flip-flopping" ... Take a look at Dubya's "flip-flop" record:

President Bush: Flip-Flopper-in-Chief:



Also ...

Claim vs. Fact:

The Center for American Progress has launched this new database project to chart conservatives' dishonesty ? and compare it with the truth. In this database, each conservative quote will be matched against well-documented facts, so that users can get a more accurate picture of the issues.


kochisho said:
I ask why no one protests the Sudan genicide, Human rights in China and N Korea around the world, not just in America. No real answer speaks tells you its special interests that create this mass protests.

Just because you can't be bothered to read about them doesn't mean that protests against those things don't happen. People protest against human rights abuses in China and North Korea all the time. They can't do so in their own country because they'll get thrown in jail or worse, but in neighboring countries including Japan demonstrations are held quite often.

kochisho said:
About Kosovo, the muslims been killing Serbs for years. They allied themselves with Hitler and fought against the allied forces. Kosovo was serb land stolen by the muslims. There were some war crimes being commited but helping al qaida' backed muslims fighters against the Serbs was totally wrong. I have to do my books now but I'll try to find you the story on the internet on how Tony Blair seen a B.S documentary on genicide by Serbs that caused him to call Clinton and get involved.

I'm not saying that Clinton was right to attack Serbia, it was a stupid and costly war as well. But in scale there is no comparison to what Bush has blundered into in Iraq.

kochisho said:
Bullshit. Read what McCain said tonight. We never compromised are allience with our friends like the way Germany and France did to us. Thats disgraceful.

No, what you wrote is bullshit. On the China/Japan thread you were whaling about the importance of public opinion, but here you are slamming France and Germany for acting in accordance with the wishes of the vast majorities of their populations. How is it that what France and Germany did is disgraceful? They are the ones that have been proven right, you know. If the Bush administration had followed their advice in March of last year then maybe the US wouldn't have launched this costly and pointless war and the US military wouldn't be bogged down fighting a war it can't win right now. They were good allies. They saw that their American ally was about to do something foolish and advised them against it, but the pig-headed Bush administration just told them to screw off. Now THAT is disgraceful.

kochisho said:
Japan did the right thing and stood with their friend. Along with Koream Poland, Dennmark, U.K, Australia, Italy and others.

Those governments caved in to pressure from the US and acted against the wishes of the vast majorities of their populations. Whether they did the right thing or not depends on whether whatever it was the US bribed them with is worth more than the cost in lives, money and international goodwill they will have to pay. I'm guessing that in the long run it won't be.

kochisho said:
France and Germany think THEY are Europe. They aren't. Our military bases generate the ecomony near U.S bases in Germany. Well, we are going Hans, to Poland were we are wanted. With friends like those 2 Countries you don't need enemies.

Germany and France aren't all of Europe, but they are by far the two most powerful and important countries on the continent. Contrary to whatever you may believe, US military bases are NOT the lifeblood of the German economy and if every one of them closed tommorow its effects would be quite negligible.