Southern Sun
I'm sorry, but I think that you are the sheep following the herd, blindly i might add. It's obvious that you are still suffering the blowback from 9/11, and are now beleiving all that Bush, liars, and Co. are telling you. You think the war was to prevent a threat to the US. Plzzzz. Firstly, Iraq was never a state with muslim extremism cuz it was a secular state under the Baath party, much like Syria. Secondly, now that the US has bad blood with the Saudis, it is looking for a new "friend" to station troops and to "install" democacy via a puppet government that would be under your guidance and tolerant to the existance and policies of Israel. Thirdly, Cheney and all major players in the administration have ties with corporations that are benefiting from the war somehow. Cheney gets fat cheks from Halliburton, main oil contractor in Iraq, Rumsfeld, Powell and the rest have ties with other corporations that make missiles, bombs, or fighter planes, such as Boeing and Lockheed Martin, who also has strong ties with Cheney's wife. Do you see the conflict of ineterest buddy ? Also one more thing. On september 11, the only plane that flew was a jet that piked up all the Bin Laden family members in US and flew them to Saudi Arabia. Some of them at the time were in a metting with the Carlyle group, headed by Frank Carlucci, ex CIA director, and other republicans.kochisho said:I can't find all the URL's about the labor party (socialist) and workers (communist) funding the anti war movement. Its end of August and I'm busy doing my books. This proves one thing however. You guys only hear one side of the story and are sheep in a herd. I am not democrat or Republican. I voted for Ross Perots twice for President. I follow no sheppard but the Lord and make up my own mind on the issues.
kochisho said:I ask why no one protests the Sudan genicide, Human rights in China and N Korea around the world, not just in America. No real answer speaks tells you its special interests that create this mass protests.
Are you comparing the US, pillar of Democracy and Morality in the world, with the communists you so much hate of China and North Korea?
kochisho said:About Kosovo, the muslims been killing Serbs for years. They allied themselves with Hitler and fought against the allied forces. Kosovo was serb land stolen by the muslims. There were some war crimes being commited but helping al qaida' backed muslims fighters against the Serbs was totally wrong. I have to do my books now but I'll try to find you the story on the internet on how Tony Blair seen a B.S documentary on genicide by Serbs that caused him to call Clinton and get involved.
I didn't much care what you said before, but with this one you really stepped on my vein ( turkish saying ) means you hit my nerve. The Serbs were your great friends in WW2? Hmm, that's interesting, I don't think that they were much better than the Greeks and Albanians who fought against the Nazi's. Perhaps you are thinking of Tito and his partisans. Well Tito was a half slovene and half croat, not really a serb. Anyhow, Kosovo was never and is not Serb land. It was initally settled by the Illyrians, the modern day Albanians who streched from northern Greece until present day Slovenia. Kosovo was taken away from Mainland Albania amongst other territories after the Ottoman Empire collapsed. It was split from the Western Powers and given to Serbia because it was their ally against Austria, one of the losers of WW1. Anyways, if NATO had not stepped in, we would have seen another Bosnia. Did you happen to catch the Bosnian conflict. Live footage of women and children being sniped out by serb military as they went to food market. But that's ok right, cuz Serbs, as cruel as they were, and as many inhuman crimes as they made were your christian fellow buddies fighting against evil muslim Bosniaks. Let me tell you something about Balkan Muslims. They are not real followers, they dont pray 5 times of day, they drink, eat pork, and don't give a s**t about Islam. Their families converted when they were under the Ottoman Empire so that they wouldn't have to pay taxes and could get good positions under the Empire. Also who are these al qaida backed muslims? I hope you are not talking about the Albanians, who btw, 90% of them support the US, and who have troops in both Afganistan and Iraq, under the US led contigents. I love this line.There were some war crimes being commited but helping al qaida' backed muslims fighters against the Serbs was totally wrong. The KLA was never recognized as a Terrorist group. They were only fighters fighting off the oppression of your serb christian brothers who raped their wives, killed their husbands, and beat their children. Some human crimes? Hm removing 900, 000 people out their homes, raping women, and kiling the men along they way sounds like nothing to you. Also, part of the reason why NATO interviened in Kosovo was to prevent the dormant Albanian nationalism from rising, because the conflict could have then involved the ethnic Albanians in Macedonia, and even the Republic of Albania. BTW, arab muslims came into the Balkans only after the Serb extremism ripped up Bosnia in catastrophic terms. U christian allies sat back and watched in your TV dinners the live slaughter of Bosnian civilians, so these poor fellows accepted any aid the got, even if it was radical muslims, who btw, are not wanted around by the local population anymore.
kochisho said:One question for the Americans that will be voting against Bush. Tell me, who are you voting for and why?
Why are you voting for Bush. Is it because you are winning the war on terror, which Bush said a couple of days ago that couldn't be won, and now changed back to it can be won, or because you are getting so econically wealthy and because the hate against you in the world has risen by a factor of 10.
kochisho said:Bullshit. Read what McCain said tonight. We never compromised are allience with our friends like the way Germany and France did to us. Thats disgraceful. Japan did the right thing and stood with their friend. Along with Koream Poland, Dennmark, U.K, Australia, Italy and others. France and Germany think THEY are Europe. They aren't. Our military bases generate the ecomony near U.S bases in Germany. Well, we are going Hans, to Poland were we are wanted. With friends like those 2 Countries you don't need enemies.
Friends not always help you when you are about to do stupid s**t. Who cares, move your bases to where ever you want. Move them to Poland, Romania and Bulgaria, see how much fun your troops and personnel will have there. Poland, oh wow, your big bad new ally. Give me a break. Poland is still a poor country looking for financial benefits by supporting the US war. France and Germany are the core of Europe buddy. Financially and Culturally. If you don't know that, i'm sorry, you don't know anything. Then comes the rest, Italy, Spain, and whatever. Btw, France knows well the area of the middle east and Iraq, because they have been involved there for a long time. They predicted this would happen. You thought they would welcome you with American flags waving around. Who was right after all ?
One last thing. Since you are a valiant opposer of muslim extremism. Who do you think created Bin ladsky, your former ally in Afganistan? Ok ok, i'll tell you, it was you guys. Also, you installed the Talibans in power as well so they could get rid of that drug farm and brothel that you made of Afganistan after the Soviets pulled out. You got the Pakinstanis to support them with the financial backing of the Saudis. Your signature is very appropriate for this topic. I mean, didn't you gusy realize that the snake was gona bite you once you helped them into your house ? I don't see why the rest of the world has to pay for your dumb mistakes and inconsistent foreign policy, so don't be askin for allies to come in helping when you stick your head in the expanding jaws of the snake.
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