Bush-related Documentary


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Today after watching the great game of Italy-Sweden and the dissapointment that followed the splendid Swedish goal that tied the game in the 85' min :(, to my surprise, I managed to catch a Documentary on
France 2, I beleive, that was about the Bush administration. It was extremely interesting, it showed all the behind apects of the Bush cabinet. For example, it showed how most of the main Bush Admin. ppl were involved with private business that might benefit from a War and from Oil trade. It talked about the Carlyle organization, and also many many other very interesting aspects of the Bush administration. Basically the documentary was a collage of interviews between former CIA people, journalists, a Harvard professor, historians, and Bush people. From it, you get the impression that Bush( well mostly the people around him who tell him how things are supposed to be) are running a getting rich scheme in a fascist manner at the expense of the American people throught lies, deception, and propaganda.
Hi Duo!

A friend of mine in Australia saw that documentary too, and she said it was fantastic. She sent me this link for it, where you can even play the trailers for the documentary:

The World According to Bush


It's not showing here in the U.S. yet, but I can't wait to see it!


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Satori said:
Hi Duo!

A friend of mine in Australia saw that documentary too, and she said it was fantastic. She sent me this link for it, where you can even play the trailers for the documentary:

The World According to Bush


It's not showing here in the U.S. yet, but I can't wait to see it!



OH WOW, that is the same documentary, thx a lot, how did u find it ?

Anyways, thx for finding this for me, i really suggest you watch it, is very nice, i think even better than farenheit 9/11. Thanks again
Duo said:
OH WOW, that is the same documentary, thx a lot, how did u find it ?

Anyways, thx for finding this for me, i really suggest you watch it, is very nice, i think even better than farenheit 9/11. Thanks again

You're welcome! My friend in Australia sent me the link. She also said the same thing you did--that this is much better than Farenheit 9/11--so naturally I can't wait to see it!!
Satori said:
Hi Duo!
It's not showing here in the U.S. yet, but I can't wait to see it!

Satori :-)
you'll never see it in the u.s. as long as you dont get rid of that guy.

but what you see in nothing in comparison of the truth. if you knew all there is to it, you'd be sick in your stommach.
byp said:
you'll never see it in the u.s. as long as you dont get rid of that guy.

but what ou see in nothing in comparison of the truth. if you knew all there is to it, you'd be sick in your stommach.

All along I've been following the stories these movies are based on, so believe me, I am already sick to my stomach about it. This is such a crucial election this year. I just hope we can get him and his people out of office.

By the way, were you able to see this documentary where you live? If so, what did you think of it?
one of the craziest thing in this documentary was that it said that G.W. Bush's grandfather was a banker for sm nazi's and the thessyn family while his son fought the japanese in the pacific.
I know. And what's really funny is that I think Bush claimed not too long ago that he didn't even know Kerry? Kerry was only 2 years older than Bush, and only 15 people per year are picked for the Skull & Bones. How could he not at least know of him?

kirei_na_me said:
I know. And what's really funny is that I think Bush claimed not too long ago that he didn't even know Kerry? Kerry was only 2 years older than Bush, and only 15 people per year are picked for the Skull & Bones. How could he not at least know of him?


Oh, my goodness. Well, that book looks fantastic. I'll have to check it out!
Excellent stuff.

This is just some of the stuff that makes you wonder why people should choose one of the other. (I choose neither, and will still vote Green.)

Kirei, are these books are available at any local bookstore?

Also, it would be nice if someone would convert the documentary into movie files and distribute them on file-sharing networks, so if our crappily-run government tries to censor it, there will be some out here who get to see it anyway.
Hachiko said:
Excellent stuff.

This is just some of the stuff that makes you wonder why people should choose one of the other. (I choose neither, and will still vote Green.)

Kirei, are these books are available at any local bookstore?

Also, it would be nice if someone would convert the documentary into movie files and distribute them on file-sharing networks, so if our crappily-run government tries to censor it, there will be some out here who get to see it anyway.

Good idea, Hachiko, although I think they have already made the rounds at the theaters. I know Michael Moore's film (even though it almost didn't even get made, so your point is well-taken!) is now starting to make the rounds in other countries besides the U.S. And hopefully, this French documentary will make it to the U.S. soon. Meanwhile, it has been shown in other countries--not sure of which ones, exactly. My friend who saw it lives in Australia, so it definitely played there.

Also, I know what you mean about voting Green. I've been heading that direction more and more lately. I just hope we get Bush out of office, no matter what, though. Bush & Co. have done so much damage already. *Sigh*
