I agree with Angela (hello!) concerning mt-H: a lot of mt-H is not of "neolithical" origin: "neolithical" is confusing, Corded W people were "neolithical" too but distinct from the earlier farmers of Europe passed through Anatolia - Finns have a lot of mt-H and are not too "neolithical", not more than the Atlantic forefront people -
concerning farming and nomadisme, mor than a scientist thinks that some of the Cucuteni-Tripolye cultures people turned into a half-nomadic breeding way of life for climatic reasons (the cattle among Pontic people would have been from Balkans or Carpathinas regions)
physically, even if not of a pure stock, the Corded people send into Europe types very distinct from the neolithical Danubians, were a modern 'nordic' type is strongly represented, and something evocating the 'indo-irano-afghan' type -
genetically, someones say their mt-DNA evocates the Baltic people, but this statute could have changed with time, with crossings with local females in central-noerthern Germany
concerning language I think Corded spoke already an I-Ean maybe on the way to satemization, a trait common (seemingly) to descendants of steppic tribes (turkic influences??? or some Ugric ones??? - not sure but?) - they took part in the germanic cristallization like others but THEY WERE NOT THE PROTO GERMANIC (maybe here we have the explanation of apparently strong links between germanic and slavic languages, to take with caution neverhteless) - by the way theirphysical means apparented them, partially, to supposed Iranic people of Antiquity (not today Iranians) - to tell they were an iranic speaking people is for the fun, but maybe they were not strangers to the proto-Iranics
that said, Corded shew culturally affinities with the Battle-Axes people of South-Baltic and the 'boat-shaped Axes' ('haches naviformes') of Scandinavia were a proto-satem language could have been spoken before germanic: first I-E introgression into SW Finnland?