K12b Dodecad K12b Ancient West Eurasia [by Eupedia Team]

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Thanks Lukas.
Happy Valentine's day, Jovialis.
Very nice posts, folks.
I have an Iberian/North African Moor at distances of 1.4506% and 2.7398%, in the mixed mode. I think this cool.
Carlos, I know that you don't like so much to talk about the Moors and about that they did in the Middle Ages in the Iberia Peninsula. But this is only part of my ancestry and not reach you, as we can see in your results in the mixed mode. After all, I am also a "Al-Andalus like", as I previosly knowed in my MTA results ;)



Thanks Lukas.
Happy Valentine's day, Jovialis.
Very nice posts, folks.
I have an Iberian/North African Moor at distances of 1.4506% and 2.7398%, in the mixed mode. I think this cool.
Carlos, I know that you don't like so much to talk about the Moors and about that they did in the Middle Ages in the Iberia Peninsula. But this is only part of my ancestry and not reach you, as we can see in your results in the mixed mode. After all, I am also a "Al-Andalus like", as I previosly knowed in my MTA results ;)




Al-Andalus, yes I can talk about any subject but let's see, Al-Andalus takes me directly to the mental link: Reconquest.
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Thank you mha for your kindness and help. The results are surprisingly for me:
It means thracian and celtic/germanic ancetors?

[TABLE="class: distances"]
[TD="bgcolor: hsl(41.21941355892302, 100%, 50%)"]9.84757331[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: hsl(38.90339587874226, 100%, 50%)"]10.13707552[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: hsl(38.53505293686126, 100%, 50%)"]10.18311838[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: hsl(26.433749674361763, 100%, 50%)"]11.69578129[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: hsl(23.564156041438622, 100%, 50%)"]12.05448049[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: hsl(23.3066041551958, 100%, 50%)"]12.08667448[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: hsl(22.156500471416095, 100%, 50%)"]12.23043744[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: hsl(18.999247527555482, 100%, 50%)"]12.62509406[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: hsl(17.872424879467545, 100%, 50%)"]12.76594689[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: hsl(17.419440438258476, 100%, 50%)"]12.82256995[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: hsl(15.470915052316684, 100%, 50%)"]13.06613562[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: hsl(13.048496971758269, 100%, 50%)"]13.36893788[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: hsl(10.658875074380191, 100%, 50%)"]13.66764062[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: hsl(10.349179665631326, 100%, 50%)"]13.70635254[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: hsl(7.237793565397112, 100%, 50%)"]14.09527580[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: hsl(6.380734028070776, 100%, 50%)"]14.20240825[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: hsl(6.031274465316571, 100%, 50%)"]14.24609069[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: hsl(5.478861339925572, 100%, 50%)"]14.31514233[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: hsl(3.0592081436079894, 100%, 50%)"]14.61759898[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: hsl(3.044678616148474, 100%, 50%)"]14.61941517[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: hsl(2.51262535914762, 100%, 50%)"]14.68592183[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: hsl(0.9834700556262703, 100%, 50%)"]14.87706624[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: hsl(-0.1928317330114595, 100%, 50%)"]15.02410397[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: hsl(-0.37862933261865805, 100%, 50%)"]15.04732867[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: hsl(-0.8264606781147279, 100%, 50%)"]15.10330758[/TD]
Kuzmosi, you are not getting really close ancestors with this source and calculator, I presume Dodecad-K12b. You can try others, maybe Eurogenes K13.

Varna_outlier is high in steppe ancestry but low in Balkan heritage (that is why it is marked as an outlier). It's a very old specimen, practically the first signal of steppe ancestry in the Balkan. I myself have it also as the closest distance (0,4), which is strange given its timespan. You really have to try other calculators and sources, but it's possible, that you will not find perfect fit for your case.
[TABLE="class: distances"]
[TH="align: right"]Distance to:[/TH]
[TH="align: left"]ANI163_Varna_Outlier[/TH]
[TD="bgcolor: #FDFF00, align: right"]7.42682974[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFEF00, align: right"]7.95875618[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFE400, align: right"]8.29131473[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FFBD00, align: right"]9.45407320[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FF5E00, align: right"]12.22504806[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FF2E00, align: right"]13.64469860[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FF002D, align: right"]16.32837408[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FF0032, align: right"]16.46926531[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FF0036, align: right"]16.57811208[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FF0054, align: right"]17.47486195[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FF0058, align: right"]17.59887212[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FF0060, align: right"]17.81392152[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FF006A, align: right"]18.12807767[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FF006F, align: right"]18.27571613[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FF0070, align: right"]18.28534386[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FF0078, align: right"]18.53790172[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FF007B, align: right"]18.62707170[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FF008B, align: right"]19.10125127[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FF008C, align: right"]19.12490000[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FF008E, align: right"]19.17991972[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FF0090, align: right"]19.24499415[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FF0094, align: right"]19.35336911[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FF0095, align: right"]19.38849659[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FF0099, align: right"]19.48563060[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #FF009A, align: right"]19.53901226[/TD]

Components %
Gedrosia 8.64%
Siberian 0.00%
Northwest_African 2.63%
Southeast_Asian 0.00%
Atlantic_Med 29.14%
North_European 44.77%
South_Asian 0.62%
East_African 0.00%
Southwest_Asian 0.66%
East_Asian 0.00%
Caucasus 13.52%
Sub_Saharan 0.02%

my father results

results with the master list

[TABLE="class: distances"]
[TH]Distance to:[/TH]

my first cousin
results with the master list [TABLE="class: distances"]
[TH]Distance to:[/TH]

TrentinoCles grandmother picture below
The woman in the photo is 31 yo .....with one of her 4 daughters
Photo taken at start of world war one

Varna ANI163 is cca. 4.5k BC old and match so closely to modern Central Europeans (and others also). It's fascinating but inevitable a coincidence. Giving more options, my Central Europen dna is enriched with mixed additions, like Goths, Getae, Scyths. Varna outlier is, on the other hand, closer to more ancient populations, maybe we can say more "basic" components. It is still amazing.


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Carlos: If you are genetically linked to the likes of Saint Theresa of Avila, from my perspective, and not going to turn this into Theology discussion in this forum, not a bad thing. She was the founder of the Carmelites and "First Women to be named a Doctor of the Catholic Church." (not that there were some that should have been or could have been named earlier). Thus, her Theology and Spiritual writings is recognized alongside Saint Augustine, Saint Ambrose of Milan, Saint Jerome, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Saint Hillary of Potiers, etc, etc. I have always been a fan of El Cid as well.
Carlos: If you are genetically linked to the likes of Saint Theresa of Avila, from my perspective, and not going to turn this into Theology discussion in this forum, not a bad thing. She was the founder of the Carmelites and "First Women to be named a Doctor of the Catholic Church." (not that there were some that should have been or could have been named earlier). Thus, her Theology and Spiritual writings is recognized alongside Saint Augustine, Saint Ambrose of Milan, Saint Jerome, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Saint Hillary of Potiers, etc, etc. I have always been a fan of El Cid as well.

When I talked about all those historical figures of my country it is without genetic connotations since all this of genetics is too modern in comparison, maybe future generations associate it, generations later I think we still unlink the issues.

I was very attracted to San Francisco de Asis and Santa Clara de Asís as well.

I discovered Teresa de Lissieux by chance one day when entering a church in Barcelona there were her prints and she said yes I took one and kept it for years in a folder or I remembered, it has helped me quite a few years ago (private) and now the I have in my headboard, it is infallible against the demons they threw their image with rage, even in my presence at night, it appeared anywhere in the room, I had to strengthen the frame.

With Santa Teresa de Calcutta I can not, that woman I do not understand how they have made her holy, how I enter a church and she is out to herpes, I do not want to know anything about her, I have not said anything, I withdraw it.
Carlos: I understand. Thanks for the clarification. I thought maybe you had done some genealogy research that indicated you had matches with Saint Therese. For me, I was always attracted to Saint Dominic of Osma as my elementary education to the 8th grade was taught by the Dominican Order.
carlos: I understand. Thanks for the clarification. I thought maybe you had done some genealogy research that indicated you had matches with saint therese. For me, i was always attracted to saint dominic of osma as my elementary education to the 8th grade was taught by the dominican order.

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Carlos: Bravo! That is really neat. When was he declared Venerable?
Ok, thanks, since I don't want to turn this into a Theological thread, let me know via private message when and if Rome moves his case forward or I guess you could post it in the Religion/Philosophy forum.

Deep research

Unlike K13 I don't get the 0.50 in SSA considering that I am E-V22 and downstream is L4114 thousands and thousands of years ago a 0.50 miracle is already a miracle in K13. The 5 with North Africa more or less coincides with FTDNA; although it gives it to me through the Middle East that 4% that the same according to company put me in North Africa, in Arabia or even in the British Isles, maybe it is a trace of my E-V22 early entry into Europe and in its migration it is versatile to place it here or there . Now Galicia comes out first, I have no news unless it is an origin in the repopulation of Andalusia, since in Andalusia we have a colloquial saying that my mother told me a lot when it comes to eating etc: You are more hungry than those who have come from Galicia. From Portugal I was the mother of my maternal great-grandfather. France appears twice, I have the oral tradition by YDNA of the supposed defending legionary of Napoleon's troops in his failed attempt to invade Spain from the rest. I have no news. The Canary Islands did not usually obtain it, but the Canary Islands are a great mix of many European countries. The rest of the Spanish regions always form a fairly homogeneous and close group in the PCA, except the Basques; although few Basques publish here or other sites and in the Vasconia Basque kit they get Carthaginian like other Iberians, anyway.

Hungary, except for this
141. Scythian Outlier Hungary (550 BC) ..... 18.52 - DA195
155. Hungary Elite Avar Kiskoros-Vaghohid (690 AD) ..... 18.96 - KVper3450_GE

# Population Percent

1 Atlantic_Med 44.80

2 North_European 26.52
3 Caucasus 13.46
4 Northwest_African 5.10
5 Gedrosia 4.91
6 Southwest_Asian 3.16

Using 1 population approximation:
1 Galicia_1000Genomes @ 5.776718
2 Baleares_1000Genomes @ 6.546413
3 Extremadura_1000Genomes @ 6.741121
4 Portuguese_Dodecad @ 7.223535
5 Castilla_Y_Leon_1000Genomes @ 8.572448
6 Cataluna_1000Genomes @ 9.352026
7 Spaniards_Behar @ 9.742304
8 Murcia_1000Genomes @ 9.813342
9 Spanish_Dodecad @ 9.972527
10 N_Italian_Dodecad @ 11.563505
11 Cantabria_1000Genomes @ 11.616672
12 Andalucia_1000Genomes @ 11.712304
13 North_Italian_HGDP @ 11.756238
14 Canarias_1000Genomes @ 11.765388
15 Castilla_La_Mancha_1000Genomes @ 12.225098
16 Valencia_1000Genomes @ 12.416013
17 French_HGDP @ 12.675765
18 French_Dodecad @ 13.042608

19 Aragon_1000Genomes @ 13.363891
20TSI30_Metspalu @ 18.866783

Metspalu? There is no dictionary for all these names?

Using 2 populations approximation:
1 50% Canarias_1000Genomes +50% French_HGDP @ 4.299719

Using 3 populations approximation:
1 50% Andalucia_1000Genomes +25% Canarias_1000Genomes +25% Hungarians_Behar @ 1.564706

Using 4 populations approximation:
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 Andalucia_1000Genomes + Canarias_1000Genomes + Hungarians_Behar + Spaniards_Behar @ 1.230268
2 Andalucia_1000Genomes + Baleares_1000Genomes + Canarias_1000Genomes + Hungarians_Behar @ 1.271877
3 Andalucia_1000Genomes + Canarias_1000Genomes + Castilla_Y_Leon_1000Genomes + Hungarians_Behar @ 1.491608
4 Andalucia_1000Genomes + Canarias_1000Genomes + Hungarians_Behar + Valencia_1000Genomes @ 1.515988
5 Andalucia_1000Genomes + Canarias_1000Genomes + Cantabria_1000Genomes + Hungarians_Behar @ 1.531357
6 Andalucia_1000Genomes + Andalucia_1000Genomes + Canarias_1000Genomes + Hungarians_Behar @ 1.564706
7 Andalucia_1000Genomes + Canarias_1000Genomes + Hungarians_Behar + Spanish_Dodecad @ 1.574562
8 Baleares_1000Genomes + Canarias_1000Genomes + Hungarians_Behar + Valencia_1000Genomes @ 1.576322
9 Aragon_1000Genomes + Baleares_1000Genomes + Canarias_1000Genomes + Hungarians_Behar @ 1.620303
10 Canarias_1000Genomes + Cataluna_1000Genomes + Mordovians_Yunusbayev + Sardinian_HGDP @ 1.622599
11 Andalucia_1000Genomes + Canarias_1000Genomes + Hungarians_Behar + Murcia_1000Genomes @ 1.631682
12 Canarias_1000Genomes + Mordovians_Yunusbayev + Sardinian_HGDP + Spanish_Dodecad @ 1.645875
13 Canarias_1000Genomes + Extremadura_1000Genomes + Russian_Dodecad + Sardinian_HGDP @ 1.655991
14 Andalucia_1000Genomes + Andalucia_1000Genomes + Hungarians_Behar + Portuguese_Dodecad @ 1.671651
15 Andalucia_1000Genomes + Canarias_1000Genomes + Castilla_La_Mancha_1000Genomes + Hungarians_Behar @ 1.679362
16 Canarias_1000Genomes + Hungarians_Behar + Murcia_1000Genomes + Valencia_1000Genomes @ 1.680430
17 Baleares_1000Genomes + Canarias_1000Genomes + Castilla_La_Mancha_1000Genomes + Hungarians_Behar @ 1.705161
18 Andalucia_1000Genomes + Aragon_1000Genomes + Canarias_1000Genomes + Hungarians_Behar @ 1.712564
19 Canarias_1000Genomes + Extremadura_1000Genomes + Mordovians_Yunusbayev + Sardinian_HGDP @ 1.746101
20 Canarias_1000Genomes + Hungarians_Behar + Murcia_1000Genomes + Spaniards_Behar @ 1.765304


Elapsed time 0.4965 seconds.
Oracle Calculator by www.dnagenics.com
v1.5 07/02/2020

Finished reading population data. 647 populations found.
12 components mode.


Mixed Mode:
1 92.58% R973_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti + 7.42% I0058_BZH4_BenzigerodeHeimburg_LN_Benzingerode-Heimburg_Germany_2283-2146_calBCE @ 0.662
2 93.36% R973_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti + 6.64% I0114_ESP2_Unetice_EBA_relative_of_I0117_Esperstedt_Germany_2131-1979_calBCE @ 0.673
3 94.14% R973_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti + 5.86% I0116_ESP4_Unetice_EBA_Esperstedt_Germany_2118-1961_calBCE @ 0.740
4 94.14% R973_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti + 5.86% IronAgeHinxton2_Anglo-Saxon_ERS389796 @ 0.740
5 93.36% R973_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti + 6.64% IronAgeHinxton1_Celt_ERS389795 @ 0.751
6 93.36% R973_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti + 6.64% I0099_HAL36C_Halberstadt_LBA_Halberstadt-Sonntagsfeld_Germany_1113-1021_calBCE @ 0.755
7 94.14% R973_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti + 5.86% Szolad16 @ 0.755
8 94.14% R973_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti + 5.86% Collegno151 @ 0.764
9 92.58% R973_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti + 7.42% I0118_ALB3_Alberstedt_LN_Alberstedt_Germany_2459-2345_calBCE @ 0.767
10 94.14% R973_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti + 5.86% Collegno93 @ 0.774

Least-squares method.

Using 1 populations approximation
1 100% R973_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti @ 3.021
2 100% R835_Imperial_Era_Civitanova_Marche @ 3.285
3 100% R54_Medieval_Era_Villa_Magna @ 3.346
4 100% CrusaderKnightApuliaAbruzzoLebanonCrusaderSI53 @ 3.417
5 100% R121_Late_Antiquity_S_Ercolano_Necropolis_Ostia @ 3.430
6 100% R836_Imperial_Era_Civitanova_Marche @ 3.707
7 100% R970_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti @ 3.835
8 100% Collegno121 @ 3.856
9 100% R60_Medieval_Era_Villa_Magna @ 4.068
10 100% R969_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti @ 4.190

Using 2 populations approximation
1 50% CrusaderKnightApuliaAbruzzoLebanonCrusaderSI53 + 50% Collegno121 @ 1.219
2 50% R970_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti + 50% R1290_Medieval_Era_Villa_Magna @ 1.258
3 50% R54_Medieval_Era_Villa_Magna + 50% R970_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti @ 1.325
4 50% R836_Imperial_Era_Civitanova_Marche + 50% R970_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti @ 1.373
5 50% R973_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti + 50% R970_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti @ 1.434
6 50% I6491_NE_Iberia_RomP + 50% R81_Imperial_Era_Viale_Rossini_Necropolis @ 1.441
7 50% R970_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti + 50% R49_Imperial_Era_Centocelle_Necropolis @ 1.442
8 50% R78_Imperial_Era_Viale_Rossini_Necropolis + 50% R1221_Medieval_Era_Cancelleria @ 1.608
9 50% I2176_Balkans_BronzeAge + 50% I1632_AR1/46_Middle_Late_Chalcolithic_Vayots-Dzor_Armenia @ 1.610
10 50% R835_Imperial_Era_Civitanova_Marche + 50% CrusaderKnightApuliaAbruzzoLebanonCrusaderSI53 @ 1.786

Using 3 populations approximation
1 33% R65_Medieval_Era_Villa_Magna + 33% R65_Medieval_Era_Villa_Magna + 33% I6491_NE_Iberia_RomP @ 0.991
2 33% R1548_Imperial_Era_Monterotondo + 33% R1548_Imperial_Era_Monterotondo + 33% Collegno94 @ 1.202
3 33% R850_Iron_Age_Ardea + 33% R850_Iron_Age_Ardea + 33% I12164_NE_Iberia_c.6CE_PL @ 1.264
4 33% R970_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti + 33% R970_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti + 33% R58_Medieval_Era_Villa_Magna @ 1.446
5 33% R125_Imperial_Era_Casale_del_Dolce + 33% R125_Imperial_Era_Casale_del_Dolce + 33% Collegno57 @ 1.466
6 33% R973_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti + 33% R973_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti + 33% R970_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti @ 1.490
7 33% R30_Late_Antiquity_Mausole_di_Augusto + 33% R30_Late_Antiquity_Mausole_di_Augusto + 33% Szolad27 @ 1.491
8 33% CrusaderKnightApuliaAbruzzoLebanonCrusaderSI53 + 33% CrusaderKnightApuliaAbruzzoLebanonCrusaderSI53 + 33% Collegno121 @ 1.505
9 33% R973_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti + 33% R973_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti + 33% R36_Late_Antiquity_Celio @ 1.518
10 33% R970_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti + 33% R970_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti + 33% R65_Medieval_Era_Villa_Magna @ 1.519

Using 4 populations approximation
1 25% R137_Imperial_Era_Marcellino_&_Pietro + 25% R137_Imperial_Era_Marcellino_&_Pietro + 25% R137_Imperial_Era_Marcellino_&_Pietro + 25% AlemannicBavariaBIM_33 @ 1.203
2 25% R125_Imperial_Era_Casale_del_Dolce + 25% R125_Imperial_Era_Casale_del_Dolce + 25% R125_Imperial_Era_Casale_del_Dolce + 25% R106_Late_Antiquity_Crypta_Balbi @ 1.242
3 25% R1548_Imperial_Era_Monterotondo + 25% R1548_Imperial_Era_Monterotondo + 25% R1548_Imperial_Era_Monterotondo + 25% CeltiberianMixTribeNorthernSpain_I3238 @ 1.355
4 25% R125_Imperial_Era_Casale_del_Dolce + 25% R125_Imperial_Era_Casale_del_Dolce + 25% R125_Imperial_Era_Casale_del_Dolce + 25% R62_Medieval_Era_Villa_Magna @ 1.397
5 25% R126_Imperial_Era_Casale_del_Dolce + 25% R126_Imperial_Era_Casale_del_Dolce + 25% NorthAlpineBronzeAgeFrench_AITI_120 + 25% Collegno63 @ 1.397
6 25% R65_Medieval_Era_Villa_Magna + 25% R65_Medieval_Era_Villa_Magna + 25% R65_Medieval_Era_Villa_Magna + 25% I6491_NE_Iberia_RomP @ 1.402
7 25% R436_Imperial_Era_Palestrina + 25% R436_Imperial_Era_Palestrina + 25% R436_Imperial_Era_Palestrina + 25% R105_Late_Antiquity_Crypta_Balbi @ 1.402
8 25% R53_Medieval_Era_Villa_Magna + 25% R53_Medieval_Era_Villa_Magna + 25% R53_Medieval_Era_Villa_Magna + 25% R1221_Medieval_Era_Cancelleria @ 1.405
9 25% R137_Imperial_Era_Marcellino_&_Pietro + 25% R137_Imperial_Era_Marcellino_&_Pietro + 25% R137_Imperial_Era_Marcellino_&_Pietro + 25% R1219_Medieval_Era_Cancelleria @ 1.411
10 25% R136_Imperial_Era_Marcellino_&_Pietro + 25% R136_Imperial_Era_Marcellino_&_Pietro + 25% R136_Imperial_Era_Marcellino_&_Pietro + 25% NorthAlpineBronzeAgeFrench_AITI_120 @ 1.435
Congratulations to Jovialis and Duarte! :)

Thanks Angela and congrats Jovialis and mlukas. I can’t give an upvote to all of you because I only can enter in Eupedia Forum though Eupedia app to smartphones. I can’t enter in Eupedia Forum though PC , and I don’t no why. Below are my results using this new tool of DNA Genics, what’s very cool.

Oracle Calculator by www.dnagenics.com
v1.5 07/02/2020

Finished reading population data. 647 populations found.
12 components mode.


Mixed Mode:
1 88,67% GironaSantJuliadeRamis_I10892 + 11,33% I3810_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE_Afr2 @ 2,288
2 59,77% MoriscoConvertAndalusia_I7425 + 40,23% I8210_NE_Iberia_Greek_Empuries1 @ 2,989
3 54,30% MoriscoConvertAndalusia_I7425 + 45,70% Pre-RomanGirona_I3324 @ 3,079
4 62,11% MoriscoConvertAndalusia_I7425 + 37,89% I8341_NE_Iberia_Greek_Empuries1 @ 3,123
5 87,89% GironaSantJuliadeRamis_I10892 + 12,11% I7427_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE_Afr @ 3,152
6 51,17% VasconicTribe_I8209 + 48,83% MoriscoConvertAndalusia_I7425 @ 3,323
7 51,17% I8209_NE_Iberia_Greek_Empuries1 + 48,83% MoriscoConvertAndalusia_I7425 @ 3,323
8 50,39% MoriscoConvertAndalusia_I7425 + 49,61% I8209_NE_Iberia_Greek_Empuries1 @ 3,344
9 50,39% MoriscoConvertAndalusia_I7425 + 49,61% VasconicTribe_I8209 @ 3,344
10 50,39% I8146_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE + 49,61% Pre-RomanGirona_I3324 @ 3,359

Least-squares method.

Using 1 populations approximation
1 100% GironaSantJuliadeRamis_I10892 @ 6,297
2 100% GironaSantJuliadeRamis_I10895 @ 7,044
3 100% EarlyMedievalAndalusia_I3585 @ 7,109
4 100% I12516_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE @ 7,449
5 100% I12514_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE @ 7,658
6 100% EarlyMedievalIberiaGranada_I3981 @ 7,717
7 100% MedievalTaifaofValencia_I12649 @ 7,936
8 100% R63_Medieval_Era_Villa_Magna @ 7,985
9 100% GironaSantJuliadeRamis_I10852 @ 8,043
10 100% Roman-SoldierFN_2 @ 8,202

Using 2 populations approximation
1 50% MoriscoConvertAndalusia_I7425 + 50% Pre-RomanGirona_I3324 @ 3,321
2 50% VasconicTribe_I8209 + 50% MoriscoConvertAndalusia_I7425 @ 3,335
3 50% I8209_NE_Iberia_Greek_Empuries1 + 50% MoriscoConvertAndalusia_I7425 @ 3,335
4 50% I8146_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE + 50% Pre-RomanGirona_I3324 @ 3,357
5 50% MoriscoConvertAndalusia_I7425 + 50% VisigothIberianGirona_I12034 @ 3,661
6 50% MoriscoConvertAndalusia_I7425 + 50% VasconesTribeVasconia_I3759 @ 3,704
7 50% I8146_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE + 50% I8210_NE_Iberia_Greek_Empuries1 @ 3,822
8 50% VasconicTribe_I8209 + 50% I8146_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE @ 3,863
9 50% I8209_NE_Iberia_Greek_Empuries1 + 50% I8146_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE @ 3,863
10 50% I2478_Bronze_Age_Beaker_Northern_Italy + 50% MoriscoConvertAndalusia_I7425 @ 3,874

Using 3 populations approximation
1 33% Bul8_Balkans_BronzeAge + 33% I12650_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE + 33% Collegno110 @ 2,782
2 33% Bul8_Balkans_BronzeAge + 33% I12650_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE + 33% R60_Medieval_Era_Villa_Magna @ 2,907
3 33% Bul8_Balkans_BronzeAge + 33% I12650_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE + 33% R1549_Imperial_Era_Monterotondo @ 3,102
4 33% Bul8_Balkans_BronzeAge + 33% I12650_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE + 33% R121_Late_Antiquity_S_Ercolano_Necropolis_Ostia @ 3,150
5 33% Bul8_Balkans_BronzeAge + 33% I12650_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE + 33% CrusaderKnightApuliaAbruzzoLebanonCrusaderSI53 @ 3,151
6 33% Bul8_Balkans_BronzeAge + 33% I12650_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE + 33% R970_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti @ 3,324
7 33% Bul8_Balkans_BronzeAge + 33% I12650_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE + 33% R969_Medieval_Era_Tivoli_Palazzo_Cianti @ 3,365
8 33% Bul8_Balkans_BronzeAge + 33% I12650_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE + 33% R835_Imperial_Era_Civitanova_Marche @ 3,426
9 33% Bul8_Balkans_BronzeAge + 33% I12650_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE + 33% Szolad37 @ 3,458
10 33% MoriscoConvertAndalusia_I7425 + 33% MoriscoConvertAndalusia_I7425 + 33% I8341_NE_Iberia_Greek_Empuries1 @ 3,460

Using 4 populations approximation
1 25% Bul8_Balkans_BronzeAge + 25% Bul8_Balkans_BronzeAge + 25% I12650_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE + 25% R32_Late_Antiquity_Mausole_di_Augusto @ 3,072
2 25% I8146_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE + 25% I8146_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE + 25% Pre-RomanGirona_I3324 + 25% Bul8_Balkans_BronzeAge @ 3,078
3 25% I8146_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE + 25% I8146_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE + 25% Pre-RomanGirona_I3324 + 25% I8210_NE_Iberia_Greek_Empuries1 @ 3,263
4 25% I8146_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE + 25% I8146_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE + 25% Pre-RomanGirona_I3324 + 25% I12029_NE_Iberia_c.6CE_PL @ 3,286
5 25% Bul8_Balkans_BronzeAge + 25% Bul8_Balkans_BronzeAge + 25% I12650_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE + 25% R53_Medieval_Era_Villa_Magna @ 3,337
6 25% I8146_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE + 25% I8146_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE + 25% Pre-RomanGirona_I3324 + 25% Pre-RomanGirona_I3324 @ 3,357
7 25% I8146_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE + 25% I8146_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE + 25% Pre-RomanGirona_I3324 + 25% I8202_NE_Iberia_RomP_Empuries1 @ 3,403
8 25% I8146_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE + 25% I8146_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE + 25% Pre-RomanGirona_I3324 + 25% I8341_NE_Iberia_Greek_Empuries1 @ 3,410
9 25% Bul8_Balkans_BronzeAge + 25% Bul8_Balkans_BronzeAge + 25% I12650_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE + 25% R136_Imperial_Era_Marcellino_&_Pietro @ 3,482
10 25% Bul8_Balkans_BronzeAge + 25% Bul8_Balkans_BronzeAge + 25% I12650_SE_Iberia_c.10-16CE + 25% R35_Late_Antiquity_Celio @ 3,634

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