Earliest quote about Albanians.


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I was going through a document of the year 1308 called

'Anonymi Descriptio Europae Orientalis'
Description of Eastern Europe

from this source:


and I noticed that during a very interesing description of the Europeans Albanians, the author quoting Plinnus the Elder talks about a gift made from the Albanian King to Alexander the Great.

The so-called 'Anonymi Descriptio Europae Orientalis' (Anonymous Description of Eastern Europe) (1) is a mediaeval Latin text from the year 1308 which contains a survey of the lands of Eastern Europe, in particular the countries of the Balkans. Its anonymous author is thought to have been a French or French-educated cleric, most likely of the Dominican order, who was sent by the church to Serbia where he gained much of his information on the Balkans. The manuscript was edited in Kraków in 1916 by Olgierd Górka. In addition to sections depicting the various regions of Byzantine Greece, Rascia, Bulgaria, Ruthenia, Hungary, Poland and Bohemia, it contains a section on Albania, one of the rare descriptions of the country in the early years of the fourteenth century. We know that the Dominicans were active in Durrës from 1304 onwards when the town fell to the West after twenty years of Byzantine rule. In a letter dated 31 March 1304, Pope Benedict XI had asked the head of the Dominican Order in Hungary to send to Albania some of his subordinates of 'good moral character, active and eloquent' for missionary activities. With the support of the Holy See, the Dominicans thus had full power to set up a Latin hierarchy of their own liking on the Albanian coast to replace the Orthodox church which had been forced to abandon position.

Now we come to speak of Albania, which, on its southern side, is right next to Greece and is situated between Rascia and the land of the Despot (2). Albania is a rather extensive and large region. It has warlike inhabitants indeed, for they make excellent archers and lancers. This whole region is fed by four large rivers: the Ersenta (Erzen), the Mathia (Mat), the Scumpino (Shkumbin) and the Epasa (Osum). The land is productive in meat, cheese and milk; it is not very abundant in bread and wine, though the nobles in particular have enough. They do not have cities, camps, fortifications and farms, but live rather in tents and are constantly on the move from one place to another with the help of their troops and relatives. They do have one city called Duracium (Durrës) which belongs to the Latins and from which they get textiles and other necessities. The Prince of Tarento, son of the King of Sicily (3), now holds sway over part of this kingdom including the city of Durrës. It was the free will of the landowners who, on account of their natural love for the French, spontaneously and freely received him as their lord (4). From Apulia and the city of Brindisi one may cross over to Durrës in one night, and from Durrës one may travel on through Albania to Greece and to Constantinople much more easily and without all the road difficulties and perils of the sea. The Roman emperors of ancient times used this route (5) for it is excessively tedious to transport a large army in such a period of time by sea and by such long roads. The said kingdom of Albania now has no king, the land being divided among the landowners who rule it themselves and who are subject to no one else. This province is called Albania because the inhabitants of this region are born with white (albo) hair. The dogs here are of a huge size (6) and are so wild that they kill like lions. As Pliny mentions, the Albanians sent such a dog to Alexander the Great, which vanquished lions, elephants and bulls in the stadium. They have painted eyes, greyish in the pupils, such that they can see better at night than in the daytime. There are two Albanias, one in Asia near India of which we are not speaking here, and the other in Europe which is part of the Byzantine Empire and of which we are speaking here. It contains two provinces: Clisara (Këlcyra) and Tumurist (7). In addition to these two provinces, it has other provinces next to it: Cumania (8), Stophanatum (9), Polatum (Pult) and Debre (Dibra) which are provinces tributary to the Albanians and more or less subjected to them, for they are active in farming, tend their vineyards and take care of the necessities of life at home. The inhabitants of these provinces do not move from place to place as the aformentioned Albanians do, but live rather in solid mansions and towns, nor are they entirely Catholic or entirely schismatic. Should anyone preach the word of God to them, they would pretend to be true Catholics for it is reported that by nature they have a liking for the Latins. The aforementioned Albanians have a language which is distinct from that of the Latins, Greeks and Slavs such that in no way can they communicate with other peoples. This is enough on Albania.​

I checked the accuracy of this statement and I noticed that the author was right

Pliny, Natural History Book VIII. pp. 149–150.

149 (Certum est iuxta Nilum amnem currentes lambere, ne crocodilorum aviditati occasionem praebeant) — Indiam petenti Alexandro Magno rex Albaniae dono dederat inusitatae magnitudinis unum, cuius specie delectatus iussit ursos, mox apros et deinde dammas emitti, contemptim inmobili iacente eo, qua segnitia tanti corporis offensus imperator generosi spiritus interemi eum iussit. nuntiavit hoc fama regi. itaque alterum mittens addidit mandata, ne in parvis experiri vellet, sed in leone elephantove: duos sibi fuisse, hoc interempto praeterea nullum fore.

Taking in consideration that Pliny the Elder has lived Gaius Plinius Secundus (23 AD – August 25, 79 AD), this must be considered the earliest known time that Albanians have been mentioned. At the same time considering that according the historiography Alexander the Great has lived in the 4th BCE 20/21 July 356 – 10/11 June 323 BC) that makes the Albanians contemporary to him and Epirotes is their other name.
Indiam petendi ????

can you give translation of that?
This province is called Albania because the inhabitants of this region are born with white (albo) hair. The dogs here are of a huge size (6) and are so wild that they kill like lions. As Pliny mentions, the Albanians sent such a dog to Alexander the Great, which vanquished lions, elephants and bulls in the stadium. They have painted eyes, greyish in the pupils, such that they can see better at night than in the daytime. There are two Albanias, one in Asia near India of which we are not speaking here, and the other in Europe which is part of the Byzantine Empire and of which we are speaking here. It contains two provinces: Clisara (Këlcyra) and Tumurist (7). In addition to these two provinces, it has other provinces next to it: Cumania (8), Stophanatum (9), Polatum (Pult) and Debre (Dibra) which are provinces tributary to the Albanians and more or less subjected to them, for they are active in farming, tend their vineyards and take care of the necessities of life at home. The inhabitants of these provinces do not move from place to place as the aformentioned Albanians do, but live rather in solid mansions and towns, nor are they entirely Catholic or entirely schismatic. Should anyone preach the word of God to them, they would pretend to be true Catholics for it is reported that by nature they have a liking for the Latins. The aforementioned Albanians have a language which is distinct from that of the Latins, Greeks and Slavs such that in no way can they communicate with other peoples. This is enough on Albania.
I checked the accuracy of this statement and I noticed that the author was right

Pliny, Natural History Book VIII. pp. 149–150.

149 (Certum est iuxta Nilum amnem currentes lambere, ne crocodilorum aviditati occasionem praebeant) — Indiam petenti Alexandro Magno rex Albaniae dono dederat inusitatae magnitudinis unum, cuius specie delectatus iussit ursos, mox apros et deinde dammas emitti, contemptim inmobili iacente eo, qua segnitia tanti corporis offensus imperator generosi spiritus interemi eum iussit. nuntiavit hoc fama regi. itaque alterum mittens addidit mandata, ne in parvis experiri vellet, sed in leone elephantove: duos sibi fuisse, hoc interempto praeterea nullum fore.

Taking in consideration that Pliny the Elder has lived Gaius Plinius Secundus (23 AD – August 25, 79 AD), this must be considered the earliest known time that Albanians have been mentioned. At the same time considering that according the historiography Alexander the Great has lived in the 4th BCE 20/21 July 356 – 10/11 June 323 BC) that makes the Albanians contemporary to him and Epirotes is their other name.

rex = King

edit - I found the original text it translate to

When Alexander a famous the Great was on his way to India, the king of Albania '"""^- had presented him with one dog of unusually large size ; Alexander was dehghted by its appearance, and gave orders for bears and then boars and finally hinds to be let slip — the hound lying contemptuously motionless, This slackness on the part of so vast an animal annoyed the generous spirit of the Emperor, who ordered it to be destroyed. Report carried news of this to the king ; and accordingly sending a second hound he added a message that Alexander

the king of Albania Caucasus presented Alexander a gift

I was going through a document of the year 1308 called

'Anonymi Descriptio Europae Orientalis'
Description of Eastern Europe

from this source:


and I noticed that during a very interesing description of the Europeans Albanians, the author quoting Plinnus the Elder talks about a gift made from the Albanian King to Alexander the Great.

The so-called 'Anonymi Descriptio Europae Orientalis' (Anonymous Description of Eastern Europe) (1) is a mediaeval Latin text from the year 1308 which contains a survey of the lands of Eastern Europe, in particular the countries of the Balkans. Its anonymous author is thought to have been a French or French-educated cleric, most likely of the Dominican order, who was sent by the church to Serbia where he gained much of his information on the Balkans. The manuscript was edited in Kraków in 1916 by Olgierd Górka. In addition to sections depicting the various regions of Byzantine Greece, Rascia, Bulgaria, Ruthenia, Hungary, Poland and Bohemia, it contains a section on Albania, one of the rare descriptions of the country in the early years of the fourteenth century. We know that the Dominicans were active in Durrës from 1304 onwards when the town fell to the West after twenty years of Byzantine rule. In a letter dated 31 March 1304, Pope Benedict XI had asked the head of the Dominican Order in Hungary to send to Albania some of his subordinates of 'good moral character, active and eloquent' for missionary activities. With the support of the Holy See, the Dominicans thus had full power to set up a Latin hierarchy of their own liking on the Albanian coast to replace the Orthodox church which had been forced to abandon position.

Now we come to speak of Albania, which, on its southern side, is right next to Greece and is situated between Rascia and the land of the Despot (2). Albania is a rather extensive and large region. It has warlike inhabitants indeed, for they make excellent archers and lancers. This whole region is fed by four large rivers: the Ersenta (Erzen), the Mathia (Mat), the Scumpino (Shkumbin) and the Epasa (Osum). The land is productive in meat, cheese and milk; it is not very abundant in bread and wine, though the nobles in particular have enough. They do not have cities, camps, fortifications and farms, but live rather in tents and are constantly on the move from one place to another with the help of their troops and relatives. They do have one city called Duracium (Durrës) which belongs to the Latins and from which they get textiles and other necessities. The Prince of Tarento, son of the King of Sicily (3), now holds sway over part of this kingdom including the city of Durrës. It was the free will of the landowners who, on account of their natural love for the French, spontaneously and freely received him as their lord (4). From Apulia and the city of Brindisi one may cross over to Durrës in one night, and from Durrës one may travel on through Albania to Greece and to Constantinople much more easily and without all the road difficulties and perils of the sea. The Roman emperors of ancient times used this route (5) for it is excessively tedious to transport a large army in such a period of time by sea and by such long roads. The said kingdom of Albania now has no king, the land being divided among the landowners who rule it themselves and who are subject to no one else. This province is called Albania because the inhabitants of this region are born with white (albo) hair. The dogs here are of a huge size (6) and are so wild that they kill like lions. As Pliny mentions, the Albanians sent such a dog to Alexander the Great, which vanquished lions, elephants and bulls in the stadium. They have painted eyes, greyish in the pupils, such that they can see better at night than in the daytime. There are two Albanias, one in Asia near India of which we are not speaking here, and the other in Europe which is part of the Byzantine Empire and of which we are speaking here. It contains two provinces: Clisara (Këlcyra) and Tumurist (7). In addition to these two provinces, it has other provinces next to it: Cumania (8), Stophanatum (9), Polatum (Pult) and Debre (Dibra) which are provinces tributary to the Albanians and more or less subjected to them, for they are active in farming, tend their vineyards and take care of the necessities of life at home. The inhabitants of these provinces do not move from place to place as the aformentioned Albanians do, but live rather in solid mansions and towns, nor are they entirely Catholic or entirely schismatic. Should anyone preach the word of God to them, they would pretend to be true Catholics for it is reported that by nature they have a liking for the Latins. The aforementioned Albanians have a language which is distinct from that of the Latins, Greeks and Slavs such that in no way can they communicate with other peoples. This is enough on Albania.​

I checked the accuracy of this statement and I noticed that the author was right

Pliny, Natural History Book VIII. pp. 149–150.

149 (Certum est iuxta Nilum amnem currentes lambere, ne crocodilorum aviditati occasionem praebeant) — Indiam petenti Alexandro Magno rex Albaniae dono dederat inusitatae magnitudinis unum, cuius specie delectatus iussit ursos, mox apros et deinde dammas emitti, contemptim inmobili iacente eo, qua segnitia tanti corporis offensus imperator generosi spiritus interemi eum iussit. nuntiavit hoc fama regi. itaque alterum mittens addidit mandata, ne in parvis experiri vellet, sed in leone elephantove: duos sibi fuisse, hoc interempto praeterea nullum fore.

Taking in consideration that Pliny the Elder has lived Gaius Plinius Secundus (23 AD – August 25, 79 AD), this must be considered the earliest known time that Albanians have been mentioned. At the same time considering that according the historiography Alexander the Great has lived in the 4th BCE 20/21 July 356 – 10/11 June 323 BC) that makes the Albanians contemporary to him and Epirotes is their other name.

you still looking for albanians on the adriatic

Read this book
[h=1]Pannonia and Upper Moesia: A History of the Middle Danube Provinces of the ...[/h] By András Mócsy

The first 15 pages is enough to read and it basically says the dardani people of modern Kosovo settled near lake Ohrid where albanon was first mentioned in the 11th century. The dardani after defeating a macedonian army where defeated and fled their homelands by repeated attacks from macedonia, illyria and dacian tribes ( it does not say these where in alliance though)
rex = King

edit - I found the original text it translate to

When Alexander a famous the Great was on his way to India, the king of Albania '"""^- had presented him with one dog of unusually large size ; Alexander was dehghted by its appearance, and gave orders for bears and then boars and finally hinds to be let slip — the hound lying contemptuously motionless, This slackness on the part of so vast an animal annoyed the generous spirit of the Emperor, who ordered it to be destroyed. Report carried news of this to the king ; and accordingly sending a second hound he added a message that Alexander

the king of Albania Caucasus presented Alexander a gift

read again:

This province is called Albania because the inhabitants of this region are born with white (albo) hair. The dogs here are of a huge size (6) and are so wild that they kill like lions. As Pliny mentions, the Albanians sent such a dog to Alexander the Great, whichvanquished lions, elephants and bulls in the stadium. They have painted eyes, greyish in the pupils, such that they can see better at night than in the daytime. There are two Albanias, one in Asia near India of which we are not speaking here, and the other in Europe which is part of the Byzantine Empire and of which we are speaking here.
read again:

sorry, i do not see this white hair etc

i see a continuous text about Alexander the great entering India and the customs of the Indians in breeding tiger for game, alexanders gift from the king of albania caucasus and using beast to kill elephants

148 E tigribus eos Indi volunt concipi et ob id in silvis coitus tempore alligant feminas. primo et secundo fetu nimis feroces putant gigni, tertio demum educant. hoc idem e lupis Gallis, quorum greges suum quisque ductorem e canibus et ducem habent. illum in venatu comitantur, illi parent; namque inter se exercent etiam magisteria. —
149 (Certum est iuxta Nilum amnem currentes lambere, ne crocodilorum aviditati occasionem praebeant) — Indiam petenti Alexandro Magno rex Albaniae dono dederat inusitatae magnitudinis unum, cuius specie delectatus iussit ursos, mox apros et deinde dammas emitti, contemptim inmobili iacente eo, qua segnitia tanti corporis offensus imperator generosi spiritus interemi eum iussit. nuntiavit hoc fama regi. itaque alterum mittens addidit mandata, ne in parvis experiri vellet, sed in leone elephantove: duos sibi fuisse, hoc interempto praeterea nullum fore.
150 nec distulit Alexander leonemque fractum protinus vidit. postea elephantum iussit induci, haut alio magis spectaculo laetatus. horrentibus quippe villis per tantum corpus ingenti primum latratu intonuit, mox ingruit adsultans contraque membra exurgens hinc et illinc artifici dimicatione, qua maxime opus esset, infestans atque evitans, donec adsidua rotatum vertigine adflixit, ad casum eius tellure concussa.
I ask about Indiam Petendi, cause Indiam Petendi is after Babylon and Dareius 'Petendi',

Heading India is the last expedition.
sorry, i do not see this white hair etc[ /QUOTE]

Consequenter dicendum est de albania, que est coniuncta grecie immediate 2) a parte meridiei et est sita inter rasiam et terrajn dee-poti. Est enim [hec] albania regio satis lata et magna. habens ho-mines bellicosos ualde, sunt enim optimi sagitarii et lancearii. qua-tuor fluuiis magnis tota hec regio irrigatur, videlicet erseiita, ma-thia3), Scumpino4) Epasa. Terra est fertilis in carnibus, caseis [et] lacte, [in] pane et uino non multum habundant, sufficienter tamen habent presertim nobiles; ciuitates, castra [opida] [et] fortalicia et uillas non habent, sed habdtant in papilionibus et sempter mouentur de loco ad locum per turmas et cognationes suas. Habent tamen unam ciuitatem, que uocatur duracium et est latinorum, ab ea [enim] habent pamios et alia necessarija. partem huius regni cum ciuitate duracena [predicta] tenet nune princeps tarentinus filius regis sy-cilie et hoc ex uoluntate libera [illorum] domrinorum de terra, qui ipsum propter naturalem amorem, quem habent in gallicos, sponte et libere eum in dominum receperunt. De Apulia et de «iuitate brundensima 5) [vna] nocte potest transiri in duracium et de duracio per albaniam, potest iri in greciam et in Constantinopolim ualde faciliter et bene absque difficultate uiarum et periculo aquarum 6) et hanc uiam faciebant antnquitus imperatores romanorum, [ut Julius cesar, octauianus Augustue et ceteri imperatoree], nam nimium te-diosmn est exercitum [tam) copiosum ducere tanto tempore per mare et per tam longam uiam. Dictam albanie regnum nune regem nullum habet, sed terra diuiditur per principe» terre, qul ipsam regunt et ipsi nulii substrat. Dicitur autem bec prouincia albania eo quod albo crine x) homines illius regionis nascuntur. Canes sunt in ea ingentis magnitudinis et tante ferocitatis quod [eciam] leones perimerunt2), vnde et plinius refert, quod alb ani miserunt unum canem alexandro magno, qui de leone, elephante et tauro in etadio triumphauit, Oculoe babent depictoe et glaucos in pupilla adeo quod melius de nocte uident quam de dde [et adeo sunt magni fures et de nocte discurrunt siciit et de die]. Duas tamen constat esse albanias, vnam in asia, que est circa indiatm et de illa non loquimur hic, aliam [iesse] in europa, que est de imperio constantinopolitano [de iure] et de hac loquimur hic, [et] duas prouincias continet in se, uidelicet clisaramp) et tumurist*). Preter has duas prouincias habet iuxta se et alias prouincias videlicet cumaniam, etophanatum pola-tum, debre, que quidem proudneie sunt tributarie eisdem albanenai-bus et quasi serue, quia exercent agriculturam et colunt vineas ipso-rum ac seruant necessaria in domibus suiş. homines istarum pro-uinciarum non mouentur de loco ad locum, sicut prefati albanen-ses, sed habent stabiles 5) mansiones et opida, nec sunt pure catholici, nec pure scismatici. Si tamen esset qui eis uerbum dei proponeret, ef-ficerentur puri catholici, quia naturaliter diligunt latinos ut diictum est; habent enim albani prefati linguam distinctam a latinis, grecia et sclauis ita quod in nullo se intelligunt cum aliis nationibus, et hec de albania dicta sufficiant.
Dicitur autem bec prouincia albania eo quod albo crine x) homines illius regionis nascuntur. Canes sunt in ea ingentis magnitudinis et tante ferocitatis quod [eciam] leones perimerunt2), vnde et plinius refert, quod alb ani miserunt unum canem alexandro magno, qui de leone, elephante et tauro in etadio triumphauit, Oculoe babent depictoe et glaucos in pupilla adeo quod melius de nocte uident quam de dde [et adeo sunt magni fures et de nocte discurrunt siciit et de die]. Duas tamen constat esse albanias, vnam in asia, que est circa indiatm et de illa non loquimur hic, aliam [iesse] in europa, que est de imperio constantinopolitano [de iure] et de hac loquimur hic

From where is the second Part/text?
Surely not from Pliny,

are you reffering the molossian dogs? described by Virgil Aristotle and many others?

I wonder where you focus?
lets see, what is your point.
rex = King

edit - I found the original text it translate to

When Alexander a famous the Great was on his way to India, the king of Albania '"""^- had presented him with one dog of unusually large size ; Alexander was dehghted by its appearance, and gave orders for bears and then boars and finally hinds to be let slip — the hound lying contemptuously motionless, This slackness on the part of so vast an animal annoyed the generous spirit of the Emperor, who ordered it to be destroyed. Report carried news of this to the king ; and accordingly sending a second hound he added a message that Alexander

the king of Albania Caucasus presented Alexander a gift

EDIT AGAIN: If that's a quote from pliny then it's not about albania in the balkans. it wasn't even called albania at that time.
EDIT AGAIN: If that's a quote from pliny then it's not about albania in the balkans. it wasn't even called albania at that time.

I know, there was no albania in europe in the ancient times
I know, there was no albania in europe in the ancient times

Considering the origin of the word, that is quite a statement. Likely candidates
Arbër ~ Arbën < Albanoi < *albanus or
Arbër ~ Arbën < Arbona or
Arbër ~ Arbën < ορφανός (apparently) or
Arbër ~ Arbën < arvum

Did I miss anyone? Anyway, the point is, the origin of the name is either of Latin or Greek origin and yet you say it's not found where Latin and Greek were spoken. Yetos proposed Alba Iulia as well, although Alba Iulia is found at 222 - 247 meters, while Albanian has original vocabulary (read: not loanwords) for things that are found above c. 600-900 m asl.

On topic, the oldest official text about Albanians was "Audivi uriam voce, clamantem in monte in lingua albanesca" in Ragusha in 1285. Let's leave it to that, because it really annoying.
Considering the origin of the word, that is quite a statement. Likely candidates
Arbër ~ Arbën < Albanoi < *albanus or
Arbër ~ Arbën < Arbona or
Arbër ~ Arbën < ορφανός (apparently) or
Arbër ~ Arbën < arvum

Did I miss anyone? Anyway, the point is, the origin of the name is either of Latin or Greek origin and yet you say it's not found where Latin and Greek were spoken. Yetos proposed Alba Iulia as well, although Alba Iulia is found at 222 - 247 meters, while Albanian has original vocabulary (read: not loanwords) for things that are found above c. 600-900 m asl.

On topic, the oldest official text about Albanians was "Audivi uriam voce, clamantem in monte in lingua albanesca" in Ragusha in 1285. Let's leave it to that, because it really annoying.

Ancient IMO is in BC times
Ancient IMO is in BC times
Are you replying to me? Or are you putting me in group with everyone? Or are you replying to me here from another topic? Quite an odd and disjointed answer for what I posted.
Are you replying to me? Or are you putting me in group with everyone? Or are you replying to me here from another topic? Quite an odd and disjointed answer for what I posted.

It was to you and I was clarifying what the term ancient meant for me.
some people think ancient is to the start of the dark-ages........i do not know which is correct
I know, there was no albania in europe in the ancient times
Yes you are right their wsnt but only tribal structures through their,we may have not been called albania but we do know we were their through those times,our language says it all.