So, who was
Henry Salt, besides being a philosopher, animal rightist, and
vegetarian who made a deep impact on
Gandhi and many others?
So often we hear the tired old accusation thrown at those who care about animals?f rights and vegetarians charging that, ?gthey care more about animals than people.?h They often use the words ?ganimal rights?h and ?gvegetarian?h derisively, as if the words were pajoratives.
However, many in the animal rights and vegetarian movements care deeply about all life and the many injustices people are subjected to.
Henry Salt was a champion of caring and social progress. He was a founding member of the Humanitarian League which set about to not only make social progress for animals, but also attacked the prison system, winning reforms that would lead to a system of ?gappeal?h, and revised the imprisonment for Debt Law. But, as noted, he was a staunch supporter of animal rights and
"Vegetarianism is the diet of the future, as flesh-food is the diet of the past. In that striking and common contrast, a fruit shop side by side with a butcher's, we have a most significant object lesson. There, on the one hand, are the barbarities of a savage custom - the headless carcasses, stiffencd into a ghastly semblance of life, the joints and steaks and gobbets with their sickening odour, the harsh grating of the bone saw, and the dull thud of the chopper - a perpetual crying protest against the horrors of flesh-eating.". -- Henry S. Salt, The Humanities of Diet