Genomes from Late Iron Age Britain - 57 burials from Durotrigian sites in Dorset


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Project: PRJEB81465​

The duroDNA project explores patterns of migration and social organisation in the Late Iron Age of southern England, focussing on 57 burials from Durotrigian sites in Dorset.

Secondary Study Accession:
Study Title:
Genomes from Late Iron Age Britain
Center Name:
Trinity College Dublin;Republic of Ireland;TRINITY COLLEGE DUBLIN
Study Name:
duroDNA project

FTDNA has the raw data on its to-do list, according to Göran Runström:

Upcoming study Genomes from Late Iron Age Britain by Trinity College Dublin:
The duroDNA project explores patterns of migration and social organisation in the Late Iron Age of southern England, focusing on 57 burials from Durotrigian sites in Dorset.
32 male samples with great coverage, so we can expect some nice haplogroup assignments.

On the Durotriges people:

Burial of Durotriges was by inhumation, with a last ritual meal provided even under exiguous circumstances, as in the eight burials at Maiden Castle, carried out immediately after the Roman attack. Most Durotrigian burials are laid down in crouched positions within shallow, oval graves

The Durotriges, and their relationship with the Roman Empire, form the basis for an ongoing archaeological research project directed by Paul Cheetham, Ellen Hambleton and Miles Russell of Bournemouth University. The Durotriges Project<a href=""><span>[</span>16<span>]</span></a> has, since 2009, been reconsidering the Iron Age to Roman transition through a detailed programme of field survey, geophysical investigation and targeted excavation. To date the programme of work has concentrated upon an enclosed late Iron Age banjo enclosure containing round houses, work surfaces and storage pits, a Late Iron Age cemetery, two Roman villas and a large Late Iron Age roundhouse settlement referred to as Duropolis

Would be great to know more about the individual autosomal results (like Eurogenes/G25 coordinates) as well, or getting some preliminary yDNA assignments.
Anyone knows more or can step in?
There seems to be a talk about this topic next week but I could not find out if there is a possibility to join online:

"Join us for In Search of the Durotriges, a talk by Dr. Phillip Endicott, as he explores kinship practices in late Iron Age to Roman Britain using ancient DNA. Discover new insights into population biology, kinship, and mobility patterns in southern coastal Britain."

🗓️ Thursday, Nov 21, 5:00 pm
📍 230 Hale Science
Now I found a bit more:

In Search of the Durotriges

Investigating kinship practices using population biology in southern coastal Britain during the transition from the late Iron Age to the Roman period.

Presented by:
Dr. Phillip Endicott
University of Tartu, Estonia
University of Bournemouth, United Kingdom
Thursday, November 21, 5:00 pm
230 Hale Science, Department of Anthropology

I will present a feasibility study of southern coastal Britain either side of the Roman conquest in 43 CE. Shortly after the hillforts of Dorset fall into disuse ~100 BCE, a new cultural horizon appears, characterised by a distinctive funerary tradition, and lasts into the early 2nd century CE. The site under study, Winterbourne Kington, is central to its distribution. Genetic pedigrees, based on 45 individuals, are consistent with matrilocal post-marital residence and male exogamy. Using haplotypes and chromosome painting reveals a significant increase in mobility from the continent commencing prior to the Roman conquest, which is not witnessed outside of the southern coastal region.

This study demonstrates both the strengths and limitations of population biology for understanding social structure in the past. I will explain how distinguishing between different possible descent groups associated with matrilocal residence, and the geographical origin of male partners, will be addressed in an extended study using detailed settlement archaeology, and stable isotopes of mobility. Moreover, by increased sampling density it will be possible to study transformations in kinship before, during, and after the Roman conquest, establish whether this distinctive funerary tradition is a local development and if it could be connected to the regional polity named as the Durotriges by Ptolemy in the 2nd century CE.
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Thank you, but you double posted the last two paragraphs. The big thing about this community was its deviation from the British norm and the fact that they had primarily inhumation burials, which could be tested. I guess they will reveal a lot of continental recent admixtrue, similar to the Bretons when the moved to France and fled the Anglo-Saxons - but that as to be seen in detail.
"Genetic pedigrees, based on 45 individuals, are consistent with matrilocal post-marital residence and male exogamy"
I have analyzed 8 MT samples and 4 are the same U5b1 clade

Best mtDNA Haplogroup Matches:

1) U5b1(T16189C T16192C)

Defining Markers for haplogroup U5b1(T16189C T16192C):
HVR2: 73G 150T 263G
CR: 750G 1438G 2706G 3197C 4769G 5656G 7028T 7768G 8860G 9477A 11467G 11719A 12308G 12372A 13617C 14182C 14766T 15326G
HVR1: 16189C 16270T

Marker path from rCRS to haplogroup U5b1(T16189C T16192C) (plus extra markers):
H2a2a1(rCRS) ⇨ 263G ⇨ H2a2a ⇨ 8860G 15326G ⇨ H2a2 ⇨ 750G ⇨ H2a ⇨ 4769G ⇨ H2 ⇨ 1438G ⇨ H ⇨ 2706G 7028T ⇨ HV ⇨ 14766T ⇨ R0 ⇨ 73G 11719A ⇨ R ⇨ 11467G 12308G 12372A ⇨ U ⇨ 16192T 16270T ⇨ U5 ⇨ 3197C 9477A 13617C ⇨ U5a'b ⇨ 150T 7768G 14182C ⇨ U5b ⇨ 5656G ⇨ U5b1 ⇨ 16189C ⇨ U5b1(T16189C) ⇨ 16192C ⇨ U5b1(T16189C T16192C) ⇨ 93G (315.1C) 13011T 15607G 15928T (16183C) 16362C (16519C)

Good Match! Your results also had extra markers for this haplogroup:
Matches(24): 73G 150T 263G 750G 1438G 2706G 3197C 4769G 5656G 7028T 7768G 8860G 9477A 11467G 11719A 12308G 12372A 13617C 14182C 14766T 15326G 16189C 16192C 16270T
Extras(5): 93G (315.1C) 13011T 15607G 15928T (16183C) 16362C (16519C)

FTDNA has the raw data on its to-do list, according to Göran Runström:

On the Durotriges people:

Would be great to know more about the individual autosomal results (like Eurogenes/G25 coordinates) as well, or getting some preliminary yDNA assignments.
Anyone knows more or can step in?

i sent the link to the bam files to theytree site
hope they will be kind and upload them

i don't think it should be that relevant to E though (maybe e-v13 could show up)
but i expect most of them to be r1b and I-M170
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Yes, E-V13 would be a chance find, not just because its Celtic, but also because of inhumation burials and matrilocal residency, both completely untypical for any E-V13 group as far as I can see. But surprises are always possible and they might in any case relect nearby continental Celts and local British.
The G25 coordinates were posted by Ajeje on Apricity:

On a quick glance there seems to be only 2 continental celts:

I'm curious to see the haplogroups.
Distance to: Durotrigian:WBK02
0.02639515 Germany_West-Hallstattkreis_EIA:MBG007__BC_573__Cov_75.22%
0.02763884 Germany_West-Hallstattkreis_EIA:HOC002__BC_515__Cov_48.11%
0.02788927 France_GrandEst_IA2:I21399__BC_250__Cov_61.06%
0.02798155 Czechia_IA_LaTene:I15043__BC_290__Cov_72.39%
0.02805979 France_Occitanie_IA:CLR35__BC_350__Cov_33.09%
0.02828862 Germany_West-Hallstattkreis_EIA:HEU001__BC_540__Cov_40.33%
0.02849077 Czechia_LBA_Knoviz:I13789__BC_1050__Cov_73.06%
0.02852060 Czechia_LBA_Knoviz:I13788__BC_1050__Cov_70.32%
0.02866880 Spain_Greek_oLocal:I8209__BC_604__Cov_73.72%
0.02872175 Czechia_LBA_Knoviz:I13798__BC_1100__Cov_69.68%
0.02885045 Spain_Greek_oLocal:I8214__BC_425__Cov_45.92%
0.02977611 Czechia_IA_LaTene:I15046__BC_306__Cov_72.60%
0.02981890 Czechia_IA_LaTene:I15048__BC_435__Cov_65.72%
0.02990060 Czechia_IA_LaTene:I17321__BC_275__Cov_43.24%
0.03039917 Italy_Verona_LIA:3308__BC_200__Cov_75.03%
0.03055681 England_EIA:I27382__BC_642__Cov_73.86%
0.03068447 England_EIA_highEEF:I12774__BC_604__Cov_72.27%
0.03082442 Hungary_IA_LaTene:I18110__BC_250__Cov_49.36%
0.03099789 Italy_Verona_LIA:3210__BC_200__Cov_83.72%%
0.03134899 France_GrandEst_IA2:I21402__BC_250__Cov_72.87%
0.03168544 Czechia_LBA_Knoviz:I13793__BC_1050__Cov_72.26%
0.03210904 Czechia_LBA_Knoviz:I15960__BC_1100__Cov_62.68%
0.03247623 Czechia_IA_LaTene:I14984__BC_320__Cov_65.60%
0.03254091 Switzerland_Cornaux_LIA:COR-9__BC_201__Cov_unknown
0.03272500 Hungary_IA_LaTene:I25516__BC_200__Cov_15.74%

Distance to: Durotrigian:WBK32
0.03655368 France_GrandEst_IA:ISL6950__BC_230__Cov_59.47%
0.03738232 Czechia_LBA_Knoviz:I13788__BC_1050__Cov_70.32%
0.03943862 Czechia_LBA_Knoviz:I15960__BC_1100__Cov_62.68%
0.03975481 Czechia_IA_LaTene:I14986__BC_305__Cov_69.56%
0.03982763 Czechia_LBA_Knoviz:I20526__BC_900__Cov_17.62%
0.04008362 Switzerland_Cornaux_LIA:COR-11__BC_192__Cov_unknown
0.04017909 Czechia_IA_LaTene:I14984__BC_320__Cov_65.60%
0.04028509 France_GrandEst_IA1.SG:Jeb8.SG__BC_500__Cov_12.35%
0.04055088 Czechia_IA_LaTene:I15044__BC_280__Cov_73.52%
0.04147281 England_MIA:I19910__BC_300__Cov_65.14%
0.04181063 England_MIA_LIA:I13726__BC_183__Cov_72.09%
0.04182485 Germany_West-Hallstattkreis_EIA:LWB003__BC_515__Cov_66.42%
0.04200545 England_MIA:I19872__BC_325__Cov_60.71%
0.04202333 Slovenia_EIA:I5690__BC_624__Cov_82.13%
0.04223849 Czechia_LBA_Knoviz:I13799__BC_1100__Cov_73.08%
0.04235011 Czechia_LBA_Knoviz:I15958__BC_1100__Cov_61.05%
0.04257108 Italy_Picene_Novilara_IAPN172__BC_700__Cov_12.59%
0.04284849 Switzerland_Cornaux_LIA:COR-19__BC_192__Cov_unknown
0.04289084 Hungary_IA_LaTene:I18110__BC_250__Cov_49.36%
0.04296067 Czechia_IA_LaTene:I15047__BC_220__Cov_46.70%
0.04317883 France_GrandEst_IA2:I21402__BC_250__Cov_72.87%
0.04325598 Germany_West-Hallstattkreis_EIA:MBG009__BC_573__Cov_68.94%
0.04335640 Czechia_IA_LaTene:I14987__BC_305__Cov_44.80%
0.04359577 England_EIA:I20585__BC_600__Cov_64.38%
0.04362006 Czechia_LBA_Knoviz:I16182__BC_1100__Cov_50.45%
Here is the spreadsheet with Y-haplogroups, terminal clades for remaining samples will be added as soon as their analysis is completed:

Durotriges aDNA
That's very interesting. Ancient Britons are usually expected to be overwhelmingly R1b-L21, but these Durotriges samples have nearly as much R1b-DF27 as R1b-L21.

There is of course a bit of Neolithic British I2a-M284 > L1195.

Also interesting is the presence of G2a-L497. This branch of G2a is typically associated with the Alpine Celts, Etruscans and Italics — that is to say with the U152 branch of R1b. Its presence among the Durotriges could suggest intermingling with their Eastern neighbours the Belgae and the Atrebates, who had recently migrated from what is now northern France. Another possibility is that it came with an earlier continental migration, for example during the Hallstatt period.
That's very interesting. Ancient Britons are usually expected to be overwhelmingly R1b-L21, but these Durotriges samples have nearly as much R1b-DF27 as R1b-L21.

There is of course a bit of Neolithic British I2a-M284 > L1195.

Also interesting is the presence of G2a-L497. This branch of G2a is typically associated with the Alpine Celts, Etruscans and Italics — that is to say with the U152 branch of R1b. Its presence among the Durotriges could suggest intermingling with their Eastern neighbours the Belgae and the Atrebates, who had recently migrated from what is now northern France. Another possibility is that it came with an earlier continental migration, for example during the Hallstatt period.
The G2a is WBK02, one of the two i pointed out as outliers, he has higher EEF and lower yamnaya, as you can see he's closest to continental celts. He must be a newcomer, otherwise its profile would not be different. I wonder how mutually intelligible were their languages at that stage.
The G2a is WBK02, one of the two i pointed out as outliers, he has higher EEF and lower yamnaya, as you can see he's closest to continental celts. He must be a newcomer, otherwise its profile would not be different. I wonder how mutually intelligible were their languages at that stage.
Are you sure: both of them are "eastern" (continental Celts Tène) shifted, and you 'outsider' is even closer to british Celts than the other one, if I understand well.
Are you sure: both of them are "eastern" (continental Celts Tène) shifted, and you 'outsider' is even closer to british Celts than the other one, if I understand well.
WBK02 plots as modern Atlantic French, slightly south of modern Bretons.

From Wikipedia,
The Durotriges were one of the Celtic tribes living in Britain prior to the Roman invasion. The tribe lived in modern Dorset, south Wiltshire, south Somerset and Devon east of the River Axe. [...] Their territory was bordered to the west by the Dumnonii; and to the east by the Belgae.

The majority of my English ancestry is from within or near to the Durotriges' territory. Of interest to me is outlier WBK32, which plots in the centre of the Grand Est IA2 shotgun samples. I noticed a number of years ago that if I added modern Grand Est samples to a G25 plot, then I moved away from the Isles and towards Grand Est. Perhaps samples like WBK32 represent the source of my attraction.
So another IA British datapoint where the "Ususal Suspects" of ancients Britons (and perhaps displaced Gaul/Belgae) are mainly subclades of L21 and DF27, and where I1, U106, E, J and DF19 are [edit: extremely infrequently not] found until after Roman auxiliaries (or at least Roman cemeteries) appear, with more influx by Migration Period. We do have U152 in auxiliaries by c.250 CE (6DT22).
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So another IA British datapoint where the "Ususal Suspects" of ancients Britons (and perhaps displaced Gaul/Belgae) are mainly subclades of L21 and DF27, and where I1, U106, E, J and DF19 are not found until after Roman auxiliaries (or at least Roman cemeteries) appear, with more influx by Migration Period. We do have U152 in auxiliaries by c.250 CE (6DT22).
There is U106>Z156 in Iron Age Cambridgeshire, (and also in Iron Age Haut de France and Occitania).
Thanks, yes, so we have one (from all those?) from between 700-400 BCE. And Z304 was in the Netherlands for maybe 1,000 years before that.
Difficult to say where a given haplogroup originated, and whether a lone Iron Age U106 is a a unique outlier in England or there are more to be found.

Iain McDonald attempted to summarise the state of U106 a couple of years ago, here:


Likely MRCA data range: 3000-2700 BC.

Likely origin: central Europe (Bohemia?)

Culture: Corded Ware Culture (eastern Bell Beaker influence if later)

Narrative evidence: (R-Z156 has strong family-level biases from over-sampled testiing of the McMullen (R-S5520>FGC11674) and Pittmann (R-Z306>DF98>FGC48870) groups. These groups have been taken out of the following analysis for all of R-Z156 and its subclades.) Overall, R-Z156 doesn't show a very strong British bias, and is comparatively absent from the Low Countries, despite the fact that the earliest R-U106 ancient DNA from these regions is almost entirely R-Z156. Hence, while R-Z156 may have been the earliest western wave of R-U106, it wasn't as influential in these regions as later migrations. R-Z156 is moderately common in the rest of north-western Europe, particularly France, where it provides 35% of the R-U106 test results (cf. 18% over Europe as a whole). It is also relatively common in the Meditteranean, meaning overall that it is common among the southern reaches of R-U106's realm. Within the British Isles, it is notably strong in Ireland. We know from ancient DNA that R-Z156>Z304>DF98>S1894 was found in the early Unetice culture in Prague. Hence, it is likely that R-Z156 arose in the precursor to this culture, the Corded Ware Culture, and we can tentatively plot a very short line across Bohemia from our most-ancient R-U106 burial to this one. The prevalence to the south, France and Ireland would therefore come from later migrations, notably including the Celtic migrations (especially the western La Tene groups). R-Z156 shows a modest population in eastern Europe, but does not comprise a significant fraction of the R-U106 here: the eastern European populations are over-represented in the R-Z156 basal clades (e.g. R-Y30585), which we can use to further evidence this central European origin, then bulk migration skewed towards the west.
WBK02 plots as modern Atlantic French, slightly south of modern Bretons.

From Wikipedia,

The majority of my English ancestry is from within or near to the Durotriges' territory. Of interest to me is outlier WBK32, which plots in the centre of the Grand Est IA2 shotgun samples. I noticed a number of years ago that if I added modern Grand Est samples to a G25 plot, then I moved away from the Isles and towards Grand Est. Perhaps samples like WBK32 represent the source of my attraction.
This G25 PCA is weird for me. That said, I agree partly with you. When I said 'eastern' I though they bear a DNA close to the most of the BA-IA continental Celts, compared to Isles Celts of the same or just previous ages; geographically theire closer Celts cousins were eastern too, before the Germanic colonization came to change the game. The today French people of a lot of regions have still a big continental Celtic autosomal heritage. On this PCA, we see also the difference between some IA southern French people and current southern French people; ATW Occitania is not homogenous, some a bit more "Celtic"like, others more "Basque"like.
But this PCA streches people on a very long axis, I find, compared to others.
Distances and PCA's have to be combined. I wait for more auDNA comparisons.
This one's an outlier. No YDNA yet?

Distance to: Durotrigian:WBK107
0.03752376 England_IA_Roman.SG
0.03836438 Norway_Medieval.SG
0.04032146 Germany_EarlyMedieval.SG
0.04047125 Sweden_Viking.SG
0.04190406 Wales_MIA
0.04211947 Denmark_Viking.SG
0.04266241 Greenland_EarlyNorse.SG
0.04296923 Scotland_LIA
0.04301637 Czech_BellBeaker
0.04302667 England_EastYorkshire_MIA
0.04303492 Denmark_Zealand_Saxon_Medieval
0.04305300 Sweden_IA.SG
0.04315713 Germany_Schleswig_Saxon_LMedieval
0.04334830 Switzerland_EBA_2
0.04350793 England_IA.SG
0.04352376 Scotland_LBA
0.04356336 Norway_IA.SG
0.04370963 Iceland_Pre_Christian.SG
0.04373729 England_EarlyMedieval
0.04382090 England_EIA
0.04382939 England_Viking.SG
0.04402262 Czech_EBA_Unetice
0.04413038 England_LIA
0.04424043 Sweden_Late_N.SG
0.04424197 England_LBA