Greek-Roman female beauty (Italy-Greece-Magna Grecia) tribute

Tuscany has very high R1b u152 like 35-37%. Modern Tuscans are very linked to franco-swiss Gauls that migrated from Switzerland, the "Sankt Gallen" a.k.a sanctuary of the gauls. 1 out of every 2 male lineages in Switzerland are R1b of the u-152/R-S28 variety. Not to mention much of France has 18-20% R1b u152. In fact, the Senones of north-eastern France on the border of Belgium, are founders of Siena before moving the opposite side to the Rimini area coast of Marche region. As for J2 in Tuscany, it never passes 15-20% in any part of the region but yes these are your "Minoan" types you speak of, Anatolian mainlanders to be more precise. In terms of "people akin to Sardinians" I have my doubts personal, they where overwhelmingly the minority in any case. There may ave been an earlier substratum of R1b u152 men as well, during an invasion that took place long before the Gallic invasions but this is merely speculation and certainly not fact. As for other germanics, yes there are rare few I1 men and other R1b subclades as well; the overwhelming minority though, seems Italy was hit hard by a Gallic invasion and much much less from a Germanic one.
the sardinean, is the substrate here, of pre indoeuropean:
Highest on sardinian
1 Sardinians
2 Basques
3 Iberians
4 Northern Italians
5 Tuscans

Yeah, the gallic element is very present here (but different to tell if it's gallic or italic)...
i could go on and on with people of gallic appearence here..
gianna nannini, pieraccioni, allegri..
people like those are more frequent than let's say david villa types or mario casas types, or cruz types.. to not say some extrem southern european types you find in iberia or greece.. like an albeloa alvaro.. could never be tuscan he would be seen as exhotic.. i dare to say germanic types are more frequent than albeloa alvaro types

probably celts and italics weren't so dissimilar...
the sardinean, is the substrate here, of pre indoeuropean:
Highest on sardinian
1 Sardinians
2 Basques
3 Iberians
4 Northern Italians
5 Tuscans

Yeah, the gallic element is very present here (but different to tell if it's gallic or italic)

Its the Italics; - the Indo-European Umbrians [Ambronen]
The Gauls never settled Tuscany and those that came to Italy were exterminated by the Romans (Italics);

Tuscans cluster closest to North Italians

DiGaetano et al 2012


Figure 2. SNP-Based PC of 1,014 individuals from the Italian dataset.
A. A Scatter Plot of the Italian population of the first two principal components obtained via R software (prcomp).
Individuals included belong to:
Northern Italy
: black dots, Central Italy : red dots, Southern Italy : green dots, Sardinian: blue dots.
B. Italian population without the Sardinian-projected scatter plot of the first two principal components obtained via the R software (prcomp)

something that many other studies have confirmed,


However the Skull Index is more Dolichocephalic in Tuscany than the Brachycephalic North


Acc. to J. Deniker: Tuscany is more Atlanto-Mediterranean (Caucasoid) and the
North [Piedmont/Lombardy] is more Alpinoid (Caucasoid);
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In general Southern Italian, Greek, Bulgarian or Albanian women for that matter are not beautiful. The few that are beautiful are have no match or competitors. No ather country (maybe France) can come close. The countries where women are generaly beautiful are Chek women, Poles, Swedish, Danes.

So many Nordicists among you Meds,can't forget the looks I've gotten as a pale blonde :D
So many Nordicists among you Meds,can't forget the looks I've gotten as a pale blonde :D

yeah, but the reverse is also true ;-).. med people are apprecited in northern and central europe
yeah, but the reverse is also true ;-).. med people are apprecited in northern and central europe
I know personally an American women of Swedish heretage. She was studing Italian language just to go to Italy to meet Italian men.
yeah, but the reverse is also true ;-).. med people are apprecited in northern and central europe

I don't know about Central Europe but some Brits do like Spaniards and Italians though I do not think they fare better than the French or the Scandinavians. So I think, at least as far as Britain is concerned, we don't enjoy any privileged position.

That said, I do not agree with Gea. I do not know what looks she got from "meds" but I haven't noticed any strong preference for blonde women (that is out of the ordinary ofc) among Greeks.

I also dunno why preferring blonde women is even considered nordicist but anyways...
So many Nordicists among you Meds,can't forget the looks I've gotten as a pale blonde :D

are you bragging about it, or did it bother you? What you might have stumbled upon is the typical mediteranean macho attitude, always shamelesly looking for something..., but that's not reserved just for blondes. :)
In general Southern Italian, Greek, Bulgarian or Albanian women for that matter are not beautiful. The few that are beautiful are have no match or competitors. No ather country (maybe France) can come close. The countries where women are generaly beautiful are Chek women, Poles, Swedish, Danes.

I would not agree with you. You have to come to Prishtina in the center just for one hour, it is like being in the beauty contest. As for Macedonian women, I agree, they aren't pretty. Here are a Kosovar ones:



Here are two from Albania:

Let's give some mood to this thread.

Monica Bellucci (from Umbria, central Italy, Italic area)

