Has Iraq war made U.S. safer? That's questionable.


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Imagine yourself in the summer of, say, 2054, and reading a history book with your great-grandkids. Here's the big question: Will President Bush's assertion this week - that the U.S. invasion of Iraq has made Americans safer even though no weapons of mass destruction have been found - have withstood the test of time and the scrutiny of historians? That's far from clear. All we can predict for sure is a few paragraphs about how, back in those olden times, the claim was a cornerstone of a bitter 2004 battle for the White House.

USA Today (via Yahoo! News)
Hmm, right now I don't think so because is making more people hate America, but if their plan on remodellin the middle-east under their interests works out, then maybe in the long run yes.
Fundementalist muslims and arabs will always hate America until the issue of Palestine is resolved
Duo said:
Fundementalist muslims and arabs will always hate America until the issue of Palestine is resolved

Palestine isn't the only reason we are hated...

As regards the thread... I am with Brooker
Well this just gives other countries the ammo they need to hate the U.S.

The only reason why america went to war with iraq was cause of oil.
America wanted the oil. And then you would get MOST of the fat ass americans using the oil and what are they going to do when its gone, invade other countries.

America is going to invade the wrong country one time and their going to pay for it.
HITMAN-X said:
The only reason why america went to war with iraq was cause of oil.

Well, that's certainly one reason. I've always been of the belief that Bush needed someone to punish for 9/11, and since he couldn't find (and still can't find) Osama bin laden, the real bad guy responsible for the attack, Dubya went after the first available target he COULD find----Saddam Hussein, thus the Iraq War.
Not So Much A Fear...

but I wonder what the terrorists will come up with next to top 9/11. I like to think of possible things for them to kill us off with next. How about they get a hold of a big Russian nuke sub and launch all missles on board to big city targets? Or the ol crop duster with bio agents over cities & water supplies? I bet it will be another type of attack we can't even imagine happening?


:relief: :( :? :okashii:
Judging by recent news on exactly which country had ties to Bin Ladin - America appears to have been one country out when choosing who to wage war on after Afganistan. Maybe the US would have been safer now if they'd gone to war on Iran.

Just two things are for sure,
1. Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq were scum.
2. The US practically went out of its way to make itself unpopular in the way it went to war with Iraq.
I could be wrong, but I don't think a 9/11 or worse will happen again (knock on wood). America got caught with its pants down and I think it was a bit of a fluke. But regardless of whether it happens again or not, I refuse to live in fear and I'm not going to change my life or give up my freedoms because of it.
I personally couldnt care less what happens to the US I think if we would stop going around sticking our nose into other countries business then we would be fine.

I understand that America has done things to make people want to attack America, but I deeply hope that another 9/11 doesn't happen. I can't begin to describe my feelings on that day. It was horrifying, and I've never even been to New York. To see live, my innocent countrymen being slaughtered on their way to work was devastating. I hope I never have to witness anything like that again - in America or anywhere.

But, even though 9/11 was a terrible nightmare, it doesn't justify what America is doing now, and there really isn't that much of a connection anyways.
I heard on some radio news that now we are in more danger. This generation is going to have to live through the danger because its not going to be until the next generation that things will start to quiet down.
I dislike bush.

he draged britain into the war in iraq and in return for helping out the americans they start shooting british troops.

American troop "Bang! Bang!"

British troop falls to the floor dead

American troop "OH sorry Friendly Fire".
HITMAN-X said:
I dislike bush.

he draged britain into the war in iraq and in return for helping out the americans they start shooting british troops.

American troop "Bang! Bang!"

British troop falls to the floor dead

American troop "OH sorry Friendly Fire".
:D :D :D Sorry, but you just put it so simple and funny. :sorry: Well these things happen in war, so just proves how useless war is.
HITMAN-X said:
I dislike bush.

he draged britain into the war in iraq and in return for helping out the americans they start shooting british troops.

American troop "Bang! Bang!"

British troop falls to the floor dead

American troop "OH sorry Friendly Fire".

I haven't read anything about that but..
It's not like Bush ordered them personally to open fire! that is the reality of war, a small %&#?up in communication between allies and voila!
(not defending Bush, in fact admin would surely edit this post if i voice my full opinion here)

Im pretty sure the US isn't any safer now than before the Irak war.
and as for the weapons of mass destruction. Irak is one big sandbox! not very hard to hide something...
Duo said:
:D :D :D Sorry, but you just put it so simple and funny. :sorry: Well these things happen in war, so just proves how useless war is.

Yes war is useless i agree.

It may sound weird comin from me but its true.

By the if you like my posts then add the REP points

Sinspawne said:
I haven't read anything about that but..
It's not like Bush ordered them personally to open fire! that is the reality of war, a small %&#?up in communication between allies and voila!
(not defending Bush, in fact admin would surely edit this post if i voice my full opinion here)

Im pretty sure the US isn't any safer now than before the Irak war.
and as for the weapons of mass destruction. Irak is one big sandbox! not very hard to hide something...

Well am pretty sure the americans have killed more british troops then Iraqi.
My british comrades i shed a tear for you.
I whole heartedly believe that America and the world is now in much greater danger from terrorism as a direct result of Bush's actions over the last four years. :flame: :danger: :gun: :danger: :banghead: :banghead: Thanks Bush. He tries to make people believe that he's improving a situation that, in fact, he's making much worse. I think Bush believes he's making America safer, but he's wrong, and he's not seeing the big picture.
The world is definitely more dangerous. But it didn't need to be. After 9/11 the whole world united in support of the US and Bush could have used that support to not only hunt down Osama bin Ladin but also to cement the US position as popular leader of the "free" world. Instead he squandered it all in order to pursue this idiotic vendetta against Saddam, the full costs of which have yet to be seen. The first casualty was the sympathy of international opinion, which was quickly followed by the sympathy of most governments.

The best way of defeating terrorists is to do so in a manner that isn't going to make everyone hate you. America has been unpopular in the middle east for a long time, but the Iraq invasion has totally changed the equation. Before America was hated for meddling in the Israel/Palestine conflict, now it is hated for invading and occupying a major Arab country without any provocation whatsoever. The people who have been arguing that America is the devil seeking to conquer the middle east have effectively been proven right to most Arabs, and the view that the only way to stop the US is to fight them is probably going to find greater acceptance among most people (though certainly not most governments).