Hematologic genotypes versus Y and mtdna haplogroup markers in Population Genetics

Miqui Rumba

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Y-DNA haplogroup
mtDNA haplogroup
Every European must know human kind have 35 blood groups and more than 600 blood antigenes with their respective antibodies. Some of them are very dangerous in matter of transfusion and new breeding diseases. Blood antigenes are good ancestry markers, too. Cavagli-Sforza make a introduction to populations genetics with his type B among Europeans analysis. He solved why west Europeans have low frequencies of type B and AB.
I am type AB- although, in my Spaniard family, there are not nobody reported with type B! We are a cis-AB family (several families with common ancestry from Segura river flood lands). We inherited type AB from one parent because of ABO gene 2 mutations (pos. 467 and 803) that makes an A102 allele (asian A1) becoming a chimeric allele with dual A2 and B3 activity. This rare allele is a good marker to trace in West Europeans strange mutations that could be better immune system (cis-AB people in my family are more resistant and they live longer). Problem is there are only a few families reported in Europe (France, Belgium, Germany and Poland), the most are totally incompatible blood (myself) after alloimmunation, while in Japan and Corea there are many cis-AB families with blood compatibility and they have a genetic distance from Europeans around 10,000 years or more (unrelationed populations with 2 cis-AB allele variants sequenced).
I want to propose an interactive analylis about blood genotype antigenes (specially Rh, Kell and Mns groups) as ancestry markers and how a cheaper and faster testing have been stopped by Ethics Comittees in European Union. I hope that Dr. Flegel (NIH) now in University of Ulm with the Rhesus Site project could explain better his theory about homo erectus RHD gen deletion (he’s discovered this deletion among Asians) . Many eupedists could visit BGMUT in Genoma project to check relations between ancestry and blood gen mutations.