Amazing isn't it? First they have to prove they are actually the heirs to the Illyrians and not some small group from Dacia or Pannonia displaced by the either the Slavs or Avars.
There is no "proving" when it comes to past events. There are just theories, and lots of them.
The one theory that has gained most favor both nationally and internationally regarding the origin of albanians, is that they descend largely from some of the ancient western balkan tribes dubbed the Illyrians.
The reason i say 'largely', is because no group of people remains unchanged for thousands of years, it is just impossible.
Just look at ancient greeks, even though they had a rich literary culture, they can not even be linked fully to modern greeks beyond any doubt, as we actually have pretty hard evidence that there were huge slavic and albanian migrations towards especially thessaly, euboea, boetia, attica and peloponnes in greece during the middle ages. All those slavs and albanians did not magically disappear, but they were assimilated into what we today call modern greeks.