Homesick Samurai King, found in Cuba?


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Note; this entry will be what I will call for the rest of my life...

"God Message from the homesick Samurai".

While researching coastal sites along Cuba's Western side, the Arroyo del Rio area, and Bahia de Guadiana, I came across a peninsula which can only be described as an intensive temple structure area.

This Peninsula is complete with a 1 mile geoglyph head of a King, possibly with a Pharoah-type crown or helmet. In fact, the helmet could be Asian Samurai, or Roman Gladiator, but the similarities are striking to many ancient helmet shapes, and the facial shape reminds me of the Sphinx in Egypt.

In addition, nearby are several moat-surrounded lake-cenotes, one in the phallic shape leading to a "cosmic egg" area, with underwater structures and walkways, strongly indicating the need for security against competing tribes.
To the North of the geoglyph of the head portrait is a HUGE area of tapestry designs, strongly suggesting a language documentary of some sort written in stone settings.

The direct Google Earth image is much more clear and explicit...

What is particularly amazing to me is the story these temple-city-structures seem to tell.

It is a God message from a King, facing West, most probably indicating the place of that King's conception and birth.

With a trace of imagination in my heart, on the perpetual prayers of all humankind, I can guess the King is telling the Gods up above...."Yes, I am King of Western Cuba, this Peninsula, but I was born in the far West, and my fate tells me I will not be able to return. Send a message to the land of my birth, that I would trade all this, to come home one last time."

Request for academic assistance from Japan and Asia...

OK... so can I be sure of anything here? Absolutely not. I am asking my Japanese and Asian counterparts to study the shape of the helmet headgear of this Pharoah Samurai King, to see if it looks familiar to them, as it seems to me. On the top of the helmet is what I almost certainly suspect is a Chinese pole axe shape, with fluted horns, and a flying serpent crown. Of course, this is speculation from an amateur, myself.

What most people are learning, as I have recently learned from other theories, is the probable Asian mapping of the Western hemisphere thousands of years ago. The original Huang Di, the Yellow Emperor of 2600 BC, is alleged to have mapped the western hemisphere, calling it the "Hemlock Tree with the hundred mile waist" (meaning Panama).

Huang Di #2, of the 400 BC era is also alleged to have mapped the western hemisphere, and someone along the way called it "Fusang". Numerous Chinese, Japanese, and Indonesian artifacts are found all over the ancient Americas, including ancient Chinese ceramics found in a Lake in New Jersey.
Christopher Colombus told the Pope in 1493 that among the persons he discovered on Hispaniola were Chinese people, with Chinese symbolics which the Marco Polo expeditions had revealed to the world in 1215.

Note: Thanks to Professor Shelton D. of Georgetown University for being the first to respond to my academic alert to this archaeological treasure, which, if unstudied will most certainly evolve 10 years from now into a golf course. Of course, if any academic institutions are interested, please contact me via email.

In any way, if the character in this geoglyph is Nubian, or Roman, or Phoenician, or Egyptian or Asian, I feel so proud of myself to send this ancient message back to the homeland of this homesick King, which is probably Asia.

Your thoughts?
Frankly, I do not see a striking resemble with a samurai or gladiator helmet, a sphinx, or Pharaoh crown. The fact that it can be associated with so many different things proves that it is far from obvious. Personally it reminds me more of some Native American feather headdress.
Good question

Maciamo... again you mention exactly what is questioning me.

Yes, they remind me of Amerindian look too. But would it be unfair of me to ask about the Samurai helmets and figures... "Don't they also look Amerindian in artistic designs, or stepped colors and patterns, or is that universal among too many cultures?"

I say "Yes", and "Yes", and the Asian cultures were here in the Americas before Columbus... wowwwww!!!! I feel like I am announcing the discovery of snow on Mt. Fuji or something, totally profound! (shock)

I have outlined the facial armor of the figure. You may ask...Why is it facial armor and not scarification tatoos? ...Answer, because it seems to exceed the nose area like metal plate and certainly protects the neck areas.

Does it have to be Samurai? No. It might be Persian. It might be Chinese. I think it is a great intellectual exercise, for smarter people than me, and it certainly is intriguing.

Like nobody else on this website, I trust your questioning... and your insights. Would you know of any academic institutions who might be interested in this figure?

On the etymology side, and pardon me, this may be a distraction element...but I have always wondered about the huge similarity between the place name... Gulf of Campeche off the coast of Yucatan, and the name of old Cambodia... "Kampuchea", another "conincidence" of course.

We are all connected, for thousands of years.