some very very silly remarks about the military from some.
Just to let you know Venice defeated the mighty germanic habsburgs in 1508 and never lost a war against them. The best the habsburg got was a drawn out war of Gradisca 1614-1618.
In 1508
In 1507, Julius (Pope) returned to the question of the cities in Venetian hands; once again rebuffed by the Senate, he encouraged the recently elected
Emperor Maximilian I to attack the Republic. Maximilian, using his journey to Rome for the Imperial coronation as a pretext, entered Venetian territory with a large army in February 1508 and advanced on
Vicenza, but was defeated by a Venetian army under
Bartolomeo d'Alviano. A second assault by a
Tyrolean force several weeks later was an even greater failure; Alviano not only routed the Imperial army but also proceeded to seize
Trieste and
Fiume, forcing Maximilian to conclude a truce with Venice.
The peace was signed for 3 years, a pact that Maximilian broke in cannot even trust the HRE!!
Another......war of Lepanto against the Ottomans
208 Christian ships of which 110 where Venetian ships ( 55% ) , ONLY 12 Spanish ships and the rest other Italians defeated the mighty Ottomans
do I need to give more......maybe
Francesco Morosini or Girolamo Cornaro adventures
The issue is Italians never fought for each other and never will fight for each other...........its far better if the country became a confederation of Italian WILL work better