The basque were not the only non-indo European language in Iberia; the Tartessians were probably Phoenicians and Turdetanians; the basque genetic composition more or less shows they were always heavily R1b; maybe the spoke a conquerer's language; maybe basque is most similar to an ampncientpelasgic or even pre-indo-European tongue; languages shifted a lot with the Latin dominations; maybe basque is a survived tongue of the pre-Latin IberiaIberia
Sorry if you didn't get the memo; my account was recently blocked , for no perceivable reason, by either Maciamo or lebrok. No, basque was not a I-E tongue; I believe it pre-dates the indo-Europeans and has to do with men of the I-M26 (I2a1) lineage.
Sorry but I-M26 is the only I present in basque people and it once had a much heavier weight among them.
this is a sensible reflection and I would add that maybe the Basque as their ancestor did not want kes contacts autrecultures or civilisation.En fact it seems seon your reasoning that had the old Basque semblablr character as the Basque of today. The Basque america seem to have followed the same process.I don't doubt R1b travelled into Europe through the Danube, several different routes over land, through the Baltic, and hugging the Northern coast of the Mediterranean Sea by boat. Their huge numbers indicate multiple methods of arrival in wave after wave.
Here I'm referring specifically to the original Basque settlers though. Their unusual language tells me they made little contact with neighbors on the journey from the Russian steppes (if that's still where science has them pegged) to their new home in Iberia. How else could such a unique language develop?
They would have had to travel over water with little to no neighbor contact--ensuring the purity of the language-- and the Mediterranean route makes the most sense.
go on the site of Alda�ta the ancient cimeti�rs Basque of the 8th century (the most ancient necropolis of the Basque country) and you will note that these markers I2a, I2b and G2, J2, J1 is not present there; but contrariwise you will find Q1a, R1a and also of I1 of Francs (allies of basques).
How explain you that the relics of the most ancient vascon language are north of the Gascony and the south of the Loire, there is not I2a1 there.
On the other hand I2a1 already has a language (iberian) and this PIE language completely differs from eushkara and also I add that the peaks of I2a1 are in the Sardinia and that there nobody speaks a language only is even ressemblante with eushkara from a distance or from far away.
Finally I say to you that presence of masculine I2a1 is 2/3 % among Basque and of more this marker is especially located, concentrated in region the most insulated being next to the Aragon and goes away in the Basque population of the north and from the west with 0 % scores.
And it is in these regions of the north and from the west that is most speakers of the eushkara.
1-Iberian language has nothing to do with PIE nor IE.
2-The closest language related to basque, despite of its fragmentary status, is iberian. This is not only a matter of modern linguistical studies, but Strabo gave us a clue (IV,1,1)
"1 (176) Next, in order,1 comes Transalpine Celtica.2 I have already3 indicated roughly both the shape and the size of this country; but now I must speak of it in detail. Some, as we know, have divided it into three parts, calling its inhabitants Aquitani, Belgae, and Celtae.4 The Aquitani, they said, are wholly different, not only in respect to their language but also in respect to their physique — more like the Iberians than the Galatae; while the rest of the inhabitants are Galatic in appearance, although not all speak the same language, but some make slight variations in their languages. "
Are Mozambique people Portuguese because of portuguese speaking? Are Irish Germans because they use (german) English? Are Russians same people as Bosniaks because of "slavic" language? No.
Are Turks settler in Germany Germans? Or will be after 100-200 years because they use german language and and give birth to more children (to 8) than Germans (0-1). Are all this names at the beginning of human kind or it is changing like Russia was Soviet Union,Grand Duchy of Moscow, Golden Horde etc.?
My point of view is that R1b are true European or sons of this Aryans, R1a are "unwanted" sons of R and local Indian (or indo-iranian) people. About I - they are truly Hebrew, J people are Semites (I,J,K), R1a, some subclades are Khazars, so turkic people who takes religion. Maybe it is not political correct, but that is my researches and thinking for now.
There's more to it than Y chromosome and MTdna, some southern whites in the US may belong to L or A, because one of their ancestors was black, does that make them west African? Y chromosome I isn't Semitic, is it? I'm pretty sure it's most common in far eastern Europe. As for K, some subclades of K are exclusive to places like England, Germany or Scandinavia. J can be divided into J 1 or 2, J1 is most common in southwestern Asia, but J2 is common in central-west Asia and Mediterranean Europe.
R1a, R1b and J2 are about 20 thousand years old. No recent language, religion or culture can go back that far and claim continuity.I is pure Hebrew. J is Semitic (semi - half). R1b at generally is "Aryan". I do not know which subclade exactly.
I live in Poland, I look everyday at Poles, I lived in Holland, UK, Finland, so I have my own studies about their phenotype. I personaly can fit in Belenux, but in Poland I am in minority with my prevail North-Atlantid look. I see every summer the skin colour of Poles. Most of them tan differently than for example pure Dutch or Irish people.
Aryans were Indo-Iranians and ended up in Middle East. What they have in common with R1b in Western Europe? Neither Europe speak Iranian dialect, nor we have historical records about Indo-Iranians in Europe.R1b at generally is "Aryan"
I mean Y-DNAWait... Are you talking about I or L? And are you talking about the maternal or paternal lineage?