Politics Illegal immigrants do vote in American elections.


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A study reveals that in the elections of 2008 and 2012, according to their own self-reporting, 5% of the electorate was here gally and had no right to vote. The real number is probably higher, as I think some people would hesitate to admit that.

Since the deciding difference in our elections is almost never more than that, this is of huge importance.

I'm sure this won't get much play in the media.

I don't know how voting is organised in America, but I wonder how this could be possible.
Don't you have to be registered somehow and identify yourself in order to be able to cast a vote?
I don't know how voting is organised in America, but I wonder how this could be possible.
Don't you have to be registered somehow and identify yourself in order to be able to cast a vote?

You would think so, wouldn't you?

First of all, a lot of the "undocumented" aliens have fake papers.

Most of all, though, whenever the Republicans try to insist on tough "voter" laws where you have to, for example, have a photo ID like a driver's license, the Democrats start screaming racism and voter intimidation and the suppression of minority votes. It's absolute madness.

True, some of these people can't afford a car, but there are ways of getting valid photo ID besides a driver's license. However, as I said, any such attempt to institute tougher laws gets attacked virulently, and so it's usually dropped so you don't get accused of racism.
Many commissions dedicated to finding excesses in presidential election came back empty handed, but this survey has found millions illegal immigrants voted?!!!
Something is way off whack here.
It is against the Democrats best interests to be against stricter voter laws. I'm all for legal immigration but so far they've created this false narrative that any sort of adherence to stringent voter laws is due to racism and xenophobia. The media has willingly become a participant in this sad example of mass social engineering. Critical thought and clear thinking has become extinct in our increasingly polarized society.

This has been going on forever, though. Wasn't it the Kennedy/Nixon election where more people voted in Chicago than lived there?
Daley's machine got even the dead to vote. Well, that's Chicago for you: it's always been incredibly corrupt.
You would think so, wouldn't you?

First of all, a lot of the "undocumented" aliens have fake papers.

Most of all, though, whenever the Republicans try to insist on tough "voter" laws where you have to, for example, have a photo ID like a driver's license, the Democrats start screaming racism and voter intimidation and the suppression of minority votes. It's absolute madness.

True, some of these people can't afford a car, but there are ways of getting valid photo ID besides a driver's license. However, as I said, any such attempt to institute tougher laws gets attacked virulently, and so it's usually dropped so you don't get accused of racism.

yes, and if you have 2 fake ID's, you'd be able to vote twice?
yes, and if you have 2 fake ID's, you'd be able to vote twice?

Yes, you could. They recently did catch one guy in North Carolina who voted numerous times. Of course, they found that one because he was a Republican. :)

They use the names of deceased people sometimes. There's no cross-referencing against death records. That's what they used to do in Chicago. That's why I said in Chicago even the dead can vote. :) That, and getting people in nursing homes who are gaga to vote. Or, although felons have been unable to vote, having them vote anyway. I think in most cases it's illegal immigrants using fake ID. I mean, nobody forced five percent of them to self report that they have voted. As you can see, it's not a huge percentage, necessarily, but in certain districts it can make a difference.

I know it's hard for Europeans to understand, given that you carry ID papers, but there's no such thing in the U.S. A driver's license is the closest thing we have, and what we use a lot for identification, but not everyone gets a driver's license. Nor do we have to register with anyone when moving residence etc. Voter laws are local, which also complicates the issue. I registered twenty years ago at my local polling station. I signed the register at that time. Now I just go in and sign again, they check the signatures, and it's done. No one asks to see my ID.

A lot of the Hispanic illegal immigrants just get fake driver's licenses. Heck, they get fake Social Security card numbers too, so that when you ask them if they're here legally before you employ them, they can give you a social security number.

A national photo ID that you could use for basically everything would make sense, but every time the issue gets raised, our civil libertarians go loony. I do get their point in a way. America is, in a sense, built on the distrust of too strong central governments that know everything about you and control your whole life. However, given how many of us use the internet nowadays, I think any real privacy is gone. The government may not know everything about me, but Amazon does. :) You'd have to go off grid, use only cash etc.