I think the human mind is too linear and too unable to understand the possibility of an universe without sense, beginning and end. Just existence and transformation. That's why God and more widely spirituality is something we accept as a possibility in order to exorcise our doubts. Because it is something that combines the whole mankind.
what you said can be used against your saying;
so isn't that also indicates that we are too far away from understanding god?
we can't really say anything about what god exactly IS. we can't point, "hey! there is the god! look over there." as we can't as well say exactly there isn't any god cause that requires proof too.
so we can't neither say there is and isn't any god.
the problem is, questions emphasizes directly/indirectly on existence of god. if god creates, so isn't existence is a concept made from god? so god is chained by "existence"? (...or better, even than god topic, isn't "existence" a human idea?)
how narrow our views are, god always thought as a person, as a king of all kings, as someone who happened to be first exist in world before anyone... but no one says it is perhaps collective unconsciousness (or better more precisely, conscious whole intelligence).
haven't heard of possible worlds? worlds! each world with their own logic. we can see lots of possibilities, beyond our comprehension.
we humans don't know anything ourselves yet, not the world nor universe...yet we easily judge about something greater than us. think, can a 4 year old infant judge his parents well? (assuming his parents are logical, compassionate people)
That's why I think it's a concept created by humans for humans. Because only humans have this necessity, as much as we know.
because,as you said yourself, we are the
only creature on earth who can
Till humans developed nervous system (brain) to ask existential questions, for 5 billions years nobody on this planet cared if god or gods existed, or why universe exists. Looks like this is the norm, and possibly everything exists without a reason, purpose, goal or need. It's just happened.
why is it that someone who believes should provide evidence?
tell me, why do you believe world made pointless? just why? assertion doesn't do any good.
and believers doesn't say that they know everything so to be get bombarded by critiques to be proved otherwise; they just believe in god, it do not requires much intelligence, yet it is personal journey for anyone to understand god, since god is for everyone.
do you think god is a king? what? who gives orders, looks down on us? I think not. since we assume he is wisest, and therefore most compassionate (by Socrates philosophy puts virtue and knowledge are one; thank japs for their proverb as it says "virtue and knowledge are like two wheels of a cart.") ...so... imagine....would you portray compassionate as someone who gives no attention, no love, no care about you? since its our creator isn't it capable of look for us all? if you say about "evils" in this world, we already know it's from human mind, and world don't really see "evil" for itself.
but does that mean we should deny "evil"??? no, we are emotional creatures and emotions thought to be one of the greatest achievement of evolution life on earth has gone through. we know "evil" hurts us, and we know there is NO ESCAPING from emotions, in fact, ALL our judgment and reasoning based on emotions.
that's why Socrates says ethics should be our main concern.
and we know there isn't "ethic" out there, but it's from humans, and still most necessary thing we need nowadays.
so same goes with god, if we believe that god is of human mind.
and they
didn't cared because they
couldn't think back then! answered by your own statement.
and this also means why should we compare ourselves to animals? so animals don't debate about gods (if they could "debate" about anything at all!!!) so we must? so do we also compare other aspects with animals? isn't naming people after animals taboo and negative? so do we promote some male people act as "alpha"s and most of our female bow before them??? is this what human being want? I think not.
I can not vote no choice, I believe that God is a woman.
though you said it for fun, you, by coincidence, hit on the spot. anyone can think of god as anything as they still know and aware that god isn't limited by anything.
why not? it's of literature. it helps being emotionally closer to it. and I'm sure SHE wouldn't mind...I thought of it as a woman once.
debates like this goes on and on in internet, and my answers can't never satisfy anybody that I know.
people still believe what they want to believe and do what they want to do, unless words came from their on mind or they are truth seeker and so sensitive to it that they can sense words of wisdom to be convinced.
truly, look around ourselves.
we humans are suspect to err and do it all the times. there isn't any perfection in us but ... why don't people use the same words they use against unfathomable god on themselves too?
isn't most of our miseries because of our own negative minds? why does world seems purposeless when exactly it is you who sees life pointless. and in most of our debates we are biased and backgrounds do really matter.
someone who hasn't been within religion doesn't know anything about it and difference of religion should be looked as difference of race looked upon.
religions, all, meant to do us good, yet, some vicious people abused them...same goes with politics, economy and such. isn't economy making wars today like religion did in past?
there would be always religion. there is no reasons to think idealistic, so instead of killing what can not be killed, let's try to rationalize our way and give better meaning out of it.
I'm not religious, mind you. religious people call me atheist for my radical belief because I deal with philosophy of religion (the real business and core inside of it) instead of traditions of religion (which is superficial and influenced by cultures of believers).... same goes with atheists, they call me religious because I believe in god, yet they haven't been deep to religion themselves to get exactly what I am into.
I said those above so you can get some background about me. this is important on seeing things through another perspective and getting whole points. it's base of empathy, rationality and the whole main thing required in today world.
...if only just humans could try to understand each other!
sorry for some typos, since I'm not regular member I can't edit anything. in other words, your concerns should be on context not words.
and I would like to see people philosophize in real sense in this thread, not just give opinion without good reason. (perhaps I should have joined a philosophy forum?... I really need a good talker here)