Ingviones, Irminones, Istaevones and haplogroups?


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Hello, I am new to this forum so pase let me know if I have started this thread in the wrong section.

I have an idea that the three Germanic tribes: Ingviones, Irminones, Istaevones may in fact reflect the three major haplogroups of the ancient Germanic peoples.

I1 being Ingviones
R1a being Irminones
R1b being Istaevones

In the Eddas we are told that there was a war of the gods between the aesir and vanir. I believe in the historical model being the right one in other words that the hunter-gatherer I1 turned farmers believed in the vanir. Especially because the name of the tribe probably is named after Frey.

Then the indo-european R1a arrived and was as we are told by the Eddas unsuccesful in conquering the I1 possibly due to the forrest terrain being unsuitable for chariot warfare.

The R1a did conquer the EEF in Scandinavia, who also failed in conquering the SHG derived population. Basically the EEF only managed to settle the lowlands such as Scania and Denmark but failed taking the Forrest areas.

R1a brought the Wodinaz cult to Scandinavia. I believe this because (1) Irmin is linguistically related to Jörmun, one of the kennings for Odin.

The war of the Gods describe an hostage exchange of Gods. The Aesir gives Hoenir and the Vanir gives Njord, Frey and Freya possibly symbolizing the integration of indo-european belief system into the I1 as well as the adoption of the Indo-European vocabulary which dominates the Germanic languages.

Basically the War of the Gods legend symbolizes a real peace between R1a and I1 tribes. Following Corded Ware migration into Scandinavia.

Later on the the R1b migrates into Scandinavia as well, being assimilated into the R1a/I1 proto-germanics perhaps shifting the language yet further to the Indo-European direction. These would be the Istaevones/Thracones.

Any comment is appreciated. :)
I don't know about these three "tribes", except the name.
Concerning languages, I think, without too much clues it's true, that the Y-R1a (CWC, Battle Axe) clans sent an I-E language, maybe acquointed to some proto-Satem kind. The Y-R1b (U106 dominant) sent another kind of I-E surely closer to proto-Celtic-Italic+...( ? Northwest Block?) from BB's descendants (?), and Germanic dialects were born by a sort of synthesis between these two kinds of I-E, not ignoring a possible phonetic strong input of the northern Y-I1a. Only supposition of mine.
I guess you mix up mythology and genetics.

The Ingviones, Irminones, Istaevone as an 'identity' for Germanic tribes is a modern 'invention' not an ancient one. It was Friedrich Maurer who coined to make a linguistic differentiation, for the period after migration time, so in the early middle ages.

And in practice "Ingviones" (assuming it are a bunch of English, Frisians etc) have more R1b than I1 for example.

So I'm afraid it's too simplistic....and based on wrong assumptions.