J2a in Albanians


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According to the rrenjet project so far, J2a is 14% in Albanians from Tirana, 10% in Lezhe and 11% in Vlore, and 12% for Albanians in Greece. And there are Vlachs who fall into the same subclade or branch I think.

Në trevat më veriore, gjenden po ashtu një mori degësh, duke përfshirë disa nën J2a-M410>M67, mirëpo një përqindje më e lartë se në jug i takon nëndegëve të J2a-M410>L24, sidomos J-L70. J-L70 është ndër degët më të përhapura të J2a në Europë, sidomos në zonat më veriore/qendrore të saj. Ka mundësi që një pjesë e rëndësishme e nëndegëve të saj të jetë përhapur që në parahistori, kurse një pjesë tjetër të jetë përhapur gjatë antikitetit. Përveç rezultateve gegë nga Mirdita, Dibra, Tirana, etj., në këtë degë kemi edhe anëtarë me prejardhje vllahe. Deri tani, lidhjet e zbuluara datojnë kryesisht nga Epoka e Hekurit dhe e Bronzit, por jemi në pritje të zbulimit të pozicionit përfundimtar filogjenetik të vëllazërive të Shëngjinit të Fanit për të pasur siguri më të lartë edhe për linjat më veriore.


It's a Y-DNA generally found among Romanians/Vlachs, Greeks and some specific Albanian regions. Overall it's only 5.9% in Albania though. It could be
bottle neck as in certain specific regions it seems to be found in decent amount but overall overshadowed by the frequency of EV-13, J2b2-L283 and R1b.

They have tested 990 samples from Albania though and only 171 for Kosovo and around 90 for Macedonia.

There is also some J1 found in Albanian lands.

J2a has been found in Ancient Balkans.
Not sure which branch exactly but J2a was among the Minoan/Mycenean samples from a paper some years back. Have not researched very much this haplo-group so it might vary from subclade to subclade. Even think I read on fora that J2a has been found to the North of the Balkans in ancient times. So for sure it was a mobile branch.
According to the rrenjet project so far, J2a is 14% in Albanians from Tirana, 10% in Lezhe and 11% in Vlore, and 12% for Albanians in Greece. And there are Vlachs who fall into the same subclade or branch I think.


It's a Y-DNA generally found among Romanians/Vlachs, Greeks and some specific Albanian regions. Overall it's only 5.9% in Albania though. It could be
bottle neck as in certain specific regions it seems to be found in decent amount but overall overshadowed by the frequency of EV-13, J2b2-L283 and R1b.

They have tested 990 samples from Albania though and only 171 for Kosovo and around 90 for Macedonia.

There is also some J1 found in Albanian lands.

J2a has been found in Ancient Balkans.

J2a is so far the only proven Channelled Ware paternal lineage we have. It was detected in the Late Bronze Age Kyjatice group, the brother group of G?va, in sample BR2 from Hungary, Heves county:

Autosomally this individual was very Central European.

Now we have a second individual from the same subclade from the Hungarian paper, this time from South Western Hungary, a conqueror elite member and clearly predominantely Slavic autosomally. Whether it was brought by Slavs or picked up and integrated in Pannonia, we can't say, probably rather the latter and this would prove for the first time paternal continuity of Channelled Ware lineages in Pannonia.

Are there any Albanians in this specific subclade of J2a? There is at least one from Albania on YFULL.
J2a is so far the only proven Channelled Ware paternal lineage we have. It was detected in the Late Bronze Age Kyjatice group, the brother group of G�va, in sample BR2 from Hungary, Heves county:

Autosomally this individual was very Central European.

Now we have a second individual from the same subclade from the Hungarian paper, this time from South Western Hungary, a conqueror elite member and clearly predominantely Slavic autosomally. Whether it was brought by Slavs or picked up and integrated in Pannonia, we can't say, probably rather the latter and this would prove for the first time paternal continuity of Channelled Ware lineages in Pannonia.

Are there any Albanians in this specific subclade of J2a? There is at least one from Albania on YFULL.

In my opinion this looks majority roman, channelled ware doesnt have much history with places like portugal, kuwait or palestine
Likely a good portion of it is from Greeks.
Aromanians are also a possibility.
Aromanians are likely descendents of romans and their legionaries, it was definitely initially spread by the romans or prior by the ancient greeks first as mentioned above. However in places like portugal, england, france, germany, even iraq etc it makes more sense that it was spread to these areas by the romans instead of the greeks as they have more and longer history there