Martha Stewart Convicted of All Counts


Look who's back!
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Long Beach, CA
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The verdict has been read, the jury has spoken.

NEW YORK - Martha Stewart was convicted Friday of obstructing justice and lying to the government about a superbly timed stock sale, a devastating verdict that probably means prison for the woman who epitomizes meticulous homemaking and gracious living.

Yahoo! News
Ya, But You Know Rich People....

she'll go to one of those resort prisons with tennis,golf, cable TV, etc. She'll teach the other inmates how to cook & decorate, etc. and be out in 10 months on good behavior. Write a book about her experiences, go on Oppra and the other talk shows; have her head & heart examined by DR. Phil. In the end she will be richer then ever and certainly none the worse for wear!!


well when she gets out....

:relief: Looks like its back to k-mart and making those commercials that suggest buying more and more of her stuff like the smoke commercial on FAmily guy. :p
Frank D. White said:
she'll go to one of those resort prisons with tennis,golf, cable TV, etc. She'll teach the other inmates how to cook & decorate, etc. and be out in 10 months on good behavior. Write a book about her experiences, go on Oppra and the other talk shows; have her head & heart examined by DR. Phil. In the end she will be richer then ever and certainly none the worse for wear!!



Hopefully so. She didn't do anything to hurt anyone, though, so I agree that it would be surprising if she gets a really bad rap. :bluush:
Not that Martha being guilty or not matters to me either way, I can see her going on:

Martha: "Now today we will show you inmates how to "dress up" your prison cell to give it that warm, natural feel of any typical household. First we need to add some curtains to these barred cell windows, and these unfashionable dark colors on these cell bars just won't do. We'll be asking, and you should, too, to see if your local prison administrator, or warden, will allow us to paint them into more floral pastel colors, like the ones found in my books on Interior Decorating, that you can purchase at your local bookstores, or, as the case may be, since you are in prison, your local prison library.

"Once we have the curtains and bars done, we'll need to re-outfit the prison guards who insist on wearing them drab, dark colors that really bring a depressing atmosphere to these prisons. I always prefer the vibrant colors found in nature, because as spring approaches, we really don't want to be reminded of the darkness of winter.
"And we must make sure that each and every one of you go for my Martha Stewart Collection at K-Mart to make sure that your bunk beds have just the right kind of fabric to liven up your prison cell. Prison issue is just not up to my standards, and we all know by now that what I choose always is a Good Thing..."

sorry....couldn't resist :D
Just came across this picture, and thought it was somewhat relevant (irreverent?) :D
It's So Great What You Can Do With...

a good imagination and photo program!


thank god for the person that made that it brightened up my day.
take a survey on Martha Stewart? (you could win $50)

:wave: Hi all ? I am a graduate student doing my dissertation for my PhD, and I?m looking at people?s opinions about celebrities, such as Martha Stewart.

I?m wondering if you would take a few minutes to complete a survey, in exchange for a chance to win a $50 prize. All responses are confidential, and this survey is not associated with any organization (it?s just for my own research). You don?t have to sign up for anything, and you will not receive any junk mail as a result of completing this survey.

If you agree to complete the survey, you can enter a drawing to win $50 prize. All you have to provide is your email so that I can contact you if you win ? otherwise, you?ll never hear from me again.

It will only take about 5 minutes to complete, and it is easy to fill it out because I?ve got it posted on a website. Just follow the link below:

If you start and have to quit, you can come back to it at any time and you will be taken to where you left off. Then you can finish the survey and enter the drawing. (Each household can complete the survey and enter the drawing only once.)

Thank you for your time!
MKT studies

p.s. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected]

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