It's simply incredible all we can still find after Fahrenheit 9/11 in other similar movie like The World According to Bush.
In this movie (which you really should see if you haven't yet), it is pointed out that :
- it was the first time in American history that 2 businessmen (Bush & Cheney, both in the oil industry), become President and Vice-President of the United States.
- Dick Cheney, resigned from his CEO position at Halliburton, the world's leading oil company, just one week before becoming Vice-President, keeping $45 million in stocks.
- All business contracts with occupied Iraq have to pass through the construction and energy company KBR, a subsidiary of Halliburton.
- Dick Cheney's wife (Lynne V. Cheney) is member of the board of directors of Lockheed-Martin, one of the largest armement company in the world, and didn't resign as her husband became Vice-President and regociated contracts between that company and the government. This too is totally "unusual" in modern American history.
I found, however, that she had now resigned from this position, at least officially, probably due to the mediatization of this obvious conflict of interest.
- Karl Rove, Bush's principal advisor, is a stockholder of Boeing, which in additional to airliners makes the Apache helicopters, Tomahawk cruise missiles, etc.
- Paul Wolfowitz was a consultant to Northrop-Grumman, maker of the F-18 bombers used in Iraq.
- Donald Rumsfeld and Colin Powell sat on the board of Gulf Stream Aerospace Corp.
- Rumsfeld was also a director of ABB, a company that sold nuclear reactors to North Korea.
- Richard Perle (that of of the movie's interviewee consider one of America's 3 most dangerous men), another advisor to the Bush administration in the Pentagon, is one of the partners of Trireme Partners, which is one of the main stockholders of Boeing's Defense Division.
- In the 2 years since 9/11, Northrop-Grumman has increaed its sales by 60%, Boeing by 30% and Lockheed-Martin by 25%. The Los Angeles Times estimates that "no previous presidency has done a tenth of what occured under George Bush. Not a single one."
- Prescott Bush, grand-father of President "Dubbia", acted as a private banker for Hitler and the Thyssen family during the 1940's. While his son George H.W. was fighting the Japanese in the Pacific, Prescott moved money for the Nazi. All the business managed by Precott Bush were seized by the US government for cooperation with the Nazis. One of these companies exploited prisoners in concentration camps. That did not prevent him from becoming Senator and his son and grandson presidents.
The movie also confirm Fahrenheit 9/11's message that the Bush family had long business relations with the Bin Laden, that Bush Sr. and ex-Defense Secretary Carlucci were at the head of the Carlyle group which controlled several major armements companies, while Bush Jr. was starting the war in Afghanistan and Iraq.
In this movie (which you really should see if you haven't yet), it is pointed out that :
- it was the first time in American history that 2 businessmen (Bush & Cheney, both in the oil industry), become President and Vice-President of the United States.
- Dick Cheney, resigned from his CEO position at Halliburton, the world's leading oil company, just one week before becoming Vice-President, keeping $45 million in stocks.
- All business contracts with occupied Iraq have to pass through the construction and energy company KBR, a subsidiary of Halliburton.
- Dick Cheney's wife (Lynne V. Cheney) is member of the board of directors of Lockheed-Martin, one of the largest armement company in the world, and didn't resign as her husband became Vice-President and regociated contracts between that company and the government. This too is totally "unusual" in modern American history.
I found, however, that she had now resigned from this position, at least officially, probably due to the mediatization of this obvious conflict of interest.
- Karl Rove, Bush's principal advisor, is a stockholder of Boeing, which in additional to airliners makes the Apache helicopters, Tomahawk cruise missiles, etc.
- Paul Wolfowitz was a consultant to Northrop-Grumman, maker of the F-18 bombers used in Iraq.
- Donald Rumsfeld and Colin Powell sat on the board of Gulf Stream Aerospace Corp.
- Rumsfeld was also a director of ABB, a company that sold nuclear reactors to North Korea.
- Richard Perle (that of of the movie's interviewee consider one of America's 3 most dangerous men), another advisor to the Bush administration in the Pentagon, is one of the partners of Trireme Partners, which is one of the main stockholders of Boeing's Defense Division.
- In the 2 years since 9/11, Northrop-Grumman has increaed its sales by 60%, Boeing by 30% and Lockheed-Martin by 25%. The Los Angeles Times estimates that "no previous presidency has done a tenth of what occured under George Bush. Not a single one."
- Prescott Bush, grand-father of President "Dubbia", acted as a private banker for Hitler and the Thyssen family during the 1940's. While his son George H.W. was fighting the Japanese in the Pacific, Prescott moved money for the Nazi. All the business managed by Precott Bush were seized by the US government for cooperation with the Nazis. One of these companies exploited prisoners in concentration camps. That did not prevent him from becoming Senator and his son and grandson presidents.
The movie also confirm Fahrenheit 9/11's message that the Bush family had long business relations with the Bin Laden, that Bush Sr. and ex-Defense Secretary Carlucci were at the head of the Carlyle group which controlled several major armements companies, while Bush Jr. was starting the war in Afghanistan and Iraq.
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