neanderthal admixture in Europe

but it should be,

how come modern Europeans have 3-6% Neantherdal DNA and that was not pass neither by father (Y-DNA) neither by mother (mtDNA)?
so there must be a mark of Y or mt DNA in modern human

I am going to repeat what I said elsewhere, with the note that its speculation:

There is absolutely no Neanderthal mtdna nor Y-DNA among living people. However, Dienekes had an article which hinted on male hybrid infertility. That allows for the scenario that AMH women were raped and left at their tribe, giving birth to girls and boys of which only the girls reproduce, girls which would carry 50% neanderthal autosomical DNA and exclusively AMH mtDNA.

Dienekes blog said:
An unexpected finding is that regions with reduced Neanderthal ancestry are enriched in genes, implying selection to remove genetic material derived from Neanderthals. Genes that are more highly expressed in testes than in any other tissue are especially reduced in Neanderthal ancestry, and there is an approximately fivefold reduction of Neanderthal ancestry on the X chromosome, which is known from studies of diverse species to be especially dense in male hybrid sterility genes10, 11, 12. These results suggest that part of the explanation for genomic regions of reduced Neanderthal ancestry is Neanderthal alleles that caused decreased fertility in males when moved to a modern human genetic background.

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