Politics New Jersey's governor comes out


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Today, Governor James McGreevey of New Jersey revealed his homosexuality (and extramarital affair with a man) at a press conference. Immediately thereafter, he announced his resignation from office in November.

I think it was very brave of him to come out in such a manner. When I first heard the news, I believed that his decision to reason was wrong. Sexual preference has nothing to do with ability to govern! But then, I realized that it had to be this way. He'd be faced with so much scandal and negativity of he stayed in office. I hope his family will be able to hold up in their time of crisis.
I Feel...

bad for the wife & kids. I would think she would have to divorce him with a betrayal of her trust like that? Hard to do things in secret when you are a public figure I guess.


Good for him that he came out, bad for him that he had an affair.

I'm guessing he'll be getting a divorce now? :?
DragonChan said:
I'm guessing he'll be getting a divorce now? :?

Well, during the press conference his wife was standing my his side, and she didn't look angry. But she didn't have a choice. He apologized to his wife and family in public. They have two young children. I don't know if they're getting divorce...i'm not sure. He's gay, so that'd kind of complicate their relationship. hehe.
If they are at least considering divorce, for a much more positive spin the resignation should have been announced first (for personal reasons), followed by a coming out statement and only then some vague reference to an affair, possibly wanting to start a new life with this man, helping his family through this difficult time etc. The way McGreevey did handle it made it seem like he panicked realizing he was about to be found out and that this was his only way out (which maybe was true as well).
I was having a discussion about this with a friend on the way home tonight. And he was saying something along the lines that he had to back out of office because he came out. I said that is not true, while he did have an affair with someone, he could have stayed in office. It would have been difficult, but still possible. Then he said that the whole same sex health insurance thing would never have flown if they knew he was gay. I said that gay or not, it would have still passed because it's only right and just to have same sex partners the ability to have shared life and health insurance. And obviously others in the state agreed as it went through.

I admire his decision to tell the public of his sexual orientation, and apologise about his affair. I don't feel that he should resign because of it. Clinton got a hummer from Monica in the White House for crying out loud and he lied till the cows came home and didn't resign. Kind of silly. In my opinion, you do a good job, and have fair balanced ideals, I could give a $hit less who you bed at night.

It's amazing how the world throws rocks at that which it doesn't understand.

You know, I'm tired and babbling.

I'll shut up now.

What a betrayal...ah well...
But I suppose the children will be traumatized to remember that news for years on end... :shock: :eek: