Older men have geekier sons, study finds

But what is old. Is a parent around his 40s considered old?

that is a good question, indeed,

and is different among people of the same race.

generally as ruler in my area we consider the life = 72 years and dived it to 8 years 16 and 24 years periods

so first 24 years are young, secondary 24 are adult, and third 24 are 'old' ages, young till 24 adult 48 mature old above
you can also use the ruler of 16 for memory and growth,
first 16 years you have memory high working, and your body grows,
second 16 you body is stable, third 16 your body start change and memory start to fade, but not in way to damage your health or mind so 16 and then 48

also the way of thinking and ability to do your thoughs action or thing, in Greek the word κρισις, crisis, something I can judge, I can thing correct, I can choose what is good healthy etc
first 8 years are the innocent, second 8 are the first years of learning to think correct, that change at 32 again and then at 56,
56 generally is considered the age of old,

that is my personal believes also ,
48-56 years old is the change, from full grown adult to an old, mature man
16-24 is the age of possible body mature but not full mature in mind, has much enthusiasmos
that is why olders and old laws consider the age of 21 as the correct age to start businness and have property
later due to womens 'suden' maturiry, (in some areas from 11-13 years old and in North can reach 19 years old), they drop it to 18 years old,
so by the law in Europe you are a full responsible, and a full adult at age of 18.

a full athlete is at maximum at ages among 21 to 27 (24 +-3)
but there are exceptions and also skills so can someone be from 17 to 35,

so personally I consider age above 48 as old with the period from 48-56 as passage, for a man.
while in a woman that is around 36-44 but only in case of 'multiply' (mature) , but same i48-54 in matter of abilities, work, memory and judgement.

above 64 8*8 is the start think to retire age,
Don't you think so?
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I didn't notice there's a whole Wiki article on it.


It contains this bit of hyperbole:

"The genetic quality of sperm, as well as its volume and motility, all may decrease with age,[4][5] leading the population geneticist James F. Crow to claim that the "greatest mutational health hazard to the human genome is fertile older males".[6]"

I think Yetos may be onto something:

Several studies have reported that advanced paternal age is associated with an increased risk of miscarriage.[15] The strength of the association differs between studies.[16] It has been suggested that these miscarriages are caused by chromosome abnormalities in the sperm of aging men.[15] An increased risk for stillbirth has also been suggested for pregnancies fathered by men over 45.[16]"

Some studies examining autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and advanced paternal age have demonstrated an association between the two, although there also appears to be an increase with maternal age.[21]In one study the risk of bipolar disorder, particularly for early-onset disease, is J-shaped, with the lowest risk for children of 20- to 24-year-old fathers, a twofold risk for younger fathers, and a threefold risk for fathers >50 years old. There is no similar relationship with maternal age.[22]
A 2017 review concluded that the vast majority of studies supported a relationship between paternal age and autism and schizophrenia, but that there is less convincing and also inconsistent evidence for associations with other psychiatric illnesses.[3]"

It appears that a paternal-age effect might exist with respect to Down syndrome, but is very small in comparison to the maternal-age effect.[28][29]"

In 2012 a study showed that greater age at paternity tends to increase telomere length in offspring for up to two generations. Since telomere length has effects on health and mortality, this may have effects on health and the rate of aging in these offspring. The authors speculated that this effect may provide a mechanism by which populations have some plasticity in adapting longevity to different social and ecological contexts.[40]"

In terms of intellect, the jury is out, I think:

A review 2005 found a U-shaped relationship between paternal age and low intelligence quotients (IQs).[30] The highest IQ was found at paternal ages of 25-44; fathers younger than 25 and older than 44 tended to have children with lower IQs.[30] Malaspina et al. also reviewed the literature and found that "at least a half dozen other studies ... have demonstrated significant associations between paternal age and human intelligence."[30]

A 2009 study examined children at 8 months, 4 years, and 7 years and found that paternal age was associated with poorer scores in almost all neurocognitive tests used, but that maternal age was associated with better scores on the same tests.[31] An editorial accompanying the paper emphasized the importance of controlling for socioeconomic status in studies of paternal age and intelligence.[32]A 2010 paper from Spain provided further evidence that average paternal age is elevated in cases of intellectual disability.[33]
Later research concluded that previously reported negative associations might be explained by confounding factors, especially parental intelligence and education. A re-analysis of the 2009 study found that the paternal age effect could be explained by adjusting for maternal education and number of siblings.[34] A study of 0.5 million Swedish men adjusted for genetic confounding by comparing brothers and found no association between paternal age and offspring IQ.[35] Another study found a positive association between paternal age and offspring IQ that could be explained by adjusting for parental IQs.[36]"
I read somewhere recently that the best sexual match is an older woman/younger man. I think they probably mean something like 30 year old woman, 20 year old man or something like that. Who knows, maybe they're right.

Most likely some spinster who spent her 20s on being a misandrist feminist or/and on being slutty wrote that. There is a lot of feminist propaganda saying that young men should be into fat, older, etc. women. Here is a good example:


I'm waiting for a similar article about a young female model dating a fat old poor guy with great personality, and how their photo "is going viral for an inspiring reason". I guess it won't be published. It is true that there are men who like or don't mind older, fat, etc. women. But they are not in majority:

I take it you never watched "The Graduate"? I think that was a biggie with a lot of young men. :) Both the film and the song are iconic.



Maybe you should ask President Macron of France what drew him to his wife.


I find it icky, myself, as she was his secondary school teacher, and they began their relationship when he was barely beyond the age of consent.

Of course, there's a long tradition of this kind of relationship in France: the older, sexually mature woman initiating the young man. I guess that didn't get over to the depths of Poland/Lithuania.

It went on at the highest levels of society: Henry II and Madame de Poitiers, the divine Diane. She was his elder by 20 years, but famously beautiful into her 50s. They remained lovers for 25 years, even though he married Catherine de Medici, staying together until the moment of his death in a jousting accident.


One has to feel sorry for Catherine. Henry put Diane in charge of her household and her children, and every available inch of all the royal dwellings and accouterments were embellished with an H and a D, for Henri and Diane.

I think she's quite beautiful:


The crescent head piece was for Diana, Goddess of the hunt. They loved conceits like this.

These relationships have a long history in mythology as well, as for example, Aphrodite and Adonis.

Legend has it that Aphrodite was strolling through a forest when she came upon an infant sleeping beneath a tree. She and Persephone shared the responsibility of raising the baby, named Adonis. When he grew into an incredibly handsome young man, his two maternal figures fought for his affections. He chose Aphrodite.

I just learned that Hugh Jackman's wife is twelve years his senior. I think they've been married for more than 20 years. Nowadays they look more matched, but I have to say that the younger pictures make me a little queasy. Still, if the various surveys about male fantasies are correct, this seems to be a popular one.

It helps when formulating opinions if one has some knowledge of world history and isn't hampered by trying to fit all societal phenomenon into one's political agenda.

Also, why would you think all older women are fat? It very much depends on the country and social class etc. Again, some travel might broaden your horizons.

For example, Monica Bellucci is in her 50s in this picture. Even if she's a bit fuller, she's held up damn well, and she's not all that unusual among the women I know. It's a combination of genes and self-respect.


Likewise, why do you think all men are thin, even young men? All I know is that when I go to high school reunions the women look great and most of the men look absolutely awful. What a great escape! :)
Angela said:
Maybe you should ask President Macron of France what drew him to his wife.

School! :)

I wonder what would you say about a similar situation involving a 16-17 girl and her 40+ male teacher.
School! :)

I wonder what would you say about a similar situation involving a 16-17 girl and her 40+ male teacher.

Well, I have to admit that it would bother me less than a 40 year old woman teacher with a 17 year old boy. The law wouldn't make a distinction in the U.S. if the adolescent hadn't reached the age of legal consent, and of course the teacher would be fired, but I'm giving a personal reaction here.

Maybe it's because it's more common for a man to be 20 years older than his mate? Maybe it's more that I try to imagine myself in that situation, and it's, well...icky :) Maybe I expect more from women? Maybe it's because I couldn't ever imagine wanting to be with a seventeen year old boy. I've wondered how men don't feel rather, I don't know, incestuous, being with a girl the same age as their daughter. Of course, as people age, the "ick" factor lessens. If a thirty-five year old man and a fifty year old woman want to have a relationship, that's fine with me. More power to her.

Ed. Great, now I have an online dating site for people over 40 showing up in the ads! Thanks a lot Tomenablel!
One would have expected that the older the father the weaker the DNA. Could it be that those who marry at an older age select "better" women? For example, women with better genetic pool. I hope this study took into consideration a father's income and all that this could indicate.
My father was 40 (mum 35). If you told me my brother was an aloof geek I'd laugh at you. And then I would point to the guy in the middle of the crowd, having people eating out of his hand they so hang onto his word, and tell you not only does he have a dangerous job no geek would dream of partaking in but he also played football in the minors. Only thing this "study" would have right is he's smart.

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