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What is the difference between the dream and the illusion ?
after some thinking - and the desire
after some thinking - and the desire
Nebiki said:Perhaps some don't have a desire to achieve their dreams but only create their dreams as something to latch onto for security?
Dream [...] So, often as something to aspire to, but acknowledged that it
isn't 'reality'.
Whereas 'illusion' more often (not always) has the negative association in a kind of melancholy way, a feeling of hopelessness...
Desire has an object and a direction, whereas 'dream' and 'illusion' don't need to have (although they can and often do). If 'dream' can be also ambition or aspiration, I would say 'dream' and 'desire' often go hand in hand. But 'desire' implies action to pursue aims, 'dream' by itself is a little more static, for instance, to call someone "a dreamer" implies that they have many dreams but don't really do much about pursuing them.
To me, dream is a vision, an ambition, a hope to achieve something no matter
on what timescale it might reley on...
When I think of "illusion", I think of something that perhaps isn't your in best interests or that maybe you don't see the whole picture in the situation. I don't believe that an illusion is something that is negative for ones self but perhaps somebody else might have negative feelings about.
Certainly I have a desire to one day fulfill my dream.
Perhaps some don't have a desire to achieve their dreams but only create their dreams as something to latch onto for security?
I think that 'dream' has two quite distinct meanings - the first is somewhat
similar to 'desire' - 'dream' in this sense is something I aspire to, that I would dearly like to happen, although it may seem unlikely.
The other meaning of 'dream' is a scenario that comes involuntarily to the
mind's eye, such as a nightmare or a daydream. This can be positive or negative.
For me 'illusion' need not have negative connotations. An illusion is a trick of the mind, which can come from within or without.
'Desire' is something that I want badly. I think desire is usually harmful, but then I have read a lot about Buddhism. There is a distinction between 'desire' and 'a desire'. [...] The first 'desire' is almost indistinguishable from my first definition of 'dream'. [...] The second desire is transient...
Maybe a 'dream' in the sense of something I hope for (call this Dream) comes to us through a 'dream' in the sense of a scenario in the mind (call this dream).
The only place where you can eliminate a desire is a grave. Desire is a part of you as any other emotion, feeling or thought. Where to draw the line? Do you control your desire or it rules over you? If it distorts your being and causes suffering, more likely, the second. Well, we can put it in 'mental jail' and say "i am not paying attention to you". It even may work for a while, but, probably, after some time it`ll jump out even uglier than before. Or we can follow O.Wilde instruction "To overcome the temptation - surrender to it"Eliminate desire and suffering will cease. I don't think it matters whether you dwell on the desire or not - where do we draw the line between dwelling and not dwelling?
The only proble to deside what you really don`t need, and what is you an illusion stating that you don`t need itI think it is only desire if we wish for something that we do not need