Questions on my Y-DNA Haplogroup T

They are 2 steps below us,

I guess their mutation must have happened after the biblical Exodus, (if true :)

Yfull does have Pages00113

my reads for it

Reads 108
4 passes ............3 negative and 1 positive
rated unreliable

G to A

[TD="class: knv-p"]PAGES00113 / PAGE113[/TD]

[TD="class: rtn-p"]
[TD="class: rtn-p"]


[TD="class: seq-res-h"]ChrY position (Hg19):[/TD]
[TD="class: seq-res"]2713589 (+strand) [/TD]

[TD="class: seq-res-h"]ChrY position (Hg38):[/TD]
[TD="class: seq-res"]2845548 (+strand)

they gave me a negative

I’m negative for Pages00113 too.

Ancestral DNA Marker Pedigree

... from Homo Erectus to Pages00113

[TABLE="class: style1, width: 291"]
[TH="bgcolor: #009900"]Tree Level[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #009900"]Marker / Branch Name[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #009900"]Alternative Names[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #009900"]Notes[/TH]
[TD]Human and Denisovan diverge from ancestral allele T found in chimpanzees at this position. hg38 Ref is G.[/TD]
[TD]Ancestral allele in chimpanzee is A implying this is probably a human-defining SNP for homo sapiens. hg38 Ref is G.[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for near-root haplogroup A0-T (aka A0'1'2'3'4). That is to say father of ALL modern Y-DNA lineages except A00. hg38 Ref does not match ancestral allele value.[/TD]
[TD]2842113-A-G rs72625368[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup ISOGG branch A1. hg38 Ref does not match ancestral allele value.[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup branch A1b at ISOGG. hg38 Ref does not match ancestral. Also enumerated as hg38:13314368-C-T.[/TD]
[TD]PF1409 V31 rs192939307[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup branch BT at ISOGG. hg38 Ref does not match ancestral allele value.[/TD]
[TD]PF1416 rs2032595[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup branch CT. hg38 Ref does not match ancestral allele value.[/TD]
[TD]PF2587 rs4141886[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup branch CF. hg38 Ref does not match ancestral allele value.[/TD]
[TD]PF2746 rs2032652[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup F. hg38 Ref does not match ancestral allele value.[/TD]
[TD]M3658 PF2622 YSC0001299 rs9786482[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup branch above GHIJK (sic). hg38 Ref does not match ancestral allele value.[/TD]
[TD]F929 S6397 PF3494 S6378 rs73614810[/TD]
[TD]Mutation at haplogroup branch HIJK. hg38 Ref does not match ancestral allele value.[/TD]
[TD]L15 PF3492 S137 Z4413 rs9786139[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup branch IJK. hg38 Ref does not match ancestral allele value.[/TD]
[TD]PF5506 rs3900[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup K. Predecessor of haplogroups T, P, and NO. Arose about 45,000 bce. hg38 has incorrect Ref versus ancestral allele.[/TD]
[TD]P326 rs372687543[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup branch LT (aka K1) for ISOGG and FTDNA. See also CTS1381 which YFull uses on this branch.[/TD]
[TD]Page34 PAGES00034 rs20320[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup T (aka K1b) at ISOGG. Arose about 40,000 bce. Britain's DNA labeled this branch: Babylon.[/TD]
[TD]Page46 PAGES00046 PF5662 rs2032672[/TD]
[TD]FGC22988 Z19905[/TD]
[TD]YFull shows parent as CTS933 as of 4/11/2019.[/TD]
[TD]equiv to CTS8489[/TD]
[TD]T-Page113 PAGES00113 rs72625369[/TD]
Ancestral DNA Marker Pedigree

:thinking: ... a little more to the LEFT, and I could have turned into a Chimpanzee :grin:

... Home Erectus to T-Z19945 (+ FT62750 - BY64684)

[TABLE="class: style1, width: 291"]
[TH="bgcolor: #009900"]Tree Level[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #009900"]Marker / Branch Name[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #009900"]Alternative Names[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #009900"]Notes[/TH]
[TD]Human and Denisovan diverge from ancestral allele T found in chimpanzees at this position. hg38 Ref is G.[/TD]
[TD]Ancestral allele in chimpanzee is A implying this is probably a human-defining SNP for homo sapiens. hg38 Ref is G.[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for near-root haplogroup A0-T (aka A0'1'2'3'4). That is to say father of ALL modern Y-DNA lineages except A00. hg38 Ref does not match ancestral allele value.[/TD]
[TD]2842113-A-G rs72625368[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup ISOGG branch A1. hg38 Ref does not match ancestral allele value.[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup branch A1b at ISOGG. hg38 Ref does not match ancestral. Also enumerated as hg38:13314368-C-T.[/TD]
[TD]PF1409 V31 rs192939307[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup branch BT at ISOGG. hg38 Ref does not match ancestral allele value.[/TD]
[TD]PF1416 rs2032595[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup branch CT. hg38 Ref does not match ancestral allele value.[/TD]
[TD]PF2587 rs4141886[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup branch CF. hg38 Ref does not match ancestral allele value.[/TD]
[TD]PF2746 rs2032652[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup F. hg38 Ref does not match ancestral allele value.[/TD]
[TD]M3658 PF2622 YSC0001299 rs9786482[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup branch above GHIJK (sic). hg38 Ref does not match ancestral allele value.[/TD]
[TD]F929 S6397 PF3494 S6378 rs73614810[/TD]
[TD]Mutation at haplogroup branch HIJK. hg38 Ref does not match ancestral allele value.[/TD]
[TD]L15 PF3492 S137 Z4413 rs9786139[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup branch IJK. hg38 Ref does not match ancestral allele value.[/TD]
[TD]PF5506 rs3900[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup K. Predecessor of haplogroups T, P, and NO. Arose about 45,000 bce. hg38 has incorrect Ref versus ancestral allele.[/TD]
[TD]P326 rs372687543[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup branch LT (aka K1) for ISOGG and FTDNA. See also CTS1381 which YFull uses on this branch.[/TD]
[TD]Page34 PAGES00034 rs20320[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup T (aka K1b) at ISOGG. Arose about 40,000 bce. Britain's DNA labeled this branch: Babylon.[/TD]
[TD]Page46 PAGES00046 PF5662 rs2032672[/TD]
[TD]FGC22988 Z19905[/TD]
[TD]YFull shows parent as CTS933 as of 4/11/2019.[/TD]
[TD]equiv to CTS8489[/TD]

Ancestral DNA Marker Pedigree

:thinking: ... a little more to the LEFT, and I could have turned into a Chimpanzee :grin:

... Home Erectus to T-Z19945 (+ FT62750 - BY64684)

[TABLE="class: style1, width: 291"]
[TH="bgcolor: #009900"]Tree Level[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #009900"]Marker / Branch Name[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #009900"]Alternative Names[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #009900"]Notes[/TH]
[TD]Human and Denisovan diverge from ancestral allele T found in chimpanzees at this position. hg38 Ref is G.[/TD]
[TD]Ancestral allele in chimpanzee is A implying this is probably a human-defining SNP for homo sapiens. hg38 Ref is G.[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for near-root haplogroup A0-T (aka A0'1'2'3'4). That is to say father of ALL modern Y-DNA lineages except A00. hg38 Ref does not match ancestral allele value.[/TD]
[TD]2842113-A-G rs72625368[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup ISOGG branch A1. hg38 Ref does not match ancestral allele value.[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup branch A1b at ISOGG. hg38 Ref does not match ancestral. Also enumerated as hg38:13314368-C-T.[/TD]
[TD]PF1409 V31 rs192939307[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup branch BT at ISOGG. hg38 Ref does not match ancestral allele value.[/TD]
[TD]PF1416 rs2032595[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup branch CT. hg38 Ref does not match ancestral allele value.[/TD]
[TD]PF2587 rs4141886[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup branch CF. hg38 Ref does not match ancestral allele value.[/TD]
[TD]PF2746 rs2032652[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup F. hg38 Ref does not match ancestral allele value.[/TD]
[TD]M3658 PF2622 YSC0001299 rs9786482[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup branch above GHIJK (sic). hg38 Ref does not match ancestral allele value.[/TD]
[TD]F929 S6397 PF3494 S6378 rs73614810[/TD]
[TD]Mutation at haplogroup branch HIJK. hg38 Ref does not match ancestral allele value.[/TD]
[TD]L15 PF3492 S137 Z4413 rs9786139[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup branch IJK. hg38 Ref does not match ancestral allele value.[/TD]
[TD]PF5506 rs3900[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup K. Predecessor of haplogroups T, P, and NO. Arose about 45,000 bce. hg38 has incorrect Ref versus ancestral allele.[/TD]
[TD]P326 rs372687543[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup branch LT (aka K1) for ISOGG and FTDNA. See also CTS1381 which YFull uses on this branch.[/TD]
[TD]Page34 PAGES00034 rs20320[/TD]
[TD]Defining mutation for haplogroup T (aka K1b) at ISOGG. Arose about 40,000 bce. Britain's DNA labeled this branch: Babylon.[/TD]
[TD]Page46 PAGES00046 PF5662 rs2032672[/TD]
[TD]FGC22988 Z19905[/TD]
[TD]YFull shows parent as CTS933 as of 4/11/2019.[/TD]
[TD]equiv to CTS8489[/TD]

I am 100% negative for FT62750 and out of 5 stars

this is the only thing I have after Z19945
BY143483 level T-Z19945*.....terminal

and with the polish person we only share
CTS10538, CTS9984, CTS8862, Z19944, Z19953, BY143483, Z19945, Z19946, PH3117, Y26649, CTS8489, Z19949, Z19951

and yfull changed my CTS8862 to CTS9984 as my main even though it is equivalent to CTS8862..................this is the snp before Z19945
I believe now, that Z19945 is a main central distribution and it existed between modern moldova/upper romania and as far west as the Upper rhine river/upper danube river lands

cts1848 seems to be only around lower rhine area and west of this and this snp is not the main split snp of our line

Z19945 did not go into western europe from the sea we can count southern anatolia out of any estimation
FT62750 and BY64684 are relatively new,

no option available for single snp test at FTDNA, and I can’t find them at Yseq.
I will ask at work...there are a couple of greeks who know where this tradition started .............dates not important....its like the greek easter, changes dates yearly depending on how many full moons have passed after a certain date
Generally, the date for Easter is set on the first full moon after both the Spring Equinox and Passover.
Generally, the date for Easter is set on the first full moon after both the Spring Equinox and Passover.

Traditionally (at least in Salento), the day after Easter (Pasquetta) is considered the 1st day of the year when the brave or the crazy :) can go swimming, and to slowly start going to the beach (weather permitting).

Salento = Sole, Mare, e Vento
(the Sun, the Sea, and the Wind)
Traditionally (at least in Salento), the day after Easter (Pasquetta) is considered the 1st day of the year when the brave or the crazy :) can go swimming, and to slowly start going to the beach (weather permitting).

Salento = Sole, Mare, e Vento
(the Sun, the Sea, and the Wind)

It can get pretty windy in the Ionian and Adriatic Sea.
¡Ay, caramba!

These are two different Patrick Walsh's.

My 2nd great grandfather Patrick Walsh is the one listed on the ftdna t project in the z19945 group.

I have the following as my top matches in Ftdna after family members ................are you saying you are part of this patrick Walsh or not part

First 3 are one family on my mothers side
Lello is paternal from trentino
Miotto from veneto
you or not ????????????
Neuman from trentino
poe from austria
Tax and dutch idea or contact
Hintz from morgan veneto married into a paternal cousin side

Can we clear this up as I am still unsure ................I also have a patrick Walsh in Yfull near my sample
Yfull has just given me a new branch under Z19945
with a Pole and an ancient trentino/South Tyrol sample
Because there are 3 different non family samples it has been accepted so it is
T - BY143483

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I knew from last year that Z19945 would be a central snp area, where many branches would split off from...............I expect to see more splits/branches from z19945 going forward
@Torzio, how do you know Bernot was originally from Gorizia? I thought they were Belgians in the Spanish Netherlands that then went back to Spain with the army after the War of the Spanish Succession...

@Salento, I saw you had a Bezerra match on FTDNA - does it say where they are from?

To be complete, here are my Y matches on FTDNA:
12 markers
0 Rodrigues Pereira (might just be Pereira): Horta, Faial, Azores (T-M70)
-1 Curtiss: Stratford, Connecticut, U.S. (T-BY64684)
-1 Brooks: Startford, Connecticut, U.S. (T-BY64684)
-1 Costa: Ilha do Pico, Azores (T-M70)
-1 Jones (T-M70)
-1 Curtiss (related to above Curtiss)
-1 Jones: Charleston, SC (T-M70)
-1 Pret: Tres, Trentino (T-Z19945)
25 markers
-1 Rodrigues Pereira (T-M70)
-2 Costa (T-M70)
-2 Israel (T-M70)
-2 Frush (3) and Froshour (all T-M70)
-2 Lemas: Azores (T-M70)
37 markers
-4 Rodrigues Pereira (T-M70)

The closest individuals to me on the FTDNA T group are Rodrigues Pereira and the related (or multiple-tested) Bernot.
@Huracan I don’t have a Bezerra in my matches anymore, it’s gone.
@Torzio, how do you know Bernot was originally from Gorizia? I thought they were Belgians in the Spanish Netherlands that then went back to Spain with the army after the War of the Spanish Succession...
@Salento, I saw you had a Bezerra match on FTDNA - does it say where they are from?
To be complete, here are my Y matches on FTDNA:
12 markers
0 Rodrigues Pereira (might just be Pereira): Horta, Faial, Azores (T-M70)
-1 Curtiss: Stratford, Connecticut, U.S. (T-BY64684)
-1 Brooks: Startford, Connecticut, U.S. (T-BY64684)
-1 Costa: Ilha do Pico, Azores (T-M70)
-1 Jones (T-M70)
-1 Curtiss (related to above Curtiss)
-1 Jones: Charleston, SC (T-M70)
-1 Pret: Tres, Trentino (T-Z19945)
25 markers
-1 Rodrigues Pereira (T-M70)
-2 Costa (T-M70)
-2 Israel (T-M70)
-2 Frush (3) and Froshour (all T-M70)
-2 Lemas: Azores (T-M70)
37 markers
-4 Rodrigues Pereira (T-M70)
The closest individuals to me on the FTDNA T group are Rodrigues Pereira and the related (or multiple-tested) Bernot.
We shared letters....there are 3 brothers who tested.....anyway.....he said gorizia, they went to spanish netherlands, later where cannon makers for tge spanush netherlands army....and when they lost, some members moved to coastal north spain.......why
Frush, freshour, curtiss and brooks are all related. ......i have contact with the woman who runs all of them
Periera name is parry now, from iirc azorres originally.
I also have 2 x jones matches zero step...
I am surprised you have no 3 x hill matches, or mozetti.....
What about italian matches,,,,,,,benedetto and rossi from coastal adriatic sea
"Froschauer: A notable surname 1494 Augsburg, Bavaria, Germany
Anglicized: Freshour, Frushour, Frush, Froshour
We have learned that Froschauer originated as a toponymic name, one that reflects a connection between the initial bearer and a place of habitation.Research indicates that there were eight settlements called "Froschau: in Bavaria Germany."
Place my DNA in geneanet 6 weeks ago ( a french site which has a lot of italians ) and just received

3 x ydna matches ...................this is something new from geneanet .............I from my family have only placed my dna in this site

surname - Bedin from Pederobba in Veneto ..................says 3rd cousin

surname - Gris from Belluno In Veneto ................says 4th cousin

surname - Tighe also written as Tighesso from Lueg Austria ...................surname Tighe looks irish to me , town in Austria , but near Belluno in Italy ,........but its 5th cousin , so I will ignore it
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My ftdna site ydna and BigY , has been changed from T-Z19945 to T-BY143483 ......a branch of Z19945

other branches under Z19945 are
We shared letters....there are 3 brothers who tested.....anyway.....he said gorizia, they went to spanish netherlands, later where cannon makers for tge spanush netherlands army....and when they lost, some members moved to coastal north spain.......why
Frush, freshour, curtiss and brooks are all related. ......i have contact with the woman who runs all of them
Periera name is parry now, from iirc azorres originally.
I also have 2 x jones matches zero step...
I am surprised you have no 3 x hill matches, or mozetti.....
What about italian matches,,,,,,,benedetto and rossi from coastal adriatic sea

Do you know the original surname of these Bernot individuals whose line is from Gorizia?
Do you know the original surname of these Bernot individuals whose line is from Gorizia?
I will check home.........but chevk page 2 or 3 of this post
They are from hainaut belgium and lorraine france.....county of vermandois