Tensions between incoming Corded Ware herders/farmers and local Neolithic farmers

Bell Beaker is a local farmng culture and it's origin predates the supposed Steppe migration. The massacres were made by the Schönfelder culture. Schönfelder and Bernburg are non Bell Beaker local farming cultures too.

Y-DNA and autosomal DNA show that BB is not a local farming culture
it is an expansion inside western and central Europe of people who's origins are elsewhere
we have to take caution when using bag terms as farmers, nomads, herders and so on - at those times e every culture was agricole at some level, and every culture was no more a farmer society 100% like LBK by instance - labelled old "farmers" discovered metals, sometimes were better provided for metals than steppic cultures - I fear someones use these terms to put some "emotion" in the debate: History is not an hollywoodian peplum -
please don't take this remark for all of yours, this thread is interesting - but words are false friends sometimes.
concerning BBs the first ones were intruder for I think and the subsequent ones were no more exactly the same people
Wonderful Alan! Nice example of a new combination of DNA technique, DNA data and archeology.

I'am curios about the strength of this forum. By exchanging thoughts and idea's we can get out of our own boxes.

My puzzle is about the influence of Corded Ware especially on my own North Dutch aDNA. Pretty similar to the object of Kristiansen. That's a reason why it did strike me too.

When I did compare my K15 results with ancient K15 results I got the image of a Bell Beaker heavily influenced by Corded. That was just a few days ago.

But yesterday did Moesan deliver some new facts and figures. An average Scandinavian CW, exact place and source yet unknown to me. But the similarity is striking!

But also dazzling! How come that the results are so similar! What about the influence afterwards, no Bell Beaker influences in an area which is a classical BB hotspot?

Who can make me any wiser?

aDNA k15 Eurogenes

Northener and CWC Scandi
North Sea39.0141.61
Eastern Euro10.208.65
West Med5,865.52
West Asian2.802.94
East Med0.510.21
Red Sea00
South Asean1.020
South East Asian00
Northeast Africa0.220
Sub Saharan00.50

At 6:48 Prof. Kristiansen mentions the killing of Corded Ware families in East Germany by the local farmers.

I mentioned this a few times in the past. There was a guy on Eurogenes comment section who actually did say that there are archeological mass graves of Corded Ware groups who were slaughtered by local Farmers of East Germany. He even linked a few archeoloigcal papers into this debate back than.

Doesn't fit that much into the image of the superior "Steppe Invders" who overrun neolithic Europe, that some Users on the net and even few academics of the past wanted to paint.

Holy words! So I wasn't the only person to realize that many people have a sort of orgasm when dealing with Corded Ware and axes/weapons and steppe ancestry... I read many books about the argument and I made the idea that, in history, we tended to overestimate the role and the culture itself of Corded Ware... in the name of a superior race that, also with better weapons, couldn't defend themselves from some fierce attacks by the "weak" Neolithic farmers or by the not-so-steppic-but-vasconic-as-defined-by-corded-enthusiasts Bell Beaker culture.
Anybody got a link to the published archaeology of this massacre?

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