Time to Start Taking Down the Eupedia Forum


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Halstatt Celtic
This forum has become a haven for weak minded leftists.

May this serve as a final warning. Do not squash right wing thought simply because it doesn't conform to your far left ideologies. No you are not a "moderate" and certainly nothing short of a delusional leftist if you believe any of the following things are real: transgenderism, all races are mentally equal, military violence is always bad, your ancestors were peace loving hippies (hint if you are alive today, your paternal ancestors killed hundreds of other men), that Western nations have any obligation to help the 3rd world, that mass immigration is ok, or that a certain historical event is "fact and therefore should be illegal to merely question in 14 countries while no other historical event is illegal to question".

Re-assess your political compass. Just because the rest of the herd shifted left, does not mean you should be feeble minded and follow the herd. Forums like this are supposed to be a place in which these sorts of thoughts are freely expressed and debated.

This forum is of a type that is extremely easy to bring down without violating a single US law.

I will be banned for this, despite bringing up some very thought provoking questions and not succumbing to group hysteria and group think in general. I'm a free thinker and I respect my First Amendment rights. Do these rights apply to a private forum? Not exactly but for that exact same reason, this forum is extremely easy to subvert.

Furthermore, the moderators lack deep technical skills and certainly don't have the capability to handle a flood of people posting on this site who have dissenting opinions.

Many of you might lament the "loss of the forum" but most of you won't notice a radical change. In fact, you might find it interesting how more and more people start to agree with your point of view. The delusional people, of weak mental constitution will become outraged but will realize they are powerless to take back their forum.

No forum that springs up will contain the years worth of comments, articles, and generally thought provoking discussions found on this forum.

However, free thought will not be squashed. Quite the opposite. As a result, the forum will start to take on a certain ideological leaning that are currently counter cultural. This is a natural phenomenon. When anonymous people post to forums in great enough numbers without draconian, politically motivated moderators, logic prevails at the cost of some tears streaming down the faces of weak people.

Ban me I welcome it because when I come back to this forum, you won't have a clue who I am.
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