US Supreme Court to rule on 10 Commandments


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Court takes on Commandments case

In a surprise move, the US Supreme Court has agreed to rule on whether it is legal to display the Ten Commandments on government property.
Justices will hear appeals on the politically sensitive issue involving displays in Texas and Kentucky.

Lower courts in the US have recently made a number of contradictory rulings on the issue.

The US constitution's First Amendment holds that church and state should be kept firmly apart.

In 1980, the Supreme Court ruled that a Kentucky law requiring schools to post copies of the Ten Commandments in classrooms was unconstitutional.

The justices will hear an appeal by Thomas Van Orden, a homeless lawyer from Austin, Texas, who lost a lawsuit to have a 2m (6ft) red granite monument removed from the grounds of the state Capitol.

The court will also consider whether a Kentucky court wrongly barred the posting of copies of the Ten Commandments in the state's courthouses.
"The Ten Commandments case could be the [biggest] blockbuster religious liberty case that the Supreme Court has seen in a really long time,"

I hope they will enforce Article 1 of the Constitution this time.
Requiring schools to display a 10 commandments table somewhere, now that's really freaky... stuff like that is really only possible in the fanatically religious US :okashii:
I really hope they have at least a tiny bit sanity left and abolish this freaky law.