Venedian / Vandili culture


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Ethnic group
Down Under
Y-DNA haplogroup
T1a2 - Z19945
mtDNA haplogroup
After much reading, I have come to the logical conclusion that the venedian tribes of the bronze age on the baltic where the initial inhabitants of east germany and polish lands.
The venedian tribes became germanized after the german people left the jutland area and started migrating south and east, the germans unable to penetrate the celtic people in the south and west , directed their aim eastwards absorbing the venedian tribes linguistically and culturally.
The venedians slowly became the east-germanic tribes.

The period is around 300BC

These East-Germanic people of the venedian areas became the vandili confederation ( vandals) . Once the vandals departed on their spanish odyssey, the migrating slavic people filled the vandalic void, the slavic people adopted the venedian culture and name as theirs, similar to how the germanic people adopted the prussian name from the baltic people as theirs.

the map below is a good example of what the boundaries where..JUST REPLACE PROTO-SLAVIC WITH VENEDIAN CULTURE

The following tribes where initially Venedian tribes, but had different names

The Southern "east- Germanic" area ( the orange and yellow) became the Suevi confederation

This is an interesting article also is linguistic for ancient slavic division of languages

Main sources where the book - God's Playground , a history of Poland plus the goths of ancient Poland.

This is my logical version on the area in question prior to the Roman historians.

Venedian is NOT Venetian, I have always used the term Venedi to describe the people from the baltic and never used veneti for them
After much reading, I have come to the logical conclusion that the venedian tribes of the bronze age on the baltic where the initial inhabitants of east germany and polish lands.
The venedian tribes became germanized after the german people left the jutland area and started migrating south and east, the germans unable to penetrate the celtic people in the south and west , directed their aim eastwards absorbing the venedian tribes linguistically and culturally.
The venedians slowly became the east-germanic tribes.

The period is around 300BC

These East-Germanic people of the venedian areas became the vandili confederation ( vandals) . Once the vandals departed on their spanish odyssey, the migrating slavic people filled the vandalic void, the slavic people adopted the venedian culture and name as theirs, similar to how the germanic people adopted the prussian name from the baltic people as theirs.

the map below is a good example of what the boundaries where..JUST REPLACE PROTO-SLAVIC WITH VENEDIAN CULTURE

The following tribes where initially Venedian tribes, but had different names

The Southern "east- Germanic" area ( the orange and yellow) became the Suevi confederation

This is an interesting article also is linguistic for ancient slavic division of languages

Main sources where the book - God's Playground , a history of Poland plus the goths of ancient Poland.

This is my logical version on the area in question prior to the Roman historians.

Venedian is NOT Venetian, I have always used the term Venedi to describe the people from the baltic and never used veneti for them

Then the term "vandal" as it is used today has its origin in that east germanic people. I guess the significance of this expression as it is understood in the present age comes from own characteristics ( but non private or exclusive -of course-) that distinguished to that human group at that time. ¿Am I right?.
Then the term "vandal" as it is used today has its origin in that east germanic people. I guess the significance of this expression as it is understood in the present age comes from own characteristics ( but non private or exclusive -of course-) that distinguished to that human group at that time. ¿Am I right?.

It came about because the vandals left nothing behind, this confederation of east-germanic tribes where not as creative as the east-germanic goth tribe, which at least left some architecture
hi zanipolo

don't know if you read this. it might help you in understanding who Venedi - Vandali - Vendi were. I was shocked to discover that a book like this existed. By the way it has not been translated to any slavic language except russian.

you back?

poorly written but it does call even the vandals as wends, basically any neighbour of the germans except celts are wends
what do you mean by poorly written? i found it very thorough and well researched... led me to lots of new paths, and connected and explained lots things that i could not link before. have you seen how it makes connections from vandals to wends to slavs? look up:

Vanir = vandals = vends = slavs.

The conflict of the ^Esir and Vanir is a Northern myth, which, considered ethnologically, may be regarded as founded on the wars carried on between the Teutonic and Slavonic races. That between the Goths and Vandals was a war of this kind, and it resulted in peace and a lasting alliance. The myth of the conflict of the ^Esir and Vanir also terminated in a lasting peace and the exchange of hostages between the contending races.

He talks about how after the war between the goths and vandals they formed a long lasting goth vandal federation which was ruled by the Gothic ruling elite or at least Gothicized ruling elite which adopted Gothic names, but that the majority of the population was vandalic = slavic. This goth - vandal federation continues with angle - jutes - wendes federation. Wends were part of the anglean federation and the junior inheritance right, only found in slavic countries, was found in parts of England settled by wends. This ancient link between goths and vandals, angles jutes and vends continues with the Danish slavic federation during the viking times. From 8th century til the 12th century onward there was a close federation between the danes and south baltic slavs. After that we have continued close links between danes and poles as the only south baltic slavs that didn't fall under the german rule.

Anyway this to me is very interesting. Since the last time i was here i have done a lot of research in the area of slavic influence in the north western europe and I have discovered quite a few interesting things. One of them is this strange everlasting federation between goths and vandals...

One other thing. I found very peculiar links between south baltic slavs, balkan slavs, lithuanians, danes and the irish...

but this is for another topic...

glad to talk to you again.