Intelligence What characterises people with high IQ's ?

Having a high IQ has little influence on most of the arts, as IQ only testes rational, logic and spatial skills. It may help for sculpture (spatial skills), or classsical music (rational and spatial).

I hope you are not implying that there are no rational, logic and spatial skills involved in

One thing that normally irritates people with high IQ is asking them to explain something (complex), then stop listening in the middle of their explanations. Exceptionally gifted people just can't understand why one would ask a question and not care about the answer, when they visibly do not understand that topic.
With this section, feel this is inaccurate. What irritates a person with high IQ is when a person can easily find the answer by searching a common reference such as a dictionary or internet, but instead asks them. He/she is explaining quantum physics and in the middle are being asked to explain basic algebra 101 concepts. It’s better for the person just to sit their silently and listen or not listen.
As far as I know, really, putting all the romanticism about geniuses and high IQ, some things that look at least moderately correlated with high levels of intelligence is: higher levels of anxiety, melancholy, anti-social and/or lonely feelings, pessimism. I don't think that's what makes them intelligent (so, no, sorry, you're not a genius only because you're an anti-social introvert, lol), but it may be related with their broad and numerous, perhaps excessive input of information and knowledge in small ammounts of time, and with their having in general a wider notion about their own issues and the world's problems at large.
As far as I know, really, putting all the romanticism about geniuses and high IQ, some things that look at least moderately correlated with high levels of intelligence is: higher levels of anxiety, melancholy, anti-social and/or lonely feelings, pessimism. I don't think that's what makes them intelligent (so, no, sorry, you're not a genius only because you're an anti-social introvert, lol), but it may be related with their broad and numerous, perhaps excessive input of information and knowledge in small ammounts of time, and with their having in general a wider notion about their own issues and the world's problems at large.

It is complicated.
Christopher Langan , IQ 200, lives in a remote place in USA and is a bouncer at a bar.
It is complicated.
Christopher Langan , IQ 200, lives in a remote place in USA and is a bouncer at a bar.
He also seems quite happy. Maybe has something to do with not feeling the need to prove himself as people with lower IQs often do.
Now he owns and operates a horse ranch and undertakes activities for his Foundation.
With this section, feel this is inaccurate. What irritates a person with high IQ is when a person can easily find the answer by searching a common reference such as a dictionary or internet, but instead asks them. He/she is explaining quantum physics and in the middle are being asked to explain basic algebra 101 concepts. It’s better for the person just to sit their silently and listen or not listen.
I have never understood this, but a lot has to do with habits picked up in earliest childhood. Give a child something to focus on, a coloring book will do, and often they will explore a world of discovery. Too many parents do not really encourage their kids to do anything other than reprimanding them when they disturb them. Kids without guidance appear to just run around and often wind up academically behind the explorers relying on their answers when questions come up. So whatever your IQ may be, the amount of your brainpower that starts getting activated early on has likely a ton to do with your future behavior as well.
He also seems quite happy. Maybe has something to do with not feeling the need to prove himself as people with lower IQs often do.
Now he owns and operates a horse ranch and undertakes activities for his Foundation.

I am happy for him.
He probably understands that life is more than just elaborating illusions of grandeur around IQ...
IQ test are only reliable until about 130. There are special high IQ test, but the past 150 it's hard to really know who is smarter than whom. There are also many specialised IQ tests (spatial, visual memory, logical, arithmetical, verbal), and people rarely score evenly in all. The problem with most logic test is that they have only simple problems, not ones involving pages of data to mentally sort out before computing. Chimps are faster than humans at some basic problem solving, but cannot deal with high-level complexity problems like humans.
I agree with you that the level of intelligence that is above 130 is difficult to assess. Because it is very smart people.
I would say Autism. Keep in mind that geniuses are considered "sick" people. Einstein was diagnosed with some forms of Autism. So was Dirac as I know.I am sure Newton was too, even though autism was not known at that time.It could be many more. If one has in mind the Bell curve, the negative 5% of the curve are the idiots (which is a pronounced form of mental sickness) and the positive 5% of the curve are the very smart and geniuses, which is also a good mental sickness The rest of the curve is what we call normal, (90%) of the people. Autistic have the ability to concentrate.
Actually, "pen and paper" IQ tests weight mathematical ability higher than verbal ability.
I think intelligence is basically measured by your ability (and eagerness) to learn new things. People who seek knowledge and enjoy learning seem to be more intelligent in general.

I read an interesting article about the correlation between racism and low intelligence. Racist people lack abstract reasoning skills and are incapable of understanding or accepting someone who doesn’t look or behave just like them. Racist people are usually very close-minded and traditional and reject any kind of forward thinking. Their mind blocks them from understanding and growing which is why they have lower IQ’s than non-racist people. Open-minded individuals who genuinely want to understand and learn tend to have higher IQ’s.
I like your post. Pretty good presupposition. The social aspect in your latter paragraph is true and insightful, you did jumble me up for a minute but I think I got what you meant. Obviously peoples perceptions of others is normally at least slightly or extremely different than what the person is actually. High IQ people are anomalies and at least top 2% or higher at <1% of the population, so there are few people like them. If you look at more normal intelligence the likelihood of someone being like them is exponentially higher thus easier to make friends that you actually enjoy. It is a common thread of psychology that high iq individuals will like being around people but feel worse after being around them even though they wish to be there. Whereas average or normal individuals feel better after interactions and even energized with friends. You're obviously pretty sharp so I don't know how much of this you know, but I digress lol. There can be those people that are quite antisocial as their intelligence is almost a handicap and technically, once you get to the levels beyond intelligent, it is similar to extreme retardation in the opposite direction. I don't think high iq individuals being weird or socially awkward is a norm, which I think is what you were saying. Average individuals are obviously the vast majority of the population and their awareness and analysis skills won't be that accurate relatively, I think this may be why these sorts of dogmatic ideas stick. Not trying to be disrespectful to anyone if it sounds like that, I'm simply trying to be matter of fact, bare with me. You definitely said just about everything I thought especially the last paragraph.
As what I've seen; Extremely arrogant, lazy, could make you disappear in shame with just two words. And on the other side, you got the extremely awkward, anti-social and weird in any kind of way person. Many things are depending on the character anyway on how you use and deal with it.
As what I've seen; Extremely arrogant, lazy, could make you disappear in shame with just two words. And on the other side, you got the extremely awkward, anti-social and weird in any kind of way person. Many things are depending on the character anyway on how you use and deal with it.
Could be connected to boredom w/what people tend to say (and not say).
Oftenly they are capable to do beyond average stupidities.
-Ask them.

As I thought, people with a high iq are more reserved and sometimes see themselves strangely, which is why many scientists are considered insane.