What is your favourite period in British history ?

My favorite period of British history is undoubtly the Victorian Era.

I think that many of the British literature and culture from that time is very much alive even today... and I think that reflects in the attention and influence in recent cinema (Time Machine, Dracula, War of the Worlds, Sherlock Holmes, The Invisible Man, The Jungle Book,... etc.)

There is something extraordinay about that time, so much wealth of imagination... not just the hard facts of power in the Reality...

Definitely a period and place that I would like to study much more profoundly.
To quote a great philosopher,

"Right here, right now!"
Fatboy Slim
I like the history of all of Britain from the end of the last Iceage and up until the Tudor era. Haven't a lot of interest in the Empire that came after that time.
- The first inhabitants of Britain at the end of the Ice Age, as evidenced by the sites and related artefacts from Howick, Star Carr, etc
- Neolithic Britain and the construction of the great megaliths, in particular the Stonehenge landscape and Orkney
- Bronze/Iron Age Britain and the development of the first recognisable tribal kingdoms, coinage, metalwork
- Roman Britain, with its beautiful mosaics, introduction of Christianity, etc
- The Anglo-Saxon era, the development of idiosyncratic art, literature, poetry and legal systems, as well as the 'Anglo-Saxon missions' to Europe
- Norman conquest and the century that followed, as the huge changes in language, architecture and whatnot took shape and England was drawn much closer into the political affairs of the continent
- Tudor period, because it has a charm that I cannot put a finger on
- Victorian Britain, because of the great achievements in science and technology and the fact they amassed one of history's great Empires
I should also add that I'm interested in the Picts, mediaeval Welsh kingdoms and Irish history
I am not interested in after Elizabeth I period, expect for Sherlock Holmes. I have no idea which period he was in.
History of Britain isn't true term instead of British History
I am not interested in after Elizabeth I period, expect for Sherlock Holmes. I have no idea which period he was in

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle created him in the late-19th century

History of Britain isn't true term instead of British History

You could say 'History of Britain', 'Britain's History' or 'British History'. They all mean the same thing

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