I started another thread in 2005 about the Myers-Briggs 16 personalities test. It would be interesting to compare everyone's personality using the same test, and the one on the 16personalities website is one of the best out there.
Here is how I understand the four dimensions.
Introversion vs Extraversion
Introverted people spend more time with quiet activities like reading, are more sensitive to noise, and prefer to socialise in small groups or one-to-one, and need more time alone to recharge. Extroverted people get bored or even depressed when deprived of social interactions. They get energised from meeting people and therefore like to go out a lot.
Intuition vs Sensing
Intuitive people have a strong imagination and a more theoretical mind. They like to juggle with ideas in their heads and debate them with others. They tend to spend more time thinking about the past and future. Sensing types are more down-to-earth, practical-minded and living in the present.
Thinking vs Feeling
Thinking types put more value on seeking the truth and stating facts, even if that means arguing with others or hurting people's feelings. Their mind prioritises cold rationality over empathy. Feeling types are the other way round.
Judging vs Perceiving
Judging types are more orderly, organised, conscientious, reliable and punctual. They need structure and predetermined schedules and cannot stand chaos. Perceiving types value more flexibility in their approach to work and planning. They dislike too structured environments and are stressed by deadlines.
My results evolved over the years, but I think they were especially different during my years in Japan, probably because my way of interacting with people in Japanese society was quite different from how I normally socialise in Europe. Japanese people being rather shy but courteous, sociable and trying to make people feel at ease, I tended to score higher on extraversion. I also went out much more back then.
I have spent a lot of time reading about all personality types and analysing people close to me. Looking back at my life, I would say that I was originally an INTP as a child and teenager who evolved into an INTJ from my mid-20's. All the tests I have taken over the last 4 years indicate without a doubt that I am now INTJ in my everyday life - except when I travel, then I become INTP. The various INTJ descriptions fit me perfectly, although INTP descriptions are often applicable too.
Here is how I understand the four dimensions.
Introversion vs Extraversion
Introverted people spend more time with quiet activities like reading, are more sensitive to noise, and prefer to socialise in small groups or one-to-one, and need more time alone to recharge. Extroverted people get bored or even depressed when deprived of social interactions. They get energised from meeting people and therefore like to go out a lot.
Intuition vs Sensing
Intuitive people have a strong imagination and a more theoretical mind. They like to juggle with ideas in their heads and debate them with others. They tend to spend more time thinking about the past and future. Sensing types are more down-to-earth, practical-minded and living in the present.
Thinking vs Feeling
Thinking types put more value on seeking the truth and stating facts, even if that means arguing with others or hurting people's feelings. Their mind prioritises cold rationality over empathy. Feeling types are the other way round.
Judging vs Perceiving
Judging types are more orderly, organised, conscientious, reliable and punctual. They need structure and predetermined schedules and cannot stand chaos. Perceiving types value more flexibility in their approach to work and planning. They dislike too structured environments and are stressed by deadlines.
My results evolved over the years, but I think they were especially different during my years in Japan, probably because my way of interacting with people in Japanese society was quite different from how I normally socialise in Europe. Japanese people being rather shy but courteous, sociable and trying to make people feel at ease, I tended to score higher on extraversion. I also went out much more back then.
I have spent a lot of time reading about all personality types and analysing people close to me. Looking back at my life, I would say that I was originally an INTP as a child and teenager who evolved into an INTJ from my mid-20's. All the tests I have taken over the last 4 years indicate without a doubt that I am now INTJ in my everyday life - except when I travel, then I become INTP. The various INTJ descriptions fit me perfectly, although INTP descriptions are often applicable too.
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