Where does the Albanian language come from? [VIDEO]

iapygian refers only to the salentine area, ie, taranto and south if the city.....the heel

all inscriptions are ionic greek

link me what you have
only Wikipedia, it's why I wrote about new works because Wiki could be based on old enough works: I'm not peculiary well knowledged on these ancient language; my remark was over all about the link made sometimes between the origin of a language and the kind of alphabet imployed to write it. Sorry.
Based on the new samples from Norman site in Sicily(dated 1,100-1,300 AD), we can sort of back into the early mdv Albanian profile. Two of the E-V13 showing clear Albanian ancestry have zero Slavic drift, which is incredible and strongly suggest in the middle ages Albanians as a whole were very low on Slavic admixture (0-8%).

We can speculate medieval Albanians clustered somewhere in the red area.

The new samples do lead to questions, why is the earliest Albanian ancestry traced to three E-V13 samples and not J2b-L283 or R-Z29758, which are praised for their Dravidian like diversity?
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According to genarchivist, sample SGNB5 is J2b-L283 and this sample also picks up significant Alb post-mdv ancestry.

The plot twist is that the J2b sample is from the Muslim cemetery. My take is this J2b-L283 ancestor was serf to the Normans, and he escaped or joined the Muslim side, gained freedom and married a Muslim woman.

The Normans did introduce serfdom during their short rule in Albania.
Found an interesting abstract that has been presented in a conference in Germany. The work is in German and this google translate, I did manage to find a intro in English from an Albanian news site. It is a cranial analysis, hopefully to be followed by a genetic one?

The transition from Late Antiquity to Early Middle Ages in Albanian habitat from the perspective of historical anthropology


The aim of this paper is to present an effort on designing a biological-cultural basis transmitted during centuries regarding the ethnical Anthropology of Albanians. This study is composed of two parts:

– The first one deals with anthropological structure of todays’ Albanians. Here are discussed also the genetical features and their place in the taxonomic systems of European populations. Later, elements of traditional culture are analyzed, elements that have contributed to the consolidation of local anthropological variants.

– The second part presents anthropological data of around 800 skeletons collected during archaeological expeditions in 60 sites of country, belonging to a wide period of time from the Neolithikum (6 millennium BC) till the beginning of the XX century. The evolution in time of anthropological features in the areas inhabited by before Illyrians (of the Pellasgian era) up to Arbërs of the Middle Ages includes also the processes accompanying the biological-cultural transfer up to the centuries when the Albanian nation was conceived.


Next, we talk about the Dynarization/ Adriatization process, at the basis of which stand the evolutive trends justifying, up to a certain point, the Illyrian /Albanian continuity.

The development of a new ethnic entity, namely the Arbër, the immediate ancestors of today’s Albanians, may have been the most important event in the current Albanian habitat during the Early Middle Ages. From an ausethnogenetic perspective, the process of brachycephalization was set during this period (7. -8. Jh. n. u. Z. ) with a new intensity, but its beginnings have been particularly sought after in the Albanian highlands since the culturally characterized Hellenic and Roman periods.

Based on numerous series of bones from the early Middle Ages, the author conveys the anthropological structure of corresponding population groups that point to a common genetic base. This can be done best by the systematic representation of the chronological layers of various anthropological features in the cemeteries of Koman (Puka) and Prosek (Mirdita) and last but not least in those from southern Albania, e.g. B. in the cemeteries of Piskova and Pacomit (Përmet), which belong to the Komani culture from the archaeological point of view.

The Nordic and chromagnoid features of certain skeletons from the coastal region (Lezha, Kruja, Durrësi) could be seen with the presence of the first Slavic groups in this area (6. -7. Jh. n. u. Z. ) hang together. A similar situation can be seen in some later series (10. -12. Jh. n. u. Z. ) from southeast Albania: Gostomickë (Skrapar), Shtikë (Kolonja), Rapckë (Përmet) confirm that date to the Bulgarian branch in the region at that time.

Since the end of the Early Middle Ages, a continuous increase in the horizontal cranial index towards the Brachyskrania has been detected, in the sense that a continuity of the dinarization process is determined.

There the Illyrians, after the 6th. Jh. n. u. Z. in the historical documentation no more than one ethnically characterized population group, the trial in question should be attributed to the Arbër population. During the Late Middle Ages (12). -18. Jh.) the increase in the brachykranization curve is once again recorded, among other things. a. in Pazhok (Belsh) and Çepunë (Gjirokastër), where it has reached its peak in the last two centuries, which should serve as a retrospective reflection of the anthropological situation among today's local population.

The author is hereby of the opinion that the historical anthropology now has a number of arguments to confirm the hypothesis, because of which brachykcephaly among the Albanians has evolved in the direction of dinarization - based on domestic basis. In addition to other western areas of the Balkan Peninsula, which during the historical time belonged to the Illyrii proprie dicti, Albania is apparently considered to be the center of this process.

However, the evidence on the chronologically coherent development of the brachycephalization process in this ethno-cultural area may contribute to the solution of this problem. After this first "high point" in the Early Middle Ages, there were other factors that must be taken into account.



comment: 900 AD begins a rapid rise of cephalic index.

Prof. dr. Aleksandër Dhima
(Europ. Uni Tirana)
Der Übergang von der Spätantike zum Frühmittelalter im albanischen Lebensraum aus dem Gesichtspunkt der historischen Anthropologie

Die Entwicklung einer neuen ethnischen Entität, nämlich die der Arbër, welche unmittelbare Vorfahren der heutigen Albaner sind, dürfte das wichtigste Ereignis im gegenwärtigen albanischen Lebensraum während des Frühmittelalters gewesen sein. Ausethnogenetischer Perspektive setzte sich der Brachycephalisationsprozess in diesem Zeitraum (7.-8. Jh. n. u. Z.) mit einer neuen Intensität durch, dessen Anfänge jedoch seit der kulturgeprägten hellenistischen und römischen Periode besonders in der albanischen Hochlandschaft zu suchen sind.

Anhand zahlreicher Knochenserien aus dem Frühmittelalter vermittelt der Autor die anthropologische Struktur entsprechender Bevölkerungsgruppen, die auf eine gemeinsame genetische Basis hinweisen. Dies kann bestenfalls durch die systematische Darstellung der chronologischen Schichten verschiedener anthropologischer Merkmale in den Friedhöfen von Koman (Puka) und Prosek (Mirdita) und nicht zuletzt in denen aus Südalbanien wie z. B. in den Friedhöfen von Piskova und Pacomit (Përmet) unter Beweis gestellt werden, die vom archäologischen Gesichtspunkt der Komani-Kultur angehören.

Die nordischen und cromagnoiden Merkmale bestimmter Skelette aus der Küstenregion (Lezha, Kruja, Durrësi) könnten mit der Präsenz der ersten Slawengruppen auf diesem Gebiet (6.-7. Jh. n. u. Z.) zusammenhängen. Eine ähnliche Situation lässt sich noch in mancher späteren Serie (10.-12. Jh. n. u. Z.) aus Südost-Albanien: Gostomickë (Skrapar), Shtikë (Kolonjë), Rapckë (Përmet) bestätigen, die auf die bulgarische Niederlassung in der Region zu dieser Zeit datieren.

Seit Ende des Frühmittelalters wird eine ununterbrochene Erhöhung des horizontalen Schädelindexes in Richtung Brachykranie ermittelt, in dem Sinne, dass eine Kontinuität des Dinarisierungsprozesses festgestellt wird.

Da die Illyrier, nach dem 6. Jh. n. u. Z. in der historischen Dokumentation nicht mehr als eine ethnisch geprägte Bevölkerungsgruppe erscheinen, dürfte der angesprochene Prozess der Arbër-Bevölkerung zugeordnet werden. Während des Spätmittelalters (12.-18. Jh.) wird der Anstieg der Brachykranisationskurve abermals verzeichnet, u. a. in Pazhok (Belsh) und Çepunë (Gjirokastër), wo sie in den letzten zwei Jahrhunderten deren Höhepunkt erreicht, was als retrospektive Wiederspiegelung der anthropologischen Situation bei der heutigen Bevölkerung vor Ort dienen sollte.
Der Autor folgt hiermit der Meinung, die historische Anthropologie verfüge inzwischen über eine ganze Reihe von Argumenten zur Bestätigung der Hypothese, infolgedessen die Brachykcephalie unter den Albanern sich in Richtung Dinariesierung – gestützt auf inländischer Grundlage – entwickelt hat. Neben anderen westlichen Gebieten der Balkanhalbinsel, die im Laufe der historischen Zeit zu den Illyrii proprie dicti gehörten, gilt Albanien anscheinend als Zentrum dieses Prozesses.

Wie dem auch sei, dürfen die Hinweise auf die chronologisch zusammenhängende Entwicklung des Brachycephalisationsprozesses auf diesem ethno-kulturellen Gebiet bei der Lösung dieses Problems beitragen. Nach diesem ersten “Höhepunkt” im Frühmittelalter waren noch andere Faktoren wirksam, die mitberücksichtigt werden müssen.
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