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Goldberg made the comments Monday morning while the panel was discussing a Tennessee school board’s banning of “Maus,” a graphic novel about the Nazi death camps.
"It’s about the Holocaust, the killing of six million people, but that didn’t bother you?" she said. "If you’re going to do this, then let’s be truthful about it. Because the Holocaust isn’t about race. No, it’s not about race.”
Another host, Joy Behar, responded that the Nazis described Jews as a different race.
"But it’s not about race," Goldberg said. "It’s not. It’s about man’s inhumanity to other man."
When another host said that white supremacy was behind the Holocaust — and that Nazis targeted Jewish and Roma people — Goldberg said those are “white groups of people.” When a third host pointed out that the Nazis didn’t view Jews as white, Goldberg said she was “missing the point.”
"The minute you turn it into race, it goes down this alley," Goldberg said. "Let’s talk about it for what it is. It’s how people treat each other. It’s a problem.”
Those *western Jews are white (IMHO), so she's not wrong about that. Most blacks I know think of them in this way too. But the thing is, Nazis didn't think of them as Aryans, but a race-apart and inferior. So the Holocaust was indeed about race.
Those *western Jews are white (IMHO), so she's not wrong about that. Most blacks I know think of them in this way too. But the thing is, Nazis didn't think of them as Aryans, but a race-apart and inferior. So the Holocaust was indeed about race.
The Nazis were using a system based on 19th century anthropology where Europeans were classified into different races. The Slavs were a separate race as well. They also were "racists" in the modern sense in that they saw Africans as sub-human for example.
The Nazis were completely hypocritical. Because Hitler admired Mussolini for having created Fascism the Italians became "honorary" Aryans. I guess the Japanese got the same "honor" too.
She's looking at Jews and seeing "white people", as Americans in general and Black Americans in particular see them. So, how could the Holocaust be about racism?
It's just more Woke B.S. Only blacks can complain about racism. White people can never be the victims of racism; not even Jews. The Woke crowd has even made Asian Americans "white" for purposes of affirmative action.
I mean, you couldn't make this stuff up.
I'm glad she got called on it. This crap has got to stop.
The larger point about man's inhumanity to man is just her trying to get out of the hole she dug for herself.
That whole show is toxic.
Off topic, but did you read how Zucker at CNN was forced to resign? What's going to happen to that idiot/pervert Lemon and that pervert Tobin now without Zucker around to protect them? Not that Fox didn't have their own perverts.
My God, are all our leaders in every institution either corrupt or perverts or both?
Yes it was about race, the race definitions by the NAZI's. And it was also about dehumanization of people. So both. So what has gone into Goldberg?
I have a strong feeling that it was scripted by ABC on purpose for publicity stunt. She is now threating to leave and plus she probably got her check in her 2 week suspension. Something unnatural in the conversation the way she said it; "2 groups of white people" and "let's be real".
There was also a factor of religious persecution. In the past, hatred against Jews was often fuelled by Christians and Muslims. Religious people turned against them, not because they belonged to another race, but because they did not believe in the right God. Goldberg explained that racism is about skin color, and that Jewish persecution in World War II was different because “you couldn’t tell who was Jewish.” Ashkenazi Jews have genetic ancestry intermediate between European (EU) and Middle-Eastern (ME) sources. More than 80 percent of the maternal lineages of Ashkenazi Jews could be traced to Europe, with 50 percent of the paternal lineages from the Ashkenazi Y chromosome originated in the Near East.
All practicing Italian Jews were Orthodox, as were practicing German Jews. Reform and Conservative sects are, to the best of my knowledge American institutions. You're right in that most of them weren't Hasidic. Also, many were "secular" Jews, i.e. assimilated Jews who only rarely went to shul.
Still, even in "secular" clothing, many German Jews would have had difficulty "passing" in Germany. There was less difficulty in Italy because it was easier to "pass" in terms of phenotype, especially when Germans were doing the judging.
I'm sure to many of them, all "Mediterranean" types looked the same.
Gli Studenti Ebrei del Manzoni
In a way, it seems so bizarre that she would make such a faux pas like this. It could have even been on her own volition.
Celebrities pull weird stunts sometimes, like Alec Baldwin's wife claiming to be Spanish, which is a lie. Or Jussie Smollett committing a hate crime hoax.
Also, I was mistaken earlier, apparently she claims to be Jewish too.
The holocaust wasn't about race, except all that "Aryan race" stuff.
99% of television is garbage, so nothing new here.
I believe it was her first husband's name which she kept after the divorce.Wow! I'm going to read it now. Thanks for putting that on my radar.
Also, Asians in the US are indeed honorary whites, because "systemic racism" doesn't seem to apply to them, because of their success.
A few weeks ago a young Asian woman was pushed in front of an on-coming subway train in 42nd street, and was killed instantly. The perpetrator was a homeless black man with mental issues, and a long rap sheet. Where is the outrage, now? If I recall, I don't even think they called it a "hate crime".
Also, apparently Goldberg is not her real name either. I'm not sure why she has a Jewish name.