Why my hairs turned RED out of black?


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Albanian - Dinaric
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Greeting for all, cause I did'nt post for some time here!

I naturally have black hair, as black as raven. Before many years I went to Portugal, in atlantic shore, with my family and many relatives. We stayed there 2 months during the summer. In the 3-4 last weeks my hairs became red just as scotich or irish hair. It was only in this time, after I turned in my home, I cut my hair, and the new hair again became black.

I still don't know why this happened? Is any recessive red gene in me? Is the water of ocean? Is it the food?

While there were many other people, it was only me with hair turned red!

Do you think there is recessive red genes that caused that?
Sorry to bust your bubble. You don't have the "Celtic" gen. Two months sitting in strong summer sun caused that. UV destroys melanin in your hair and hair gets lighter, in your case with reddish hue. You just had less melanin than others, or others didn't spend as much time in sun, that's why it shows more in your case.
Well, I knew also before that, when I saw the hair of our arms during the summer becoming whiter or lighter. But I never thought this would do smthng like red hair.

So, does your answer mean that all that si done, is just physicall intrude from the sun light, but it has no influence on genes afterward?
It is the result of Celtic geneflow in Albanians.
Greeting for all, cause I did'nt post for some time here!

I naturally have black hair, as black as raven. Before many years I went to Portugal, in atlantic shore, with my family and many relatives. We stayed there 2 months during the summer. In the 3-4 last weeks my hairs became red just as scotich or irish hair. It was only in this time, after I turned in my home, I cut my hair, and the new hair again became black.

I still don't know why this happened? Is any recessive red gene in me? Is the water of ocean? Is it the food?

A similar thing happens all the time here in Northeastern Brazil (one of the highest UV radiations in the world) among fishermen, surfers and other people who spend too much time at the beach. People who have mid or dark brown hair start having several hair strands with blonde-ish or reddish color. UV radiation can be veeeery destructive not only to your skin.

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