Your dream job?


The china-man
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If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
Prime minister, and I would exercise my powers to the fullest to make things go just the way I want them
I would be the world's most respected author and philosipher. :p
RULE THE WORLD :evil: im working on it now... being a webdesigner,, make money with sitting on a tropical island, and design some new websites ( when im not bussy with swimming with the dolphins.... :wave: )
Duo said:
Prime minister, and I would exercise my powers to the fullest to make things go just the way I want them

prime minister of belgium???? is that nice ....

i dont say anything about our one.. i mean we have Harry potter :relief:
Well payed person, have my own company and make a few million bucks a year... :blush: dream job would to be the towel boy for the Japanese women's beach volleyball team :D

But realistically...anything in Japan would do nicely.
dutch baka said:
prime minister of belgium???? is that nice ....

i dont say anything about our one.. i mean we have Harry potter :relief:

No no, not Belgium, my french isn't good enough, and my flemish is non existant :(

I think it would be a cool job though, i would tell ppl to do this and that, and would make stupid hypocritical jokes with other leaders :blush:
My dream job? The one I have now!!! :D
I got my dream job: this job, when I left my former workplace for another (and better) earlier this year....within consulting.

Anything that would combine LOOONG BLACK HAIR with cats would be nice! Can't think of what kind of job would fit that bill?


Frank D. White said:
Anything that would combine LOOONG BLACK HAIR with cats would be nice! Can't think of what kind of job would fit that bill?


OMG..before I came in and saw u posted Frank I said to myself..."Frank will mention something combining long black hair" and I was RIGHT !!!!! :souka: do I know you or do I know you ??? :p
Rockstar :cool:
Lawyer (No idea why, it's just been a lifelong thing)
Marine Biologist (If I'd get to dive, I love diving)
English teacher in Japan (I'd need to do higher french though to do the Japanese course.. meep!)
Psychologist (current main ambition)
Frank D. White said:
Anything that would combine LOOONG BLACK HAIR with cats would be nice! Can't think of what kind of job would fit that bill?



hahah...that is a difficult question to answer..... :blush: I don't know what kind of job would fit .......
Screenplay writer for a video game company.

Mycernius said:
Chocolate buyer for a big chocolate firm that deal in nothing but chocolate. Must pay well and involve chocolate. :homer: mmm chocolate

Krispy Kreams and pumpkin pie would be a better firm for me.:D

Unhealthy Lifestyle

Index said:
Porn star.

Good luck trying not to catch VDs or HIV/AIDS.
