You're A Freakin Idiot !!!!!

I felt this needed to come out again. In response to the question. If someones opinion doesn't agree with mine I try not to get into a shouting match with them. I find debate opens up new knowledge between people and can educate myself and them to new persectives on the subject. If someone just keeps on saying the same thing again and again and appears to be inflexible to the point of me losing my temper I will not continue that discussion. As it has been said, with a forum this size you must be tolerant of other people point of view. this is why I do not join other forums, as I have found most of them turn into slanging matches and personal attacks. I like it here because that very rarely happens, and if it does the admins and moderators do a very good job of keeping it down and putting things back on course.
I enjoy a good debate/discussion type of argument, but it takes more time than I'm usually willing to put in. And people are generally very nice at this forum, or I wouldn't be here. Although I've seen some things here, but not often. I'm tempted when someone says something really bad to say something sarcastic, but I don't - well I didn't until today - my bad! :worried: I just wanted prove that I'm not perfect, as if you didn't know already! :smug:

But I'm very wary of arguing on the internet, I've had a couple bad experiences, things can escalate and get nasty, especially when there are personality clashes. I can argue intelligently and am extremely patient, but if I ever lose my patience and get angry I can suddenly get very dumb & say some pretty silly things. So if I feel any hostility or baiting, I generally just ignore it. Those people don't want to listen anyway. If I feel strongly about something, I usually post something so people know what I think, but I dislike getting into heated arguments. So I post hit and run. :D But I'd like to have an arguement using just smilies - that could be fun.
I also learn alot from other peoples debates here, and I enjoy 'listening in', sometimes putting my 2 cents in too.
Frank D. White said:
hopeing for a safety zone here on the Forum. I feel bad when I see other people argue and get up-set. I guess all I can hope for is people to TRY to be polite to others!
I think back to my younger days about some things I truely believed; now I see how wrong I was about so many things! I guess, due to my youth, it never occured to me I MIGHT be wrong. I wish I could go back and appologise to those I insulted. Human nature I guess, the
old wanting to keep the young from making the mistakes they made.


There you go Frank ... I know where you're coming from, guy!

But ... I've been guilty more than once here, myself ... as we all know!

(.... keeps 'em on their toes though, ... doesn't it ! :clap: )

Warm regards,

?W???? :cool: