Politics Will Belgium split into 2 countries ?

What's the latest here M have they formed a Government yet or are they still discussing it?
There is a temporary government formed by the former PM. They expect the final new government to be formed by late March...
So once more in to the breach? Is it that time again, flags will have to be dusted off and marches organised?
I guess so. I wonder if we really need a central government after all. :p
Yes, Maciamo, you are right, most of the Dutch people are against uniting Flandres an the Netherlands.
It would give lots of trouble for both sides. We do speak the same language but all the other differences are quite big.

But we are the BENELUX inside of Europe, there is much we can do together.
And maybe Belgium must learn something from Switzerland, a country with 4 languages, three completely different races, German, French and Italian. I have lived and worked almost 9 years in Lausanne and travelled a lot through the other cantons.
Oh of course they make fun of each other, but they are all Swiss, it is one nation.

Belgium is a charming country in our Europe, I vote for "stay Belgian"!!
What does this "no" mean ? Not in the next 24 hours ? Or not ever ?
"Not ever"? What sort of statement/question is that? Thats like asking if the world will ever end.

"No" means, not in my life-time. Im 62 so I suppose that means "not in the next 38 years" - at least .:cool-v:

When Belgium finally does split, it will be the Eupen region first, long before Wallonie and Vlaanderen. Thats my prediction.
"Not ever"? What sort of statement/question is that? Thats like asking if the world will ever end.

"No" means, not in my life-time. Im 62 so I suppose that means "not in the next 38 years" - at least .:cool-v:

When Belgium finally does split, it will be the Eupen region first, long before Wallonie and Vlaanderen. Thats my prediction.

Well, I personally doubt that Belgium will remain united for 30 more years. If it does it will be a sort of loose confederacy with almost completely independent region-states.
... I personally doubt that Belgium will remain united for 30 more years.

Well, youre Belgian so you ought to know better than I but I dont see it that way at all. Is it possible that youre taking your "sensationlist", news media too seriously? They exaggerate EVERYTHING.
probably the breaking down back into small nationalistic states that the peoples of the states actually have influence over, is the only action that will affect re-instatement of rational self interest to their suicidal immigrationa and sanctuary policies.

so it is I think a good idea.
It seems Belgium is in a political pickle again. What is the likelihood of the country breaking up? Is this issue about the two regions around Brussels pushing in that direction?
We desperately now NEED the United States of Europe to be implemented.
It seems Belgium is in a political pickle again. What is the likelihood of the country breaking up? Is this issue about the two regions around Brussels pushing in that direction?

Very low chances of the country splitting up. It's all a grand drama because a few rich municipalities around Brussels voted to leave Flanders in order to join Brussels, but the Flemish government refuses because it would lose too much tax revenues. The problem is that these municipalities are officially in Flanders but the population is overwhelmingly French-speaking.

I think that this problem can only be settled by a higher authority, like the European Court of Justice. Technically the Flemish government is breaching democracy by refusing to accept the population's decision, expressed in a legal referendum.

It's all about money. Flanders doesn't want to pay for social security benefits in the French-speaking regions (Wallonia and Brussels), but doesn't want to give up revenues of French-speakers in Flanders either. In other words they want their cake and eat it too. Doesn't help the Dutch-speakers' reputation for greediness and tight-fistedness.
Too bad that's not in the Curia's jurisdiction. Could they pick this issue up somehow? How about the commission? It is rather an internal affair, but if there is an official request they might be able to intervene.

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