Election - choose the best Beer

A big row going on in Ireland at the moment, Munster and Leinster rugby teams are due to play each other in the Magners league in Munster on Good Friday. The vintners association of Ireland are going bonkers because pubs aren't allowed open on Good Friday.:sad-2:

Since when have licensing conditions ever got in the way of an Irishman and his pint?
Its true some of the best pints I ever had were on licensed premises during the holy hour, where an illicit knock on the door and a wink got you in. And then shussssssh!!! is that the guards outside:grin:
Thought they would be inside along with the local priest.:grin:

A Ballykissmyass, no fun if the Guards are in on it:grin:

And we never even mentioned cider, having switched from Bulmers apple to pear cider I don't think I could ever go back, just hope we have a summer to enjoy it.
Strictly speaking this is a beer thread, but on the topic of cider I find Magners a little too sweet for my taste. Bulmers is good enough, but I usually get Green Goblin fom Sainsburys. I prefer my cider dry rather than sweet.
"Green Goblin" not sure if its stocked over here, but I'll keep an eye out for it.(y)
As for me, Heinecken is not tasty. But tastes are different as people.
Adnams Broadside, Fullers ESB, Jaipur IPA.
These are my favourite beers today.
But Im off the beer at the moment due to lack of funds.
This is a difficult one as I don't want to offend anybody...

In Belgium we don't consider Heineken as a serious beer. But is is clear that a lot people like it..

You should also make a difference between lager beer and strong beer.

For me in lager beer I prefer Stella Artois and if I have to choose a strong beer I would say Triple Karmeliet.
Oh yes, I also wanted to say that if it comes to good marketing that Heineken is probably the winner but not in making beer
Heineken is one of the worst things to come out of Holland in my opinion, sorry to say. Of course its all subjective but I think Amstel is a far superior dutch beer. For me now though in the UK bitters and Ales rule, they are a bit more tasty I think. I live in Devon and Jail Ale I think is my favourite. Londons pride is also really nice.
I live in Canada, so all the beer here is pretty much piss water. So the only Beers i buy are import, best of those are either Grolsch or Holsten, and Guiness is pretty good to. Also over here the cans are so small, nearly every import you see is bigger than a tall boy here. You Euros got the right idea(y)
Also tried Mead a couple months ago, very good, its like a sweet beer, but with alot a
Zip, and it was made in canada buy a family owned brewrey.
Also why no poll, like to see where everyone else is on this one lol.
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Not a particular fan of American beers (where I'm from), w/the exception of perhaps Sam Adams. In my opinion, the best beers come from both Belgium and the Czech Republic, including Brouwerij De halve Maan Brugse Zot Blond and Reality Czech. To close, as quoted by Martin Luther "Beer is made by men, wine by God"
I love craft beer. There are lots of interesting breweries here in Europe, but I must admit Americans are the really good ones nowadays.

The following are European breweries you should look for if you're interested in trying different types of craft beer:

- Haandbryggeriet (Norway)
- Mikkeller (Denmark)
- To Øl (Denmark)
- Brewdog (Scotland)
- Buxton (England)
- Brouwerij de Molen (Holland)
- De Struise Brouwers (Flandes)
- Weissbierbrauerei G. Schneider & Sohn (Germany)
- Naparbier (Nafarroa, Euskal Herria)
- Guineu Ca L'Arenys (Catalonia)
- Birrificio del Ducato (Italy)

...and so on.

Just the beggining, craft beer is a HUGE world.
Favorite Beer type: Pils (sometimes Weizen)

Favorite Breweries:
for home - OeTTINGER (Pils) all the way - very good and very cheap; 20x - 0.5L "kasten" = 4.80 Euro (plus pfand)

outside - Herbsthäuser / Distelhäuser / Würzburger Hofbräu -almost all localities are supplied by these local Breweries

Herbsthäuser is special because of their very good (but somewhat expensive) Gold Märzen;

In Franconia (we have ~300 Breweries) the best Beers are from Klosterbrauerei Andechs (Bavarian monks brew best), Lederer Bräu and of course the Bamberger Rauchbier Schlenkerla,
Beers from Kitzmann and Zirndorfer are just to get wasted, also the Danish FAXE is sold relatively cheap; -good times

All in all, OeTTINGER and Herbsthäuser for me [Pils, Weizen, Märzen]
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