The alleged Arab invasion of Spain.

These threads about the ethnical identity of Spaniards are always very heated.

I wonder why always they ended up speaking about... Mexicans!!.

Too much ado about nothing, when everybody knows that Spaniards are not Mexicans...

Look at Youtube, for example, there are hundred uppon hundreds of Videos, made by Spaniards that explain the thing very clearly.

Don't believe me? Check this out...

(Look also the menu of videos at the right side...)


Oh, my!! We Mexicans go ahead with our lives, oblivious at the fact that we take the sleep out of million of Spaniards, that cannot live in internal peace and harmony, fearing to be counfounded with us!!!

Seeing is believing.

Now I cannot say this Forum have not teach me anything.

I told you guys. Carlitos = Sirous2b = hangman.

The frijolito mentally unstable is as stur as the duracell bunny.
I told you guys. Carlitos = Sirous2b = hangman.

The frijolito mentally unstable is as stur as the duracell bunny.

Instead of speaking about "little beans" (frijolito), tell me what obvious piece is missing from this picture...

Greatest Italian contributions to the world ?
Greatest French contributions to the world ?
Greatest Ancient Roman contribution(s) to the world
Greatest Belgian contributions to the world ?
Greatest British contribution to the world ?
Greatest German contributions to the world ?


Certainly I miss a poll "Greatest Russian Contributions to the World?" - which will be not so difficult to construct, with people like Mendelyev (periodic table of elements), or the Russian Aerospace archivements...

Certainly to have the father of modern Neuroscience (Santiago Ramón y Cajal) is a great contribution... but you cannot construct a poll with two or three options...

We "little beans" have not responsibility of that.

Nor insulting us - and at the same time, insulting youselves, as you unconciously do in these forums, when you despise your own cultural treasures like Flamenco and the Alahmbra - will make any difference in that.

I wonder what would have been of you if not by the hundreds of metric tons of Gold that you stole from us (and that you spent unwisely, making rich Dutch and German manufacturers in the XVII Century)

But that is enough for now.

These threads about the ethnical identity of Spaniards are always very heated.

I wonder why always they ended up speaking about... Mexicans!!.

Too much ado about nothing, when everybody knows that Spaniards are not Mexicans...

Look at Youtube, for example, there are hundred uppon hundreds of Videos, made by Spaniards that explain the thing very clearly.

Don't believe me? Check this out...

(Look also the menu of videos at the right side...)


Oh, my!! We Mexicans go ahead with our lives, oblivious at the fact that we take the sleep out of million of Spaniards, that cannot live in internal peace and harmony, fearing to be counfounded with us!!!

Seeing is believing.

Now I cannot say this Forum have not teach me anything.


What's up...actually nobody care. Spaniards and mexicans have latin blood.
Suck this: Latin Europe The heart of the Latin Europe is situated in southwestern Europe and comprises of four countries around the northwestern Mediterranean Basin (also known as the Latin Arch): Italy, France, Spain (including the Canary Islands) and Portugal (including the archipelagos of Madeira and the Azores). 'Genetic continuity' Close genetic analysis of blood samples from across the region show, the researchers claim, that the majority of Latin Americans can trace their origins some 13 generations back to the time of the Conquistadors. What is more, they say, the genes suggest most are a product of a match between a European male settler and a Native American or African woman. This supports the historical argument that European colonisers killed off many of the native men and had sex with native women or with African slaves. Brain damaged...who?
Suck this: Latin Europe The heart of the Latin Europe is situated in southwestern Europe and comprises of four countries around the northwestern Mediterranean Basin (also known as the Latin Arch): Italy, France, Spain (including the Canary Islands) and Portugal (including the archipelagos of Madeira and the Azores). 'Genetic continuity' Close genetic analysis of blood samples from across the region show, the researchers claim, that the majority of Latin Americans can trace their origins some 13 generations back to the time of the Conquistadors. What is more, they say, the genes suggest most are a product of a match between a European male settler and a Native American or African woman. This supports the historical argument that European colonisers killed off many of the native men and had sex with native women or with African slaves. Brain damaged...who?

My heavens, you are so intellectually challenged that you can't even doctor up the text you are quoting properly. Who do you think you're kidding?

So??? They are talking about the New World. The old European colonies in the Western Hemisphere had many mixed-race individuals, including the U.S., Brazil, etc. Just what are you trying to say? Do you even have a clue? Like I said, the freak show left town, so why are you still here posting codswallop?

Listen, mountebank, "Latin" is a CULTURAL category, not racial. Did you even make it out of grade school?:LOL:
I wonder what would have been of you if not by the hundreds of metric tons of Gold that you stole from us (and that you spent unwisely, making rich Dutch and German manufacturers in the XVII Century)
But that is enough for now.


Finally you reveal your truth being. Thanks for admitting that you are a sick person who is resentful for things that happened like 450 years before we were borned.

Instead of speaking about "little beans" (frijolito), tell me what obvious piece is missing from this picture...
Greatest Italian contributions to the world ?
Greatest French contributions to the world ?
Greatest Ancient Roman contribution(s) to the world
Greatest Belgian contributions to the world ?
Greatest British contribution to the world ?
Greatest German contributions to the world ?


Certainly I miss a poll "Greatest Russian Contributions to the World?" - which will be not so difficult to construct, with people like Mendelyev (periodic table of elements), or the Russian Aerospace archivements...

Certainly to have the father of modern Neuroscience (Santiago Ramón y Cajal) is a great contribution... but you cannot construct a poll wit
h two or three options...

We "little beans" have not responsibility of that.
Nor insulting us - and at the same time, insulting youselves, as you unconciously do in these forums, when you despise your own cultural treasures like Flamenco and the Alahmbra - will make any difference in that.

Frijolito have turned on very quickly into the delusional mode. As I told you in other thread, stop putting words in my mouth that I haven't said. You are only trying to project your own complex on me over and over.

You're the only one here despising your own culture... otherwise what did you turn out so mad on us since the same instant we told you mexicans are NOT 100% spanish ethnically? You have been harassing us for months, first with your original account, later with several clones.

Keep entertaining us with your clones and your selfhate, freak.


PS- And I have the Alhambra Palace in my public pictures Album about "Spain" (check out my profile). EPIC FAIL, cretin.
My heavens, you are so intellectually challenged that you can't even doctor up the text you are quoting properly. Who do you think you're kidding?

So??? They are talking about the New World. The old European colonies in the Western Hemisphere had many mixed-race individuals, including the U.S., Brazil, etc. Just what are you trying to say? Do you even have a clue? Like I said, the freak show left town, so why are you still here posting codswallop?

Listen, mountebank, "Latin" is a CULTURAL category, not racial. Did you even make it out of grade school?:LOL:

No way're a latin...that's all.
This heated discussion has served to know who is who, it has been hunted to the liars, the mentally unbalanced have always followed his line and the wise have managed not to lose completely calm.
No way're a latin...that's all.
Hey charlatan, did you forget to get in line when God handed out brains?

Once again, since you seem to be uber-dense; "LATIN" signifies a cultural category that pertains to countries where romance languages are generally spoken. In Europe these nations are: France, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Romania. The term Latin has NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE and can have little or no correlation with ethnicity / ethnic identity. For instance, in certain areas of France there are people who do not identify as Latin, or even French, but as Celtic (e.g., Bretons), Basque or Germanic. The same can be said for Spain and Portugal and other countries.

Your ignorance is truly beyond comprehension.
All he wants is to provoke.

Business slaves in Muslim Spain.

The slave trade reached undoubtedly important dimensions in the Caliphate. Ibn Hawqal says a well-known export item consists of slaves, boys and girls who have been taken in France and Galicia, as well as Slavic eunuchs. All Slavic eunuchs found on the surface of the earth come from Al-Andalus. Castration were practiced in this country, an operation that was done by Jewish merchants ... Indeed, we know al-Maqdisi existence in the city of Lucena, where he lived a large Jewish community, a real manufacturing eunuchs. Frequent aceifas against the Christian states in the Caliphate should be an important source of supply of slaves. Ibn Idari explains that after the relative lack of success of the first expeditions alHalik Abd al-Muzaffar, traders cried died that gave us slavery, referring of course to Almansur.

The merchants responsible for the import and export trade enjoyed a great social prestige, with its considerable economic power. But were, as stressed Chalmeta a world apart compared to the other economic spheres. It was in many ways: for the type of trade that had not practiced in their trade more regular basis than that imposed by the arrivals of boats or caravans, nor its function resulted in a specific market center, as the location of their business was not fixed and, moreover, often exercised through commission agents. But external nature manifested itself mainly in the absolute freedom governing the formation of the prices of their items, only affected by the weight of the Treasury or the existence of some state monopolies, and in fact escape the jurisdiction of zabazoque. The most interesting thing to note is that the primary purpose of those long-distance merchants is that they guarantee the security of the roads and borders, hence its close links to the State, serving as providers or as staff and that they obtained political protection, but which never managed to control. Indeed, if the external origin of the surplus can explain the permanence of the Islamic ruling class over the crisis of political power (IM Hapidus has shown very well in the state's case mamlu'k), also may account for its inability to achieve political control of the state. But this is an issue that has not been investigated in the case of Al-Andalus.
Latin blood :LOL::LOL:

yes unfortunately mexicans have some "latin" blood, i don't know why are you laughing... didn't you learn history?

you know spanish soldiers didn't take spanish women with them in their journeis to the "new world". so they raped millions of native american women...

because of that there is latin blood in the american population... but also we proudly have the blood of mayan, inca, mapuche, charrua, guarani... and other native american great civilizations.
Why does Spain produce so much fascist bullshit?

"Castration were practiced in this country, an operation that was done by Jewish merchants ..."
Suck this: Latin Europe The heart of the Latin Europe is situated in southwestern Europe and comprises of four countries around the northwestern Mediterranean Basin (also known as the Latin Arch): Italy, France, Spain (including the Canary Islands) and Portugal (including the archipelagos of Madeira and the Azores). 'Genetic continuity' Close genetic analysis of blood samples from across the region show, the researchers claim, that the majority of Latin Americans can trace their origins some 13 generations back to the time of the Conquistadors. What is more, they say, the genes suggest most are a product of a match between a European male settler and a Native American or African woman. This supports the historical argument that European colonisers killed off many of the native men and had sex with native women or with African slaves. Brain damaged...who?

yes indeed and return to Europe an brought Aphrodisiac !!!! :grin:

well that reminds me Obama,
he is not black,AFRO-AMERICAN he is Irish....................

do you know how many native woman died cause of Europeans diseases ????
do you know how many Europeans die ?????

how many do you believe are the early Spanish conq... children, how many survided?????

can you estimate how many pregnant die from the diseases,

I am sure that blood if exist is very later, after 1750 or 1800 and not 1490,

a whole village could die, due to 1 soldier
or an entire city in Europe, due to 1 woman
remember the laws in France about common women!!!!!

yes unfortunately mexicans have some "latin" blood, i don't know why are you laughing... didn't you learn history?

you know spanish soldiers didn't take spanish women with them in their journeis to the "new world". so they raped millions of native american women...

because of that there is latin blood in the american population... but also we proudly have the blood of mayan, inca, mapuche, charrua, guarani... and other native american great civilizations.

don't worry native women took their revenge in Europe,
Aphrodisiac still kill people.

But it makes me wonder
why latina is a not USA or Canada Latin speaking
and not an Italian that moved to Usa or Kenzoon Cajun in N Orlean or a Quibec,
Francais are not latin!!!!!

why latin American is the natives of Mexico and south and not natives of Texas?
Apache people do not spoke Spanish!!!!!!!!
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