(offtopic about Albanian)

Yes I know Albanian has loan words from all the peoples you mentioned but this specific word origin is not known and how it evolved,this is a matter of linguists who study words to say for certain.

Actually we say "babi" or "baba" for father but we have other words such as Ate (singular) or Eterit (fathers, elders)

I dno, the albanians I usually hang around are hillbillies from Kosovo that is villagers. They say bab, maybe it's a local variant then.

Then it could be a substrate paleo-balkan language that is non-IE language. Some Pelasgian or maybe some other language from that area?

Could be that they referred to the hellens like that and that it just stuck, wouldn't be first time in history when a invading people adopt the invaded ones word for them. Schwabo - adapted from germans meaning german in southslavic languages where the austro-hungarians invaded.

Ate and Eterit are the albanian words then, although u adopted the turkish (persian) word en majoris afaik throughout the albanian lands.
Thank you Zeus 10

You Just found That Albanian Gra is a Loan word from Greek Γηραιος Γηρας Γέρος Γραια

cause In Greek
Γηρας = to become old, elderly
Γηραιος Γερος = Old MAN
Γηραια Γραια Γρια = OLD WOMAN


Sure, this is why in English we call a YOUNG woman: a GIRL.
Sure, this is why in English we call a YOUNG woman: a GIRL.

Indeed in English is Grann like Γραια which means is after Old and not about women.

what is the matter with you, I don't recognise you.

the word for woman is γυνη zena woman etc

As for Girl I don't know, with which cοgnates,
Indeedin English is
Grann like Γραια which means is after Old and not about women.

what is the matter with you, I don't recognise you.

the word for woman is γυνη zena woman etc

As for Girl I don't know, with which cοgnates,

I have no doubt about this. Let me take you by hand, to explain what generatedthe meaning of:

Γηρας = to become old

To explain thisto you, I will interpret the word γυνη=young women The truth is that only the syllable γυ is the ideophone representing thewoman in the """Greek"" language. The real meaning ofthe word derives from the Albanian word gji=breast. In total γυνη meansYOUNG WOMAN, because:
γυνη= γυ + νη
γυ-----> woman as a substance
νη----->(neo) new~young

Because of the age, an elder is not the same as a young person, he/she isphysically/mentally worn off and this is being expresed by the ideophone-syllable
ra=wear off,deteriorate

fig. Humb vlerat a cilësitë e mira; më keqësohet gjendja; ulem ngaana morale, marr të tatëpjetën.
Ra nga mjeshtëria (nga zanati). Ka rënë në mësime. Bie nga shëndeti. Ra nga gjendja. Ra në sytë e të tjerëve. Ra moralisht (shpirtërisht). Ka rënë, s'është më i pari. Sa poshtë ka rënë

The result is a word composed by two ideophones:
which in Albanian after a metathesis γυ>-<ρα
becomes γρυα=grua
and obviously in the first empirical language of the Christians which we callGreek, becomes

Of course, after "elaborating" the First Christian Language tothe many geographical versions, like the English the word might be lost on the wayand it will preserve only remote meanings like grann.
alllow me to take you another simmilar journey,

Γυνη is simmilar to γονος simmilar to Γεννω. so it is after the meaning of birth
Γραια with Γηρας simmilar granny means to become old, many ages, elder
no connection among Γυνη and Γηρας,

maybe, I say maybe cause only a good linguist can tell us surely Girl cognates with Κορη and Gra,
I repeat maybe, a good linguist can tell us so,

But Γυνη, woman seems to be connected with satem form Zena, and surely comes from same PIE word
alllow me to take youanother simmilar journey,

Γυνη is simmilar to γονος simmilar to Γεννω. so it isafter the meaning of birth

The only difference is that :

Γυνη=Γυ + νη new(young) women(Gji=breast)


γονος=γο+νος= something new=genesis(beginning)

be+ ge +new

ge survives only in Albanian:

English (3 entries.)-------------Shqip (3 hyrje.)
thing-----------------------------gjë {f} (tsh gjëja) (sh gjëra)
thing-----------------------------send {m} (sh sende)

Γεννω= Γεν(genus)+νω(neo)= newrace=newborn

Γραια with Γηρας simmilar granny means to become old, manyages, elder
no connection among Γυνη and Γηρας,

maybe, I say maybe cause only a good linguist can tell us surely Girl cognateswith Κορη and Gra,
I repeat maybe, a good linguist can tell us so,

But Γυνη, woman seems to be connected with satem form Zena, and surely comesfrom same PIE word

When it comes to the old ρα is the ideophone representing the semanticsof deterioration/worning off/becoming old . So

Γη+ρας= something ra(old, worn off, deteriorated)


Now I will let you wandering to find a good linguist, who will repeat the tale of the PIE senseless roots.
alllow me to take you another simmilar journey,

Γυνη is simmilar to γονος simmilar to Γεννω. so it is after the meaning of birth
Γραια with Γηρας simmilar granny means to become old, many ages, elder
no connection among Γυνη and Γηρας,

maybe, I say maybe cause only a good linguist can tell us surely Girl cognates with Κορη and Gra,
I repeat maybe, a good linguist can tell us so,

But Γυνη, woman seems to be connected with satem form Zena, and surely comes from same PIE word
Sorry for the formatting, I don't have a keyboard with a Greek letters layout.
"Gyne" has the same PIE origin as "zonjë"
"Gra" and the "old women" are related to each other but not to "girl"
I don't know how "grann" became part of the conversation because it's a loan word.

@Bodric: Funny, that you mentioned it http://bit.ly//12FhMXM I could recognize 13/400 of them. By recognize I mean I count all, whthere they were food names that couldn't be called otherwise, terms that were aslo in English, and terms that are learned in school as once of Ottoman origin, but are not in use anymore. So much for "en majoris"

The only difference is that :

Γυνη=Γυ + νη new(young) women(Gji=breast)


γονος=γο+νος= something new=genesis(beginning)

be+ ge +new

ge survives only in Albanian:

English (3 entries.)-------------Shqip (3 hyrje.)
thing-----------------------------gjë {f} (tsh gjëja) (sh gjëra)
thing-----------------------------send {m} (sh sende)

Γεννω= Γεν(genus)+νω(neo)= newrace=newborn

When it comes to the old ρα is the ideophone representing the semanticsof deterioration/worning off/becoming old . So

Γη+ρας= something ra(old, worn off, deteriorated)


Now I will let you wandering to find a good linguist, who will repeat the tale of the PIE senseless roots.

I don't Think it works that way,

for 2 reasons

Γυνη woman Zena Zonje all seem to be same root. a possible PIE word.

at least in Greek all seem to be connected
Γονευς Γονεας Parent
Γονος seed - son or daughter
Γυνη woman
Γενεσις birth
Γενος genus
all are connected around vird γεννω (I bear )

on the other hand if I follow your thesis about composite word like
Γηρας = Γη + ρας
Γυνη = Γη+ νεος

then probably the same will be
in female words like βυνη γηινη πηλινη Ισμηνη Αλκμηνη etc

or with neutral ending -ρας
like κερας περας Δερας etc

if I follow your example then

Κερας (horn) Ke + ra if I use end -νη then I have
κενη κενον (empty) what connection has empty with Horn?

Περας (end) πε+ρα
if I use the -νη as young then
πενης (Poor)

and all are

Kερας κερατος
Περας περατος
Γηρας Γηρατος
Δερας Δερατος
means normal grammar rules.

so I think the connection of Γαια-γη with New-νη and Ra-ρα as Old to form Γυνη and Γηρας is wrong,

so we go back to
Γυνη woman Zena Zonje simmilarity.
@ Zemra

I do agree with that, seems to be after a very ancient IE common word
Gyne Zonje Zena woman seems to be very relative among them
I don't Think it works that way,

for 2 reasons

Γυνη woman Zena Zonje all seem to be same root. a possible PIE word.

Yes if we go back to the empiricism.

at least in Greek all seem to be connected
Γονευς Γονεας Parent
Γονος seed - son or daughter
Γυνη woman
Γενεσις birth
Γενος genus
all are connected around vird γεννω (I bear ).

Yes, all this words are related but Γυνη. It's lexicon of the same language afterall.

on the other hand if I follow your thesis about composite word like
Γηρας = Γη + ρας
Γυνη = Γη+ νεος

then probably the same will be
in female words like βυνη γηινη πηλινη Ισμηνη Αλκμηνη etc

or with neutral ending -ρας
like κερας περας Δερας etc

if I follow your example then

Κερας (horn) Ke + ra if I use end -νη then I have
κενη κενον (empty) what connection has empty with Horn?

Περας (end) πε+ρα
if I use the -νη as young then
πενης (Poor)

and all are

Kερας κερατος
Περας περατος
Γηρας Γηρατος
Δερας Δερατος
means normal grammar rules.

so I think the connection of Γαια-γη with New-νη and Ra-ρα as Old to formΓυνη and Γηρας is wrong,

so we go back to
Γυνη woman Zena Zonje simmilarity

You cannot apply the same method randomly. By the way the word Kερας has aclear Albanian meaning:

Kερας= Kε+ ρα + ς(suffix)

qe--->that, which, in order to
(me) ra---> (to) hit

Don’t forget certain ideophones syllables carry a largeamount of meanings and they not necessarily will give the same result combinedin different words.
Περας (end) πε+ρα
if I use the -νη as young then
πενης (Poor)

The principal meaning of the word πενης is : a laborer, one who works forhis living.

This word derives from the Albanian word : punoj= work(verb)
punë= πονος(noun) . It's obsolete in the Modern Greek

English (6 entries.)----------- Shqip (6 hyrje.)
work (v)-----------punoj (fprr punova, punuar)
work (n)-----------punë {f}

The second meaning is poor because back in time the one who works is the poorest(usually a slave).

Yes if we go back to the empiricism.

Yes, all this words are related but Γυνη. It's lexicon of the same language afterall.

You cannot apply the same method randomly. By the way the word Kερας has aclear Albanian meaning:

Kερας= Kε+ ρα + ς(suffix)

qe--->that, which, in order to
(me) ra---> (to) hit

Don’t forget certain ideophones syllables carry a largeamount of meanings and they not necessarily will give the same result combinedin different words.

I think you are mixing again emotions nationalism and linguistic science

Κερας has same root with Germanic Horn Latin Corne,

so how come in Γηρας the -ra means old
and in κερας the -ra means to hit,

I think you are confusing things just to create impressions.

The principal meaning of the word πενης is : a laborer, one who works forhis living.

This word derives from the Albanian word : punoj= work(verb)
punë= πονος(noun) . It's obsolete in the Modern Greek

English (6 entries.)----------- Shqip (6 hyrje.)
work (v)-----------punoj (fprr punova, punuar)
work (n)-----------punë {f}

The second meaning is poor because back in time the one who works is the poorest(usually a slave).

What connection has Αλγος with πενητας and πονος?
the word Πονος has a meaning of a heavy work and exausted, or muscle burn like καταπονησις εκπονησις, επιπονος Πονηρος
how sure you are it is Albanian and not a Loan?
Πονηρος is a tottaly Greek work. (Αλωπηξ πονηρα)
the word Πενης Penis has connection with poverty general but not exausted or doomed like Ταλας and surely not with Latin Penis

you started again to think and post crup.
Go in an Albanian blog and tell them your Albano-centric Ideas and share them with Stupid Nationalists, cause a normal nationalist has brain and Honor, and will laugh with imagianary explanations, which you are' certain' and 'scientific'. :LOL:

I wonder where did you study? and what did you study?

so Latin Cornus Germanic Horn Greek Keras is from a composite Albanian word which is not in use in Albanian language (bri) ?


Cornea in the eyes is after Albanian Ke+RA = to hit someone?
to hit the eye? to hit with the eye cornea?

tell me, when you want to punch someone, do you use your eye CORNEA as weapon? :petrified: :petrified:

again you give imaginary explanations, not to be take serious, your Albano-Centric mania has blinded you to a danger degree,
I think your own people must handle you so not to expose them with imagianry stupid crup.

Just think what explanations you give,in few hours, and what funny results gives your methods,
I should gather them all and make a movie.

Sorry, if you don't respect your shelf, don't respect the readers, at least respect the rest Albanians in the forum,
as Hyper-nationalist you are.
Ithink you are mixing again emotions nationalism and linguistic science.

No I am not.

Κερας has same root with Germanic Horn Latin Corne,

That's correct, and this means that all of them are variation of the same generic expression and this is the reason they all carry the cluster rn, aproduct of the reduction of ran(to fall, to hit) like in Κεραυνός (thunderbolt,lightning) meaning qe ran=that falls, that hits. That's why all"Greek" words carry the syllable ra:


so how come in Γηρας the -ra means old
and in κερας the -ra means to hit,

I told you one paragraph above:

Don’tforget certain ideophones syllables carry a large amount of meanings and theynot necessarily will give the same result combined in different words.

I think you are confusing things just tocreate impressions.

I think you sound sad instead of impressed.
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Sorry, if you don't respect your shelf, don't respect the readers, at least respect the rest Albanians in the forum,
as Hyper-nationalist you are.

I try to respect my shelf, for the large quantities of books that it holds.
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I try to respect my shelf, for the large quantities of books it holds on.

You Have big imagination

Αστραπη is after Αστηρ

if it is like you said? go ask your shelf why Horn has not ra,

you think you are spo smart that Greek Latin Germanic use a composite word that does not exist in Albanian Language?

are you so ...

Lets see how many -ras

Περας etc

Φθειρα etc

αηρ (αερος)
κτητωρ etc

have special meaning in Albanian and are composite words?

is that what Albanian universities teach? or you say so ?

what are smoking?

Περας (End) also has -ra means what run-drop to to PE? or to hit with PE
Δερας (fleece) also has -ra means what Fleece olympic games run 100 m? or fleece drop from DE? or hit the DE, or hit with De
Τερας (monster) -ra here what? drop? run? getting old?
Γηρας? (to become elder) means what? Το drop to ground? or to hit with the planet?

and what about female form
Φθειρα (flice) to drop or to hit?

Before you continue. I know the words you try to focus and belive me exist still from Homer to modern Greek (κατω+αρα)
but has nothing to due
It is like telling us that curse and Horn have same root? (ara Kera)
or you do say so?

your imagination is so big that Arbanitika Φαρα-Fara (wider familly, relatives) means to hit the Fa or to drop the fa? or cursed Fa? IF I follow your analysis

accept it, -ras is a common word ending, and is not connected with Greek-Homeric Αρα or virb Δειρω-δερνω (Albanian ra?)

I do wonder curse in Albanian is Ra?
or beat-hit is Ra?

if that -ra was imported or loan shpouldit follow regular rules?
but all in -ra in Greek are regular -normal except if you to tell me that Albanian 'ra'? cognates with Greek Aranοr Δειρω.
no reason to express yourself in such low manner, "stupid"? anyone can say anything they want, many scientific hypothesis make no sense to me either as an Albanian, because most of the linguists that wrote about greek and latin considering them as the oldest knew nothing about Albanian language, they did not speak the language, forget about considering it in anyway, Albanian, we know very well coexisted with those other languages. i understand this Albanian nationalism, when many here seem to make no sense, when u have a greek saying that everything belongs to greek language with "NOS" and "DOS", and the latin when everything is "UM, UN". how could these languages be developed naturally and getting these same suffixes in every word, this logically makes no sense. and since Albanian language codeveloped with these other languages, and since present Albanian traditional music, costumes, dances are the richest in europe, then why wouldn't anything make sense. when i see comparison of some linguists if the name of the gods with greek or some other language are really ridiculous, when in Albanian make perfect sense then why not argue about it, and this not for any nationalistic reason just for the sake of the truth and reality, trying to expend borders of knowledge for those who thought that they already set.
you seem to be quite a joker, but check in any source if HOMER makes sense in greek in anyway, and check what were the hypothesis
you talk with such certainty, what makes you believe that Albanians are not the Illyrians? ur greek nationalism?, and some mythological names that u use as proves, well guess what u are not convincing me!

DI and YLL are the two beautiful Albanian words that can decode the ancient "greek" Gods, as well as the relationship between the illyrians and the Albanians. honestly i don't know how you dare and ignore the fact that we were there, and we never moved from there, we were just called slightly different names


who is talking, am sorry to say it but, i read a lot of your comments and all of them have something greek nationalistic on them, really very biased, and a lot of them untrue, made up by you.
now if you are viewed as such, then what would you have to say for the others?
curse in Albanian is NEM

but we say T'RAFT e.g. PIKA= literal translation. POINT FALLS UPON YOU (it can't be adopted in english)

or SHA = is cursing someone e.g. ****....ass whole etc.
so there two different kind of curses in Albanian.

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